This is our Document search where you can find specific documents such as decisions, orders, awards and agreements. For general information and forms, please visit the Fair Work Commission website.

Document Search




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What documents are currently available?

Is a document missing?

Some materials may not yet be available, if there is a document missing, please provide us the details in our Document Request Form and we will email it to you.

What's new in Document Search?

We're continuing to make improvements to Document Search based on your feedback. You can provide feedback or view the most recent changes here.

Looking for more information?

For general information and forms, please visit the Fair Work Commission website.
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Can't find what you are looking for?

What documents are currently available?

Is a document missing?

Some materials may not yet be available, if there is a document missing, please provide us the details in our Document Request Form and we will email it to you.

Helpful hints for Document Search

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

For example: s.739 AND "Berri" Golden Cockerel~40 AND schedule AND ambig* NOT("variation" OR "217") - should return dispute decisions that consider Berri and Golden Cockerel, the use of schedules and ambiguity, without including decisions under s.217.

Helpful hints for Award Search

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

Helpful hints for Agreements Search

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

Helpful hints for Transcripts Search

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Filter - Date Range

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

Helpful hints for regulated labour hire arrangement orders

Search operators let you control and narrow down your search results.

Phrase Search - " "

Search Operator - AND

Search Operator - OR

Search Operator - NOT

Proximity Search - ~

Wildcard Search - *

By combining operators, you can hone in on the exact cases you want.

Selected filters

This is where your selected filters will appear. You can select more than one filter option at a time.

If you select more than one filter, your search will only include results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter options.

For example, if you select both the “s.394 (Unfair dismissal)” Case type filter and the “Full Bench” Bench type filter the search results will only be those tagged as both s.394 (Unfair dismissal) AND Full Bench, rather than all the documents tagged as either s.394 (Unfair dismissal) or Full Bench.

Selected filters

You can use these filters to refine your search results. You can select more than one filter option at a time.

If you select more than one filter from different filter types, your search will only include results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter options.

For example, if you select both the “Educational services” Industry filter as well as “Current” in the Award status, the results will only be those tagged as both Educational services and Current, rather than all the documents tagged as either Educational services or Current.

If you select more than one filter from the same filter type, it will show all results that are tagged with either of the selected filters.

For example, if you select both “Pre reform Award” and “Transitional Award” from the Award type filter, it will show all results that are tagged with either “Pre reform Award” OR “Transitional Award”.

Selected filters

You can use these filters to refine your search results. You can select more than one filter option at a time.

If you select more than one filter from different filter types, your search will only include results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter options.

For example, if you select both the “Terminated” Agreement status and “Single-enterprise agreement” in the Agreement type filter, the results will only be those that are tagged as both Terminated and Single-enterprise agreement.

If you select more than one filter from the same filter type, it will show all results that are tagged with either of the selected filters.

For example, if you select both “Terminated” and “Quashed” from the Agreement status filter, it will show all results that are tagged with either “Terminated” OR “Quashed”.

Selected filters

You can use these filters to refine your search results. You can select more than one filter option at a time.

If you select more than one filter from different filter types, your search will only include results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter options.

For example, if you select both the “s.604 - appeal of decisions” Case type filter and “Justice Ross” in the Members & delegates filter, the Document Search will only show results that are tagged as both s.604 - appeal of decisions and Justice Ross.

If you select more than one filter from the same filter type, it will show all results that are tagged with either of the selected filters.

For example, if you select both “Commissioner Bissett” and “Commissioner Lee” from the Members & delegates filter, it will show all results that are tagged with either “Commissioner Bissett” OR “Commissioner Lee”.

Selected filters

This where your selected filters will appear. You can select more than one filter option at a time.

If you select more than one filter from different filter types, your search will only include results that are tagged with all the selected filters, rather than results that have either of the selected filter options.

For example, if you select both the “current” Order status filter and the “Mining industry” Industry filter the search results will only be those tagged as both current AND mining industry, rather than all the documents tagged as either current or mining industry.

Documents currently available on our website



Enterprise agreements


Regulated labour hire arrangement orders

Major cases

Recent changes to Document Search

We're continuing to make improvements to Document Search based on your feedback. If you'd like to provide feedback, you can email it to .

Enterprise agreements

  • A tag has been introduced for agreement statuses such as ‘ceased to operate – pre2010 agreement’, ‘extended’ and ‘pending extension’.
  • Additional tagging has also been added to identify the version of the agreement.
  • Filter tips are now included to help explain each search filter.

Decisions and Orders

  • Added links to cited FWC decisions when viewing a document in the Decisions and Orders category.
  • The cited links can be found underneath the document viewing pane with the heading ‘cases cited by this decision’.
  • At the moment, these links appear for FWC decisions that have been cited in the document and not for decisions or orders made by another court or tribunal.
  • In addition, upgrades were applied to ‘Member & Delegates’ and ‘Bench Type’ tags to improve search results.

AIRC Award modernisation

  • The former Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) reviewed and rationalised numerous federal and state awards to create a system of modern awards. The 2008 Award Modernisation materials are now available on Document Search.
  • The materials include decisions, statements, submissions, correspondence, exposure drafts, and research schedules. 

Approval date

This is the date the agreement was approved. Some of our older agreements do not have data about the approval date. If you cannot find the agreement you are looking for, please try the ‘agreement type’ filter instead.

Nominal expiry date

This is the date the agreement is said to expire. Some agreements continue to operate after their nominal expiry date. Some of our older agreements do not have data about the nominal expiry date. If you cannot find the agreement you are looking for, please try the ‘agreement type’ filter instead.

Agreement Status


Ceased to operate – pre-2010 agreement

Pending extension


Other statuses

Agreement Type

Single-enterprise Agreement: An agreement made by an employer or two or more employers that are single interest employers.

Certified Agreement (Single Business): the Australian Industrial Relations Commission certified these until 2006. The Workplace Authority changed or extended these up to 31 December 2009.

Collective Agreement: the Workplace Authority approved these until 2009.

Greenfields Agreement: An agreement for a genuine new enterprise that is new or about to start up and where the employer(s) have not yet hired the people who will work under the agreement.

Multi-enterprise Agreement: An agreement made by two or more employers that are not single interest employers.

Pre-Work Choices Agreement: agreements approved by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission prior to the commencement of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005.

Preserved State Agreement: state awards that became federal agreements under the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005.

Workplace Determination: A workplace determination is similar to an enterprise agreement, but the terms and conditions have been determined by the Fair Work Commission.

Work Choices Agreement: agreements that were approved by the Workplace Authority.

Order status

