[2011] FWAFB 5230
[Note: a correction has been issued to this document - see 2011FWAFB5230_PR521402 signed 20 March 2012]

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Fair Work Act 2009
s.604—Appeal of decision

APS Group (Placements) Pty Ltd
Stephen O’Loughlin



Appeal - unfair dismissal - whether conduct breached the s.18C(1) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) or s.20C of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).


[1] This is an application pursuant to s.604 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) by APS Group (Placements) Pty Ltd (APS) for permission to appeal and, if permission is granted, an appeal against a decision 1 and order2 of Commissioner Cambridge granting the application for an unfair dismissal remedy made by the respondent to the appeal (employee).

[2] Section 400 of the FW Act provides that we must not grant permission to appeal against an unfair dismissal decision made under Part 3-2 of the FW Act unless we “consider that it is in the public interest to do so.” By virtue of s.604(2), we must grant permission to appeal if we are satisfied that it is in the public interest to do so. What will satisfy this public interest test was considered by a Full Bench in GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd v Colin Makin 3:

[3] If permission to appeal is granted the appeal proceeds as a rehearing albeit that the Full Bench is not permitted to exercise its powers under s.607(3) unless error is demonstrated. 4 Because the decision at first instance was a discretionary decision, the error that must be established is an error within the well known principles in House v The King5.


[4] APS is a labour hire company. The employee was working on a placement at the Eastern Creek warehouse of VersaCold, a logistics company specialising in the transport of frozen goods. One end of the warehouse is occupied by a very large freezer. The Commissioner summarised the facts giving rise the dismissal as follows:

[5] The Commissioner summarised APS’s case as follows:

[6] The Commissioner commenced his consideration of whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal with a discussion on the reason(s) for the dismissal:

[7] The Commissioner concluded that the reason for the dismissal relied upon by APS in its dismissal letter was not made out:

[8] Paragraphs [25] to [28] of the Commissioner’s reasons suggest that the Commissioner proceeded on the basis that whether the conduct of the employee involved a breach of the Racial Discrimination Act 1977 (Cth) (RD Act) turned on whether or not the employee “was acting with an intention to vilify Jews or any other race or creed of people”. As will become apparent, to this extent the decision of the Commissioner is affected by error.

[9] Significantly, however, the Commissioner was nevertheless satisfied that the conduct of the employee amounted to misconduct, observing:

Whether racial vilification established?

[10] Section 387(a) of the FW Act requires the tribunal to consider “whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal related to the person’s capacity or conduct (including its effect on the safety and welfare of other employees)”. In the letter of termination APS asserted that the respondent’s employment was terminated because of serious misconduct in the form of discrimination on the grounds of racial vilification.

[11] The primary issue raised by the grounds of appeal is whether the Commissioner erred in concluding that the conduct did not involve a breach of the RD Act and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977(NSW) (AD Act). On hearing of the appeal, counsel for the appellant confined his arguments to the RD Act.

Was there a breach of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)?

[12] The RD Act provides:

[13] There is no suggestion that any of the exemptions in s.18D applied in this case and that section has been set out as part of the context in which s.18C must be construed. Section 18E makes a person vicariously liable for the acts of their employees and agents. Section 18F provides for the concurrent operation of relevant State and Territory legislation.

Whether act done “otherwise than in private”?

[14] Plainly enough, the statutory prohibition in s.18C is designed not to apply to acts done “in private”. While s.18C(2) is constructed in such as way as to leave open the possibility that an act may be done “otherwise than in private” even though it does not come within any of the descriptions in s.18C(2)(a), (b) or (c), counsel for APS accepted, we think correctly, that s.18C(2), in combination with the definition of public place in s.18C(3), should be interpreted as a comprehensive specification of when an act is done “otherwise than in private” for the purposes of s.18C(1) the RD Act.

[15] Having regard to the object and purpose of the legislation, it is more than tolerably clear the definition of “public place” in s.18C(3) is intended to ensure that conduct in places like shopping centres, theatres, bars and the like are covered by the prohibition notwithstanding that they may be privately owned. In contending that the VersaCold warehouse was a “public place” within the meaning of s.18C(3), counsel for VersaCold relied on the fact that the VersaCold warehouse - and the freezer door on which the etching was made - was accessed by employees of VersaCold and APS, cleaning and other contractors and by existing customers of VersaCold.

