MA000002  PR720638


Fair Work Act 2009
s.157—FWC may vary etc. modern awards if necessary to achieve modern awards objective

Australian Industry Group, The; Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Clerical industry



Section 157(3) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) – additional measures during COVID-19 pandemic – Schedule X—Additional measures during the COVID-19 pandemic – period of operation expires on 30 June 2020 – Clerks—Private Sector Award 2020 – variation of Schedule I.

A. Further to the decision issued in transcript by the Full Bench on 30 June 2020, the above award is varied as follows:

1. By deleting the words “until 30 June 2020” in clause I.1.1 in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic and inserting the words “until 30 September 2020”.

2. By inserting a new clause I.1.2 in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic as follows:

I.1.2 Any direction or request given by an employer under Schedule I must be given in writing and does not apply to the employee if the direction is unreasonable in all of the circumstances.

3. By inserting a new clause I.1.3 in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic as follows:

I.1.3 Any direction or request given by an employer under Schedule I or any agreement made pursuant to clause I.2.1, from 1 July 2020, is not valid unless the employee is advised in writing that the employer consents to a dispute about the direction, request or agreement being settled by the Fair Work Commission through arbitration in accordance with clause 40.5— Dispute Resolution and section 739(4) of the Act.

4. By deleting clauses I.2.1—Operational flexibility, clause I.2.2—Part-time employees working from home and clause I.2.3—Casual employees working from home in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

5. By renumbering clause I.2.4—Ordinary hours of work for employees working from home as clause I.2.1 in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

6. By deleting the word “11.00 pm” in clause I.2.1(a) and replacing it with the word “10.00 pm” in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

7. By deleting the cross reference “I.2.5(e)” appearing in clause I.2.1(c) and inserting “I.2.1(a)” in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

8. By renumbering clause I.2.5—Agreed temporary reduction in ordinary hours as clause I.2.2 in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

9. By inserting new clauses I.2.2(i) to (k) in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic as follows:

10. By deleting clause I.2.6—Annual leave in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic and inserting a new clause I.2.3 as follows:

I.2.3 Annual leave

11. By deleting clause I.2.7—Close down in in Schedule I—Award Flexibility During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

12. By updating the cross-references accordingly.

B. This determination comes into operation on 1 July 2020. In accordance with s.165(3) of the Fair Work Act 2009 this determination does not take effect in relation to a particular employee until the start of the employee’s first full pay period that starts on or after 1 July 2020.


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