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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


[Pt III:9.1 varied by R7069 ppc 01Jun99; T3343 from 31Oct00]

9.1 The following provisions of Part I apply to employees covered under Part III:


Absorption of Safety Net Adjustments


Procedure for Classifying Employees [except 5.1.3(d)(ii) and 5.1.3(g)]


Mixed Functions




Unapprenticed Junior Rates of Pay


Trainee Rates of Pay


Leading Hands


Cold Places


Wet Places


Dirty Work (except with respect to ship repair work)


Foundry Allowance


Extra Rates Not Cumulative


Payment of Wages

9.2 Classification of employees under this Part.

9.2.1 Employees are classified under this Part according to the following:

(a) If MERSITAB competency standards are available for the skills held and used by the employee then the provision of 5.1.3 of Part I apply with the exception of 5.1.3(d)(ii) and 5.1.3(g). The following provisions shall apply in place of these provisions in Part I.

(i) A Board of Reference shall be established from time to time for the purpose of resolving any disputes or difficulty or likely dispute or difficulty in relation to the implementation of competency standards either at the industry or enterprise level,

(ii) The Board shall be constituted by a Chairperson who shall be a member of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and at least four other members two of whom are nominated by the CFMEU and the other two nominated by the employer organisations respondent to this Part and representing the industrial interests of the employer.

(iii) In circumstances where the dispute or difficulty, or likely dispute or difficulty, affects the industrial interests of an organisation which is a party to this Part, the Chairperson shall take steps to:

(iv) Any person nominated by the CFMEU or employer organisation to sit on the Board of Reference shall be a person with organisation responsibilities associated with the implementation of the competency standards.

(v) Before proceedings commence, the Chairperson shall seek undertakings from the parties appearing before the Board that any decision, subject to the terms of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 shall be final.

(b) If MERSITAB competency standards do not exist for the skills held and used by the employee then the employee should be classified according to the following table and the definitions in 5.2 of this Part.




Stationary Engine Drivers


Steam Engine




Suction gas and other internal combustion engine:


Under 35kW brakepower



35kW brakepower or over




Electric Motor Attendants


On motors over 180kW power



On motors 70kW power up to 180kW power



On motors under 70kW




When an employee attends two or more motors the employee shall be paid at a rate calculated on the aggregate power of such motors.


Locomotive Engine Drivers




Winch Drivers




Crane Drivers


Lofty cranes



Cantilever cranes



Cranes transporting molten metal in foundries



Steam cranes



Grab cranes



Electrical cranes not elsewhere included:


Four motions and over



Overhead traverser with auxiliary hoist



Traverser with jib hoist



Two or three motions



Overhead traverser



Stationary jib



Stationary jib - hoist



Traverser jib



Hydraulic stationary jib cranes



Cranes and hoist not elsewhere included



String cranes - 5 tonnes or less (except in New South Wales)



Fork lifts



Mobile cranes - lifting capacity:


Not exceeding 20 tonnes



Over 20 tonnes and not exceeding 100 tonnes



Over 100 tonnes and not exceeding 180 tonnes



Over 180 tonnes and not exceeding 220 tonnes



Over 220 tonnes



Mobile hydraulic platforms




Traction Engine Drivers


Rail engine traction motors



Internal combustion traction motor



Tow motors




Boiler Attendants (Firepersons)


Boiler Attendant (Firepersons)



Boiler Attendant (Firepersons) - First Class



Leading Boiler Attendant or Fireperson - First Class



Leading Boiler Attendant or Fireperson - Second Class



Special Class Boiler Attendant or Fireperson



Locomotive Fireperson




Greasers, etc


Greaser or Oiler



Greaser or Oiler - First Class









Engine Cleaner



Boiler Cleaner




Mechanical Plant - Drivers or Operators


Group 1



Group 2



Group 3



Group 4



Group 5



Group 6



Index to Mechanical Plant

Group 1: Pneumatic tyred tractors not using operated attachments 35kW brake power and under.