[16] The word “public” in s.18C is not defined and has its ordinary meaning as a noun. It is relevantly defined in Macquarie Dictionary as:

[17] In our view, on the proper construction of s.18C(3), the “right” or “invitation” needs to be a right or invitation that exists in relation to persons by virtue only of their being members of the public or a subgroup of the public, not by virtue of some other status that they hold such as employee, contractor or existing customer.

[18] There is no suggestion in the evidence that members of the general public, or a subgroup of the general public, had access to the VersaCold warehouse as a matter of right or general invitation. In particular, there was no evidence of a standing invitation to existing customers or potential customers to enter the warehouse. We have considered whether the VersaCold warehouse would be considered a “public place” within the meaning of the definition in s.18C(3) on the basis that any member of the public might become a customer etc. of VersaCold and that VersaCold might permit - that is, grant an invitation to - any customer etc. to enter its warehouse. We do not think that such a construction should be placed on the definition in s.18C(3). This approach taken to its logical extreme would mean that all or virtually all privately owned premises will be a “public place” within the meaning of s.18C(3) because, generally speaking, the owner of privately owned premises has the right to invite any person to enter their premises. It seems to us that such a construction is not consistent with the evident purpose and object of s.18C and the RD Act as a whole. We are not persuaded on the evidence before the Commissioner that the VersaCold warehouse was a public place within the meaning of s.18C(3).

[19] Similarly, we have difficulty accepting, as a matter of the ordinary meaning of the language, that the etching on the VersaCold warehouse freezer door constituted “images or writing to be communicated to the public” within the meaning of s.18C(2)(a). Further, if the VersaCold warehouse is not a “public place” then, on the evidence before the Commissioner, there is no question of s.18C(2)(b) or (c) being satisfied.

[20] We recognise that there is scope for debate over the correctness of our approach to when an act is done “otherwise than in private” within the meaning of s.18C and, accordingly, we have considered whether the other requirements in s.18C have been made out.

Section 18C(1)(a)

[21] Section 18C(1)(a) sets up an objective test or standard. 6 As the test is objective, it is not necessary for a party contending for a breach (in this case APS) to prove that any person was actually offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated by the conduct in question. Evidence, for example, that a member of a particular racial group was offended by the conduct in question would be admissible on, but not determinative of, the issue of contravention7.

[22] In Jones v Toben 8 Branson J dealt with the requirement in s.18C(1)(a) as follows:

[23] In Jones v Toben Branson J was concerned with whether the publication of material on a website accessible to the public at large involved a breach of s.18C of the RD Act. The material in question was found to give rise to the following imputations 9.

[24] Branson J held that publication of the material in question met the requirement in s.18C(1)(a), reasoning:

[25] A Full Court of the Federal Court has held that “Jews in Australia can comprise a group of people with an ‘ethnic origin’ for the purposes of the [RD Act]” 10.

[26] We are satisfied that the etching by the employee was reasonably likely, in the all the circumstances, to offend Jewish persons who were working in or visiting the VersaCold warehouse, including, in particular, Jewish persons who were members of staff APS or VersaCold (the Group). Objectively determined, the etching would be reasonably likely to offend persons in the Group because it would reasonably be seen by most Jewish people as trivialising the Holocaust. Accordingly, the requirement in s.18C(1)(a) was made out in this case.

Section 18C(1)(b)

[27] The issue that was the primary subject of submissions on the appeal was whether the requirement in s.18C(1)(b) was made out. That is, whether the act constituted by the etching was done “because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of ... some or all of the people in the group”.

[28] In Hagan Trustees of the Toowoomba Sports Ground Trust 11 a Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia held12:

[29] A more recent appellate authority on the requirement in s.18C(1)(b) is the decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in Toben v Jones 13 which affirmed the decision of Branson J at first instance14.

[30] Branson J had dealt with the requirement in s.18C(1)(b) as follows:

[31] On appeal, each member of the Full Court delivered a separate judgment. Carr J endorsed 15 the approach of Kiefel J in Creek v Cairns Post Pty Ltd. Kiefel J made further observations on that approach. Her Honour observed16:

[32] Kiefel J also noted that the requirement in s.18C(1)(b) “cannot be made out by assumptions as to motive, as distinct from inferences which may properly be drawn.” 17

[33] Allsop J stated:

[34] It may also be noted that the Full Court rejected an argument that the language of s.18C should be read down to so as to require that the act complained of be done because of “racial hatred”. 18

[35] Thus, on the existing authorities, the requirement in s.18C(1)(b) calls for a consideration of the reason or reasons for which the relevant act was done. The requirement in s.18C(1)(b) will be met in this case if the reason, or one of the reasons, for which the etching was done was the Jewish ethnicity of some or all of the persons in the Group.

