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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


8.1 The conditions of employment to apply to employees covered by this Part shall not be less favourable than those prescribed under Part I.

8.2 However, where it has been the custom to do so and the employer and employee agree, time off with pay may be taken in lieu of payment for overtime work, shift work or work on Sundays or holidays.

8.3 With in one month of commencement of employment as a trainer/supervisor/coordinator level 1 or 2 under this Part, the employer shall provide to an employee who requests it, details of classification, details of total remuneration and whether or not and over what period of time it includes any element compensating him/her in whole or in part for overtime work, shift work, or Sundays or Holidays. Further upon request the employer shall advise an employee of other Details of the conditions of employment applicable to him/her.

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