Group 2: Pneumatic tyred tractors not using power operated attachments over 35kW brake power up to 70kW brake power. Crawler tractors not using power operated attachments up to 35kW brake power. Pneumatic tyred tractors using power operated attachments up to and including class 3. Crawler tractors using powered operated attachments up to and including class 2. Road roller, power vibrating under 4 tonnes. Road roller, powered under 8 tonnes. Second driver - Navy and dragline - or dredge - type excavation. Pile driving machine.

Group 3: Pneumatic tyred tractor not using power operated attachments over 70 and up to 110kW brake power. Pneumatic tyred tractor using power operated attachments over 35 and up to 70kW brake power. Crawler tractor using power operated attachments class 3 and 4. Road roller, powered 8 tonnes and over. Road roller, powered, vibrating 4 tonnes and over. Loaders up to and including 0.75 cubic metre.

Group 4: Pneumatic tyred tractor using power operated attachments over 70kW and up to 110kW brake power. Crawler tractor not using power operated attachments above class 5. Crawler tractor using power operated attachments class 5 and 6. Excavator up to and including 0.5 cubic metre capacity. Grader, power operated below 35kW brake power. Loaders, front-end or overhead 0.75 cubic metre up to and including 2.35 cubic metres. Scrapers, self powered under 10 cubic metres struck capacity.

Group 5: Pneumatic tyred tractor using power operated attachments in excess of 110kW brake power. Crawler tractor using power operated attachments Class 7 and 8. Excavator up to and including 0.5 cubic metre capacity. Grader, power operated below 35kW brake power. Loaders, front-end and overhead, over 2.25 cubic metres up to and including 4.5 cubic metre struck capacity. Scrapers, self powered over 10 cubic metres and up to and including 20 cubic metres struck capacity.

Group 6: Crawler tractor using power operated attachments class 9. Excavators, over 2.25 cubic metres, Grader, power operated over 70kW brake power. Loaders, front-end and overhead over 4.5 cubic metres capacity. Scrapers, self powered over 20 cubic metres struck capacity.

Note: Crawler tractors are classified in accordance with Australian Standard D4-1964 classification of crawler tractor by weight as follows:


Shipping weight pounds



Up to 3000



Over 3000 up to 6000



Over 6000 up to 10000



Over 10000 up to 15000



Over 15000 up to 25000



Over 25000 up to 40000



Over 40000 up to 60000



Over 60000 up to 80000



Over 80000

(metric edition of standard not yet available)

9.3 Adult Wage rates

9.3.1 An adult employee in a wage group specified in the table set out in 9.3.2 of this Part shall be paid at the respective weekly award rate per week assigned to that group in clause 5.1 of Part I of this Award.

9.3.2 The classification structure listed here shall be read in conjunction with the definitions set out in clause 5.2 of this Part. The relationship between the old classification and the new classification structure is set out in clause 9.2 pf this Part.

9.3.3 The wage groups applicable to this Part are set out in the table below:

Wage Group

Level C13

Level C12

Level C11

Level C10

Level C9

Level C8

Level C7

9.4 Allowances

[Pt III:9.4.1 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395 PR978751; PR983539 ppc 01Oct08]

9.4.1 An engine Driver or fireperson engaged as specified below shall be paid the following additional amounts per week:


attending to refrigerating compressors




attending to electric generator or dynamo exceeding 10kW capacity




in charge of plant (other than at Gordon Edgell Pty Ltd and International Canners Pty Ltd)




attending to switchboard where the generating capacity is 350kW or over


(e) provided that except as to dragline excavators and tractors these additional rates shall not be cumulative to the extent of increasing the minimum rate of an employee above the classification C10;

(f) and provided further that an Engine Driver attending a refrigeration compressor or compressors shall be paid a total minimum rate of not less than the undermentioned classifications:


where the capacity is 88kW or less



where the capacity is over 88kW


[Pt III:9.4.2 and 9.4.3 do not exist]

[Pt III:9.4.4 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395; PR978751 ppc 01Oct07]

9.4.4 Employees engaged on ship repairing shall be paid an additional amount of $10.00 per week.

[Pt III:9.4.5 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395; PR978751 ppc 01Oct07]

9.4.5 If a cleaner, greaser or oiler sometimes under the supervision of an engine driver stops or starts an engine he/she shall be paid an extra $25.65 per week.

