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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


NSW Sugar Milling Co-operative Ltd - Harwood, Broadwater and Condong

1. In lieu of the wages and all purpose allowances prescribed by clauses 9.3 and 9.4 of this Part, an employee of NSW Sugar Milling Co-operative Ltd - Harwood, Broadwater and Condong in a classification hereunder shall be paid the wage hereinafter assigned the classification.

[Pt III:Sched A:1.1 substituted by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282; PR960259 ppc 05Jul05]


Wages per week



Boiler Station


Water tender


Assistant water tender (regularly required to relieve for short periods)





Power Feeding and Crushing Station


First driver


Second driver (working as a team, providing relief for each other as required)





Engineer’s mate


Mobile crane driver


[Pt III:Sched A:1.2 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395 PR978751; PR983539 ppc 01Oct08]

1.2 Employees who are required to perform work inside the door-line of a boiler shall be paid $1.37 per hour in addition to the ordinary or overtime rates of pay whilst they are so engaged.

1.3 An employee temporarily engaged on overtime work other than his/her usual work in respect of which no rate is awarded, shall be paid for the rate to which he/she would have been entitled if engaged on his/her usual work.

1.4 Slack Season

[Pt III:Sched A:1.4.1 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282; PR960259 ppc 05Jul05]

1.4.1 Employees who are employed in the above classifications in the crushing season, and who in the slack season are employed on other duties, shall be paid a minimum of $526.20 per week for their slack season work. By agreement, the above weekly rate is the rate for all other unspecified adult labour prescribed in the New South Wales Sugar Industry Interim Award 1992 [Print K4804[N0165]].

[Pt III:Sched A:1.4.2 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395 PR978751; PR983539 ppc 01Oct08]

1.4.2 In addition to the above minimum rate, a slack season allowance shall be paid for all purposes of wage calculation to employees who qualify either under paragraph (i) or (ii) set out hereunder:

(a) If the employee is employed during the crushing season on duties which require the holding of a steam engine driver's certificate of competency, first class, or a boiler attendant's certificate of competency, and such certificate is held:

Allowance $56.90 per week (10%)

(b) If the employee is employed during the crushing season on duties which require the holding of a stream engine driver's certificate of acceptance, second class, and such certificate is held:

Allowance $45.90 per week (8%)

1.5 Disability allowance

[Pt III:Sched A:1.5.1 varied by R7069 S7624 PR905131 PR919051 PR932779 PR948282 PR960259 PR975395 PR978751; PR983539 ppc 01Oct08]

1.5.1 In recognition of all disabilities associated with work at Harwood, Broadwater and Condong, employees shall be paid an allowance of 46 cents per hour for each hour worked.

1.5.2 An employee in receipt of the disability allowance shall not be entitled to any other special rates prescribed in clause 5.9.3 of this award.

1.5.3 The disability allowance shall not be paid to an employee in receipt of the allowance prescribed in this appendix for performing work inside the door-line of a boiler.

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