[36] Counsel for the appellant submitted that intention was irrelevant to whether or not an impugned act contravenes s.18C. While it is clear that the intention of the person who committed the impugned act is irrelevant to the requirement in s.18C(1)(a) and that intention is not a necessary element in establishing the requirement in s.18C(1)(b), as explained by Allsop J in paragraph [151] of the passage from Toben v Jones set out above, this does not mean that intention will always be irrelevant to determining whether the requirement in s.18C(1)(b) has been satisfied. A person’s reason for doing an act will often, if not usually, be linked to their intention, purpose or motivation in doing the act. The reason or reasons for the doing of the impugned act is a question of fact to be determined on all the relevant evidence. Of course, in a particular case the evidence may establish that a person had a reason different from the reason they claim. Once the person’s reason for doing the impugned act has been established, the question becomes whether, objectively determined, that reason can properly be said to causally related to the race etc. of the relevant group in the relevant sense. Logically, this may be so even if the person does not have an actual intention to racially etc. vilify.

[37] It is clear from these authorities that an intention to racially vilify is not a necessary element of a contravention of s.18C. To the extent that the Commissioner proceeded on the basis that whether the conduct of the employee involved a breach of the RD Act turned on whether or not the employee “was acting with an intention to vilify Jews or any other race or creed of people” 19, the Commissioner’s decision is affected by error.

[38] On appeal, Counsel for the Appellant submitted:

[39] And again:

[40] Counsel supported that submission by reference to the Commissioner’s finding in relation to the etching that “the swastika connotes (sic) the ‘hell’ of the words with the oppressive nature of the working conditions in the freezer room.” 22, continuing:

[41] It should be observed that there was no evidence called in relation to the significance or meaning attached to the swastika in contemporary Australia. Nor was there any evidence called in relation to the Holocaust, the Nazi concentration camps and their victims or in relation to the crimes of the Nazis more generally. In the absence of evidence, we do not think that we can proceed on the basis of the submissions of Counsel for the appellant that Jewish people were the sole victims of the Nazi concentration camps such that the only reason a person could draw a swastika for the purpose of evoking a connection with the “hell” of the concentration camps was because of the Jewish ethnicity of their victims. As we understand the historical fact, while Jewish people were the preeminent category of victim subjected to the hellish conditions of the concentration camps (and without in any way seeking to downplay the unspeakable enormity of the Holocaust), non-Jewish victims of the Nazi concentration camps (Soviet prisoners of war, (non-Jewish) ethnic Poles, gypsies, disabled people, homosexuals, freemasons etc) numbered in the many millions.

[42] In short, we are not persuaded on the basis of the submissions of Counsel for the appellant that it must be concluded that a reason why the employee in this case etched the swastika is “because of the [Jewish race] of some or all of the people” in the Group.

[43] In this case, the employee admitted that he was seeking to draw a comparison with Nazi concentration camps. He noted that the swastika he etched (a vertical swastika), was different from the Nazi swastika (drawn at an angle), apparently a matter pointed out to him by a solicitor after the event, but then gave the following evidence of his reason for drawing the swastika 24:

[44] This evidence was not challenged in cross-examination and APS did not seek to lead any evidence to contradict it. It is clear that the Commissioner accepted this evidence 25. There is no suggestion that the employee was aware than any of the staff, employees, customers or cleaning contractors of VersaCold were Jewish or that any of the staff or employees of APS were Jewish. There is no suggestion that he ever turned his mind to that question in connection with the making of the etching.

[45] On the evidence before the Commissioner, there was only one reason for the employee making the etching, namely to criticise the working conditions in the VersaCold warehouse by comparing them to conditions in a Nazi concentration camp. It may readily be accepted, as was submitted by Counsel for the appellant, that the etching trivialised the circumstances of the victims of the Nazi concentration camps. However, on the evidence before the Commissioner, the employee etched the swastika and the words “Welcome to Hell” because, notoriously, the conditions in Nazi concentration camps were hellish, not because Jews were the preeminent category of Nazi victims in the concentration camps. It follows that the employee’s reason for making the etching was not “because of” the race or ethnicity of the Group as required by s.18C(1)(b). The requirement in s.18C(1)(b) is not made out.

Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)

[46] The notice of appeal also contends that the Commissioner erred in failing to find that the conduct of the employee constituted a breach of s.20C of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). That Act relevantly provides:

[47] At the hearing of the appeal counsel for the appellant focussed on the alleged breach of the RD Act and did not advance any oral submission in support of the ground of appeal based on the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).

[48] The word “public” in s.20B(a), (b) and (c) has its ordinary meaning as a noun.

[49] We are not satisfied that the etching by the employee was a “public act” within the meaning of s.20B of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and, consequently, there cannot have been a breach of s.20C. In particular, the etching was not a “communication to the public” or “observable by the public” and did not involve a “distribution or dissemination ... to the public”.

Summary in relation to alleged breach of anti-discrimination legislation

[50] The Commissioner was correct to conclude, even if for the wrong reasons, that the breach of anti-discrimination legislation relied upon by APS in the termination letter as a reason for dismissal was not a valid reason.

Other issues in relation to the finding of “no valid reason”

[51] Section 387(a) of the FW Act requires FWA to consider “whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal”. This language directs attention to whatever reason or reasons for dismissal emerge from the evidence and are relied upon by the employer. The tribunal is not confined to a consideration only of the reason or reasons given by the employer at the time of the dismissal. An employer is entitled at the hearing of an application for an unfair dismissal remedy to rely upon whatever reason(s) the employer wishes to rely upon at that time, albeit that in relation to any reason not relied upon at the time of dismissal the employer will have to contend with the consequences of not giving the employee an opportunity to respond to such reason (see s.387(b) and (c) of the FW Act).

[52] The Commissioner concluded that, because there was no breach of the RD Act or AD Act as alleged by the APS, there was no valid reason for dismissal. In this respect the Commissioner erred. The Commissioner’s finding that there was no breach of the anti-discrimination legislation was not the end of the relevant enquiry. The Commissioner found that the etching involved misconduct, indeed, “serious misconduct”. Although the short oral submission of the advocate for APS at the hearing before the Commissioner focussed on APS’s contention that the conduct of the employee breached the anti-discrimination legislation, it is more than tolerably clear that APS was relying on the etching as constituting misconduct that amounted to a breach of the anti-discrimination legislation 26. It follows that the Commissioner erred in failing to consider whether the misconduct that he found constituted a valid reason for the dismissal.

[53] We are satisfied that in making the etching the employee engaged in misconduct. We accept that the etching was insulting and offensive to the owners of VersaCold, and would have been insulting and offensive even if they were not Jewish. However, we are not persuaded that the making of the etching constituted “serious misconduct” when that expression is given its meaning as a term of art in employment law. Nevertheless, it was a species of misconduct such that it was correct for the Commissioner to proceed on the basis that there was a valid reason for the dismissal.

False Denials

[54] It was also submitted that the Commissioner erred in failing to consider whether the employee’s initial denial, when questioned by management, that he was responsible for the etching involved dishonesty and was a separate species of misconduct constituting a valid reason for dismissal.

[55] On the appeal, counsel for APS relied upon the termination letter in submitting that the Commissioner was on notice that APS relied upon the employee’s false initial denial as a reason for termination and that the Commissioner should have considered this in deciding whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal. We cannot accept that submission. After an introductory paragraph, the termination letter has 4 sections, each with its own underlined heading. Those section headings are “Grounds for termination”, “Opportunity to Respond”, “Consideration of Responses” and “Advice of Outcome”. While there is a reference in the “Opportunity to Respond” section to the employee acknowledging that he knew he had “lied on 2 occasions to Sherry Little”, the termination letter expressly identifies the grounds or reasons for the dismissal in a separately headed section and it does not identify the false initial denials as a reason. The employee’s initial false denials are not mentioned in the Form F3 “Employer’s Response to Application for an Unfair Dismissal Remedy” and that alleged dishonesty were not a reason for dismissal relied upon by the advocate for APS during the hearing before the Commissioner. Indeed, as the Commissioner’s decision records, the representative of the APS at first instance expressly confirmed that APS relied only upon the misconduct constituting an alleged breach of anti-discrimination legislation and not any other reason.

