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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


2.1 The industries and callings in respect of which this Part III applies, shall be engine driving in all its branches.

2.1.1 This Part shall apply in the states of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

2.2 This Part of the award is binding upon:

2.2.1 Other than in Queensland:

2.2.1(a) The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and its members;

2.2.1(b) The employer organisations and their members as set out in 1.7.1(b) of Part I

2.2.1(c) John Beever (Aust) Pty Ltd at 78 Berkshire Road, North Sunshine, Vic, 3020.

2.2.2 In Queensland:

2.2.2(a) Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia (MTIA) and its members.

2.2.2(b) The organisation of employees listed in 2.2.1(a) and its members.

2.3 Subject to the exemptions and exceptions prescribed in clause 2.4 of this Part, Part III applies to all employees who are eligible to be members of the organisation listed in 2.2.1 of Part III who are engaged in any of the classifications, occupations, industries or calling specified in this Part and who are employed by employers bound by Part III.

2.4 Exemptions From this Part

Part III does not apply to:

2.4.1 The driving of any internal combustion engine of 22 kW or less brake power or any engine or electric motor or any pump or any compressor on which no engine driver or fireperson or greaser is employed as such, but the starting and stopping of and attention to which is done by an employee the greater part of whose time is taken up with work other than work of an engine driver and/or fireperson and/or greaser; or

2.4.2 The operation of pneumatic and small hoists and two motion electric manpower cranes; or

2.4.3 The employers and/or industries referred to in clause 12 save to the extent prescribed therein.

2.4.4 The provisions of clause 7.0 of Schedule C in Part I of this Award shall take precedence over the equivalent clauses in this Part to Dow Chemical (Australia) Ltd and their employees employed at the plants at Altona, Victoria.

2.4.5 The parties set out in Schedule B to Part I.

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