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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


5.1 The following provisions of Part I apply to employees covered under Part III:

1.3 Anti-discrimination
Schedule C, 7.0-Altona, Victoria

5.2 The following definitions apply to Part III:

5.2.1 Boiler Attendant or Fireperson - First Class means a Boiler Attendant or Fireperson who attend to two or more boilers or two or more suction gas generators, or one boiler the evaporation capacity of which attributed thereto by the maker exceeds 5000kg but less than 45000kg of steam per hour, or one gas generator supplying a total engine load capacity attributed thereto by the maker of not less than 740kW.

5.2.2 Electric Motor Attendant means a person who attends to an electric motor or motors of 22kW or more in the aggregate, and performs any duties of oiling or cleaning or attending to commutators, brushes, fuses or switches.

5.2.3 Engine Driver means any person who operates or drives any engine or engines, the motive power of which is either steam, gas, oil, water, compressed air or electricity, and includes any person who is called upon in the ordinary course of his or her duty to do Engine Driver's work other than simply stopping or starting an engine under the supervision of an Engine Driver.

5.2.4 Engine Driver in charge of plant means:

(a) when two or more drivers are employed at the plant at one time: the Engine Driver who is invested with the superintendence and responsibility or who has to accept the superintendence and responsibility;

(b) an Engine Driver who is invested with the superintendence and responsibility or who has to accept the superintendence and responsibility over one or more non-certified Firepersons; or

(c) a person is the only Engine Driver employed on the plant and who does the general repair work of the plant in addition to the work of engine driving other than merely assisting a Fitter or Engineer to do such work; or;

(d) where shifts are worked the Engine Drive who in addition to the work of engine driving is directed to carry out the general repair work of the plant other than merely assisting a Fitter or Engineer to do such work.

5.2.5 Fireperson or Grease in charge of plant means a Fireperson or Greaser who is the only Fireperson or greaser employed on the plant and who does the general repair work of the plant in addition tot he work of firing or greasing; but not when assisting a Fitter, Engine Driver or Engineer to do such work or a Grease assisting a Fireperson to do such work.

5.2.6 Greaser or Oiler shall mean and include any person substantially engaged in greasing or oiling any engine, machinery or shafting.

5.2.7 Greaser or Oiler - First Class means a Grease or Oiler who under the supervision of an Engine Driver stops or starts an engine or engines, but does not include any Grease or Oiler who dies so only in cases of necessity or emergency.

5.2.8 Leading Boiler or Attendant or Fireperson - First Class means:

(a) the Boiler Attendant or Fireperson employed at a plant where three or more Firepersons are employed at the same time who is invested with the superintendence and responsibility or who has to accept the superintendence and responsibility but does not include any Boiler Attendant or Fireperson where an Engine Driver is charged with being in charge of plant in accordance with 2.4.2 hereof;

(b) the Boiler Attendant or Fireperson employed at a plant where three or more attendants or Firepersons are employed at the same time whose duty is to attend to the water of the boilers that are fitted by two or more of the other Boiler Attendants or Firepersons.

5.2.9 Leading Boiler Attendant or Fireperson - Second Class means:

(a) the Boiler Attendant or Fireperson employed at a plant where two Boiler Attendants or Firepersons are employed at the same time who is invested with the superintendence or has to accept the superintendence or responsibility but does not include any Boiler Attendant or Fireperson where an Engine Driver is charged with being in charge of the plant in accordance with 2.4.2 hereof;

(b) the Boiler Attendant or Fireperson employed at a plant where two Boiler Attendants or Firepersons are employed at the same time and whose duty it is to attend to the water of the boilers that are fired by the other Fireperson.

5.2.10 Special Class Boiler Attendant or Fireperson means a Boiler Attendant or Fireperson in charge of boilers with an evaporation capacity of 45000kg or more per hour.

5.2.11 Steam engine - first class means a turbine or an engine or engines having a single cylinder with a bore of 300mm in diameter or over, or having singly or together tow or more cylinders the sum of the area of whose bores equals or exceeds the area of a circle 300mm in diameter.

5.2.12 Steam engine - second class means an engine or engines having a single cylinder with a bore less than 300mm in diameter or having singly or together two or more cylinders the sum of the area of whose bores is less than the area of a circle 300mm in diameter.

5.2.13 MERSITAB - is the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Industry Training Advisory Body.

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