[56] In these circumstances there was no error in the Commissioner failing to deal with the initial false denials as a reason for dismissal. In any event, even if we had considered the employee’s initial false denials as a separate species of misconduct it would not have resulted in us reaching a different conclusion. It is trite that dishonesty on the part of an employee may constitute misconduct that provides a valid reasons for dismissal. We accept that the Commissioner arguably erred in failing to deal with that argument 27. However, we note that such dishonesty will not automatically render a dismissal based upon it a dismissal that is not harsh, unjust or unreasonable. An illustration is provided by the decision of Buchanan J in McDonald v Parnell Laboratories (Aust)28. In that case the Court was required to consider whether an employee who had been dismissed for “dishonesty in a response [she] gave to [a manager] in answer to an instruction to state her times of attendance over the previous three weeks” had engaged in “wilful, serious or persistent misconduct” within the meaning of a term of her contract of employment, such as to justify dismissal without notice in accordance with that term. Buchanan J reviewed the law relating to summary dismissal for “serious misconduct” at common law. It is clear from his Honour’s reasons that what he described as the as “a single foolish (dishonest) act” did not amount, in the circumstances of that case, to “serious misconduct” justifying summary dismissal at common law29. As in McDonald, in this case there was no ‘actual repugnance’ between the employee’s conduct in making the etching and the maintenance of confidence between him and APS. As in McDonald, it was a single foolish act undertaken in circumstances where neither APS nor VersaCold had taken in any action in response to similar offensive acts. In our view, in all the circumstances, the conduct cannot be regarded as a sufficiently serious breach of contract such as to indicate that the employee no longer intended to be bound by the contract. It was not an act of sufficient seriousness to bring the case within the additional class where summary dismissal is justified notwithstanding that the event was unlikely to be repeated and therefore not indicative of the employee the employee was intending not to perform contractual obligations in the future30.

Was the dismissal harsh, unjust or unreasonable?

[57] The Commissioner accepted, as he was entitled to do, that the employee was unaware that any of APS’s or VersaCold’s officers or staff were Jewish and that the he did not intend any offence to Jewish people when he made the etching (albeit that it subsequently emerged that the employee in fact had anti-Semitic views that many people would find offensive). The etching was intended as commentary on working conditions in the freezer room which were being compared - in an offensive way - to conditions in a Nazi concentration camp. The etching was in ice that had accumulated on the freezer door. The etching did not involve any damage or permanent marking of the warehouse premises and was capable of being easily erased.

[58] Even if, contrary to what we have found, the etching did involve a breach of s.18C(1)(b) of the RD Act, it was, on any view, a breach at the lower end of the scale. Moreover, while it may be that a relevant breach of the anti-discrimination does not require an actual intention to vilify; this does not mean that the issue of intention is irrelevant to a consideration of whether a dismissal for conduct alleged to constitute such a breach was harsh, unjust or unreasonable within the meaning of the FW Act. Whether there was intention to offend others by way of racial vilification is a matter that bears upon the relative seriousness of the misconduct and is thus relevant to a consideration of whether the dismissal was harsh.

[59] The employee relied on the failure by VersaCold and/or APS take action at an obscene and offensive etching on the freezer door by another employee. The employee gave the following evidence that was not challenged in cross-examination or contradicted by evidence called by APS 31:

[60] In circumstances where etchings of that sort had not attracted a disciplinary response, the etching made by the employee involved misconduct that ought be viewed as relatively minor.

[61] Given the relatively minor nature of the misconduct, the advancing age of the employee and the length of his employment we are satisfied that the Commissioner was correct to conclude that the dismissal was at least harsh notwithstanding the existence of a valid reason for dismissal, particularly given the failure of VersaCold and or APS to act in relation to previous instances of offensive etchings in the ice on the freezer door. Had APS demonstrated a consistent approach to behaviour of this nature, we may have arrived at a different position.


[62] We are not persuaded that this is a case where it is in the public interest to grant permission to appeal. None of the particular factors identified by the Full Bench in GlaxoSmithKline are present in this case. In particular, we note that while there is at least an arguable case of error on the part of the Commissioner, we are not satisfied that the decision at first instance was manifestly unjust because, for the reasons we have given, the Commissioner ultimately reached the correct conclusion that the dismissal was harsh. As is apparent, if we had granted permission to appeal we would have reached the same conclusion as the Commissioner on whether the dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable. We would have agreed with the Commissioner’s assessment that a remedy was appropriate. We can see no proper basis for interfering in the Commissioner’s decision in relation to remedy. The Commissioner ordered compensation equivalent to four weeks’ pay when the maximum amount of compensation is 26 weeks’ pay. The relative modesty of that award no doubt reflected the surrounding circumstances including the employee’s initial false denials and anti-Semitic sentiments expressed during the disciplinary interview.

