The former Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) reviewed and rationalised numerous federal and state awards to create a system of modern awards. The 2008 Award Modernisation materials include decisions, statements, submissions, correspondence, exposure drafts, and research schedules. For further information visit the Award modernisation process 2008 on the Fair Work Commission website.

AIRC 2008 Award Modernisation




Can't find what you are looking for?

Is a document missing?

If there is a document that was on the AIRC website that you are not able to find, please provide us the details in our Document Request Form and we will email it to you.

Hyperlinks in document no longer working

Some of our older documents contain hyperlinks that no longer work.

To access documents that were part of the AIRC 2008-2009 award modernisation process, you can search for the titles of those documents and apply filters to refine your search. You can also use our Award Document Search and search by award code to find the relevant award.

If trying to access a hyperlink that linked to an exhibit, instead you can select ‘Exhibits’ in the ‘Document type’ filter and search for the exhibit name (e.g. "Stage2FB16".)

If trying to access a hyperlink in a research schedule that linked to a clause of an award, use our Award Document Search and search by award code (e.g. AP790741CRV) to find the relevant award. You can then navigate to the relevant clause.

Looking for more information?

Visit the Award modernisation process 2008 page our website for more information about the AIRC award modernisation process, the stages of the process and information about research conducted by the AIRC staff.
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Helpful hints for Document Search

Search terms and suggestions

When you enter a search term, Document Search will search within the text of all the documents in our library, not just the title of the documents. The search text box will suggest search terms as you type. The suggestions are based on words that can be found in all of the documents.

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

For example: marine tourism~1 AND charter vessels~1 AND schedule NOT "stage 3" - should return documents that mention marine tourism, charter vessels and schedules, without including documents that mention stage 3 of the review. 

You can also combine your search with filters and sorting to get more specific.

For example: Searching for "Household income" and filtering by the "Submission" Document type and sorting from Newest to Oldest will give you a chronological list of all the Submissions that contain the exact phrase Household income. 

Helpful hints for Document Search

Search terms and suggestions

When you enter a search term, Document Search will search within the text of all the documents in our library, not just the title of the documents. The search text box will suggest search terms as you type. The suggestions are based on words that can be found in all of the documents.

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

For example: marine tourism~1 AND charter vessels~1 AND schedule NOT "stage 3" - should return documents that mention marine tourism, charter vessels and schedules, without including documents that mention stage 3 of the review. 

You can also combine your search with filters and sorting to get more specific.

For example: Searching for "Household income" and filtering by the "Submission" Document type and sorting from Newest to Oldest will give you a chronological list of all the Submissions that contain the exact phrase Household income. 

Selected filters

You can select more than one filter option at a time. If you select more than one filter, it will only show results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter option.

For example, if you select both the “Correspondence” Document type filter and the “AIRC” Organisation filter, the results will only be those tagged as both Correspondence and AIRC, rather than all the documents tagged as either Correspondence or AIRC.

Selected filters

You can select more than one filter option at a time. If you select more than one filter, it will only show results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter option.

For example, if you select both the “Correspondence” Document type filter and the “AIRC” Organisation filter, the results will only be those tagged as both Correspondence and AIRC, rather than all the documents tagged as either Correspondence or AIRC.

Document type

This allows you to filter by the type of document you are looking for.

Correspondence sent from parties and/or the AIRC in the course of the Full Bench proceedings.

Decisions and Statements issued by Members of the AIRC.

Draft awards provided by parties as part of the Full Bench proceedings. You can combine this with the ‘organisation’ filter to find draft awards submitted from particular parties.

Exhibits submitted as evidence by parties in the Full Bench proceedings.

Exposure Drafts of awards that were issued by the AIRC to give parties an opportunity to comment on the proposed awards.

Modern awards created by the AIRC, and the orders that gave effect to them.

Notices of Listing of proceedings such as public consultations that took place during the Full Bench proceedings.

Submissions from the parties. You can combine this with the ‘organisation’ filter to find submissions from particular parties.

Transcripts of proceedings.


This allows you to filter by the industries or occupations that the document is related to.

For more information about the industries and occupations that were considered in the award modernisation process, see the Award modernisation process 2008 page.


This allows you to filter by the organisation that is the author of the document.

The organisation name will appear in the same format that they did on the previous AIRC website.

You can scroll through the list of organisations or type in the search bar labelled ‘search organisation’ to narrow the list of organisations based on the search term you enter.

For example, if you type in ‘Mari’ the Maritime Union of Australia will appear at the top of the list.


This allows you to filter by the stage of the award modernisation process the document was related to. The stages are:

For more information about the stages, see the Award modernisation process 2008 page.


This allows you to filter by the industries or occupations that the document is related to.

For more information about the industries and occupations that were considered in the award modernisation process, see the Award modernisation process 2008 page.