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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


The following employers are not bound by Part II:

AUSN (Australia) Pty Ltd.
Advanx Tyre and Rubber Co Pty Ltd.
Arnott Pty Ltd, Wm.
Australian Blue Metal Limited.
Australian Consolidated Press Ltd.
Australian Glass Manufacturers Co Pty Ltd.
Bayley, J, and Sons Ltd.
Beale Pianos Pty Ltd.
Berger and Sons (NSW) Pty Ltd, Lews
Bradford Cotton Mills Ltd.
Bulli Tile and Brick Pty Ltd.
Burns Philp & Co Ltd.
CSR Chemicals Pty Ltd.
Commonwealth Ceramics Pty Ltd.
Compressed Yeast Co (NSW) Pty Ltd.
Crown Crystal Glass Pty Ltd.
Dairy Farmers Co-operative Milk Co Ltd.
Davis Gelatine (Aust) Pty Ltd.
Dickson and Co, C R.A
Dunkerley Hat Mills Ltd.
Dunlop Rubber (Aust) Ltd.
E P M Concrete (NSW) Pty Ltd.
Fairfax and Sone Pty Ltd, John.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (Aust) Ltd.
Harbour Lighterage Ltd.
Hardie Rubber Co Ltd.
Howard Smith Ltd.
Hygienic Containers Pty Ltd.
Jones and Co (Sydney) Pty Ltd.
Merck, Sharp and Dohme (Aust) Pty Ltd.
Methven and Sons Pty Ltd, P.
Nairn and Co (Aust) Pty Ltd, Michael.
Nestles Food Specialities (Aust) Ltd.
Norco Co-operative Ltd.
Peek Frean (Aust) Pty Ltd.
Pick-Me-Up food Products Ltd.
Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Co Ltd.
Reckitt and Colman Pty Ltd.
Reed Paper Products Pty Ltd.
Saville Hosiery Mills Pty Ltd.
Scruttons (Sydney) Pty Ltd.
South Maitland Railways Pty Ltd.
Sydney Harbour Ferries Pty Ltd.
Television Corporation Ltd.
Unilever Australia Pty Ltd.
Union Carbide Australia Ltd, Chemical Division.
Union Steamship Co of NZ Ltd.
Villawood Textile Co.
Whiddon Pty Ltd.
Wiggins Teape Shoalhaven Pty Ltd.
Wimble and Co Ltd, FT.
Wrigley and Co Pty Ltd, The.

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