[63] Leave to appeal is refused. A stay order made by Vice President Lawler lapses upon the making of this decision. The order of the Commissioner stands and must now be complied with.



[64] I have had the opportunity to consider the decision of the majority in this matter. While I agree with that conclusion, I must, with respect, differ in terms of my approach to this appeal. I have set out my brief separate reasons for the decision.

[65] I agree with, and adopt the background to the matters set out in the majority decision. I also agree with the majority conclusion 32 to the effect that the termination of employment letter expressly addressed the allegation that Mr O’Loughlin lied to the employer but concluded that the termination of employment decision was not based on this behaviour.

[66] I consider that the central issue in this matter is the uncontested evidence of Mr O’Loughlin that:

[67] In light of this evidence, in the absence of any evidence relating to a consistent disciplinary approach on the part of APS or VersaCold to offensive etchings or drawings, I consider that the Commissioner was correct to conclude that Mr O’Loughlin’s dismissal was harsh. Had evidence of a consistent approach been provided, a review of the nature proposed by the majority would have undoubtedly been necessary.

[68] Consequently, in all the circumstances of this matter, I do not consider it necessary that I express a conclusion with respect to the primary issue argued by APS on appeal. Irrespective of the Commissioner's finding that there was no valid reason for the termination of employment, the inconsistency of approach to disciplinary issues on the part of APS means that the Commissioner's ultimate conclusion neither manifests an injustice, nor results in a counter intuitive or disharmonious outcome.

[69] On this basis, I endorse the conclusion that permission to appeal should not be granted and that the appeal should be dismissed.



S. Prince of Counsel, for APS Group (Placements) Pty Ltd.

S. O’Loughlin appeared in person.

Hearing details:

November 25.

 1   [2010] FWA 7367

 2   PR501931

 3   [2010] FWAFB 5343

 4   See Coal and Allied Operations Pty Ltd v AIRC (2001) 203 CLR 194 at [17] and [32]

 5   (1936) 55 CLR 499 at 504-5

 6   Jones v Toben [2002] FCA 1150 at [83], Jones v Scully (2002) 120 FCR 243 at [98]; Hagan v Trustees of the Toowoomba Sports Ground Trust [2000] FCA 1615; Creek v Cairns Post Pty Ltd [2001] FCA 1007 at [12]

 7   Jones v Scully (2002) 120 FCR 243 at [99] per Hely J

 8   (2002) 71 ALD 629; (2002) EOC 93-247; [2002] FCA 1150

 9   [2002] FCA 1150 at para [88]

 10   Miller v Wertheim [2002] FCAFC 156 at [14], see also Jones v Scully [2002] FCA 1080 at [110]-[113] per Hely J and Jones v Toben [2002] FCA 1150 at [69]

 11   (2001) 105 FCR 56

 12   (2001) 105 FCR 56 at [21]. [23]

 13   (2003) 129 FCR 515

 14   Jones v Toben (2002) 71 ALD 629 ; (2002) EOC 93-247 ; [2002] FCA 1150

 15   (2003) 129 FCR 515 at [31]

 16   (2003) 129 FCR 515 at [61]

 17   (2003) 129 FCR 515 at [72]

 18   (2003) 129 FCR 515 at [28] per Carr J, [50] per Kiefel J, and [133]-[145] per Allsop J

 19   [2010] FWA 7367 at [25]

 20   Appeal Transcript at PN143-5

 21   Appeal Transcript at PN169

 22   [2010] FWA 7367 at [25]

 23   Appeal Transcript at PN173-7

 24   Transcript at PN115

 25   See especially para [27]

 26   See especially transcript at PN508

 27   We say arguably because, on one view, APS did not press that reason for dismissal before the Commissioner.

 28   [2007] FCA 1903

 29   [2007] FCA 1903 esp at [61]

 30   See Rankin v Marine Power International Pty Ltd (2001) 107 IR 117 (per Gillard J) at [239]ff esp at [254]

 31   Transcript at PN119-120

 32   Majority decision, paragraph [55]

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