9.4.6 Damage to clothing - Compensation to the extent of damage sustained shall be made where in the course of work clothing is damaged or destroyed by fire or molten metal or through the use of corrosive substances.

9.4.7 Protective Clothing - Where an employee is required to work in a place where in the absence of protective clothing or boots, his/her clothing or boots will become wet, the employer shall reimburse the employee for the cost of purchasing the waterproof clothing and boots that is required. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply where the waterproof clothing and boots required is paid for by the employer or where the employee is being paid the allowance prescribed in subclause 5.9.3(e) of Part I.

9.4.8 Travelling and Camping Allowances - Employees shall be allowed the same conditions as to fares, travelling time, travelling allowances, country work, camping allowances, as prescribed by award, determination of industrial agreement - Commonwealth or State - for the general body of employees of the industry in which they are employed.

9.5 Special Rates

9.5.1 In addition to the rates prescribed in clause 9.2 of Part III:

(a) Boiler Cleaning

[Pt III:9.5.1(a) varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395; PR978751 ppc 01Oct07]

Any persons engaged inside the gas or water space of any boiler, flue or economiser, in cleaning or scraping work shall, whilst so employed, be paid $1.42 per hour in addition to his/her ordinary or overtime rate of pay.

(b) Carbon Black Allowance

[Pt III:9.5.1(b) varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395; PR978751 ppc 01Oct07]

Fork lift drivers employed in the rubber industry engaged in handling and/or transporting carbon black (except when packed in sealed metal containers) shall be paid the sum of $5.72 per day.

(c) Gordon Edgell & International Canners Pty Ltd

[Pt III:9.5.1(c)(i) varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395; PR978751 ppc 01Oct07]

(i) In respect of employees of Gordon Edgell Pty Ltd, and of International Canners Pty Ltd, the provisions of subclause 5.9.3(c) of Part I shall not apply and in their place the following provisions shall apply in lieu thereof:

Cold Temperatures

Any employee required to work in cold temperatures shall be paid extra rates as follows whilst working in temperatures:

(1) Between minus 1 degrees Celsius and 7 degrees Celsius (inclusive) - 41 cents per hour.

(2) Between minus 2 degrees Celsius and minus 18 degrees Celsius (inclusive) - 62 cents per hour.

(3) Below minus 18 degrees Celsius - 69 cents per hour.

The appropriate extra hourly rate shall be paid for any hour or part of an hour during which the employee is working in the temperature ranges prescribed above, provided that if during any hour the employee works in more than such temperature range, he/she shall be entitled for that hour only, to the rate applicable for the lower or lowest temperature range in which he/she has worked.

(d) Australian Glass Manufacturers Co. Pty Ltd

[Pt III:9.5.1(d) varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395; PR978751 ppc 01Oct07]

(i) A disability rate of 81 cents per hour for a minimum of four hours per day shall be paid to fork lift drivers engaged in transporting of palletised soda ash with fork lift trucks.

(ii) A fork lift driver who is required as part of his normal duties, to handle glassware in the warehouse situated at 813 Dowling Street, Waterloo, New South Wales, to assemble and/or load onto vehicles goods ordered for delivery to customers in accordance with written instructions for more than wight hours in any week shall be paid an additional amount of $8.48 for that week.

(iii) Fork Truck Drivers regularly employed in the loading square at Australian Glass Manufacturers Company, 813 Dowling Street, Waterloo and required to load roll-on roll-off equipment or similar vehicles shall be paid the aforementioned allowance in accordance with clause (equiv - clause 20) of this Part.

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