[2013] FWC 4949

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Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009

Part 2 of Schedule 5, item 6—Review of all modern awards (other than modern enterprise awards and State reference public sector modern awards) after first 2 years

Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association
(AM2012/196 and others)


Retail Industry



Modern Awards Review 2012 - applications to vary the General Retail Industry Award 2010 - - Full Bench decision - public holiday provision - outstanding issue to be determined - how alternative forms of compensation are to be selected - agreed position - alternatives to operate by agreement - election able to be made in relation to each public holiday - default position to be penalty payment - other matters already determined by the Full Bench - award varied - General Retail Industry Award 2010.

1. Background

[1] This decision arises from an application to vary the General Retail Industry Award 2010 (the General Retail award) made by the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (the SDA). This, along with many other applications have been made in the context of the review of modern awards being conducted by the Fair Work Commission in accordance with the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 (the Transitional Provisions Act) (the Transitional Review).

[2] A series of related applications concerning public holiday provisions, including the immediate matter, were heard and determined by a Full Bench in Modern Awards Review 2012 - Public Holidays [2013] FWCFB 2168 (the Full Bench decision).

[3] One of the common elements of the applications dealt with by the Full Bench concerned alternative methods of compensating for work performed on public holidays. Various employer groups and the SDA made competing proposals dealing with the issue in relation to the General Retail award.

[4] The SDA claim and the other related applications were all considered, and for the most part determined, by the Full Bench. However, one aspect of the existing clause 29.4(d) was ultimately referred to me. Given that this context is directly relevant, it is appropriate to set out the relevant part of the Full Bench decision in full.

[5] Following the decision, I made arrangements for the major parties to hold discussions with a view to reaching an agreement on the appropriate provision. 1 Ultimately, the SDA and those employer groups seeking to be heard on the matter have proposed a revised clause 29.4(d) dealing with compensation for work on public holidays and the elements of that proposal are agreed.

2. The proposals to vary the modern award

[6] The SDA and the National Retail Association (the NRA) made very similar proposals.

[7] The NRA advanced the following provision:

[8] The NRA proposal was supported by Australian Business Industrial.

[9] The initial proposal advanced by the SDA before me was as follows:

[10] During the proceedings, the SDA indicated that it would not press its alternative sub-clauses dealing with the calculation of the time off in lieu, given that the Full Bench had directly dealt with that issue. On that basis, it consented to the variation of the award to reflect the agreed elements. The SDA indicated that its position was adopted on the basis that it was without prejudice to other matters, including the consideration by the Commission of alternative forms of compensation in other awards 2 and subsequent reviews of this award.

[11] The employer parties seeking to be heard in this matter accepted that this variation was being considered in the particular context of the earlier Full Bench decision and this award.

3. Consideration

[12] Leaving formatting issues aside, the following elements of the proposals are common and are agreed by the parties seeking to be heard:

[13] These elements deal with the issue referred to me by the Full Bench and are consistent with that decision. I am also satisfied that they are appropriate concepts to form part of the public holiday clause in the General Retail award.

[14] In terms of the sub-clause dealing with the fresh choice concept, I have raised with the parties an alternative form of words that would better reflect the mutual basis of the election. That is, to confirm that it is a mutual election that may be revisited on each relevant occasion. All parties have supported that alternative, which is set out as part of the final variation below.

4. Conclusions

[15] It is evident to me that the Full Bench decision dealt with the issue of the calculation of the time off in lieu of public holiday work 3 and all other aspects of the existing clause. The exception to that finding was the need for some clarity about how decisions concerning the alternative compensation options were to be made.

[16] For that reason, I have not considered the clause at large and this decision does not represent a determination as to how the calculation of time off in lieu or related provisions should operate in other circumstances.

[17] I have earlier indicated my general satisfaction with the agreed elements of the proposals. Given the Full Bench decision, I am satisfied that an amendment to clause 29.4(d) of the General Retail award is necessary to better achieve the modern awards objective and to ensure that the award is operating effectively, without anomalies or technical problems arising from the Part 10A award modernisation process. 4

[18] In terms of format, the NRA proposal reflects the agreed arrangements and the effect of this decision, and I propose to adopt it for present purposes with minor drafting changes. I will however adopt a modified version of the ‘fresh choice’ sub-clause discussed with the parties and use sub-clause numbering consistent with the format used in other clauses of this award.

[19] Accordingly, the General Retail award is to be varied to insert a revised clause 29.4(d) Public holidays, in the following form:

[20] The variation will come into operation on and from 1 August 2013. I note that the effect of the Act is that the determination will take effect in relation to employees at the start of each employee’s first full pay period that starts on or after that date. 5

[21] A determination is being issued in conjunction with this decision. 6

Hearing dates:


July 19.


M Donovan with Mr Zhang and Ms Bridger of the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association.

S Elliffe of the National Retail Association.

J Murphy of Australian Business Industrial.

 1   A directions conference was convened on 18 April 2013.

 2   There are other modern awards being considered by the Commission arising from the Full Bench decision. They are however being considered in a different context.

 3   Paras [167] to [176] of the Full Bench decision.

 4   Item 6 of Schedule 5 to the Transitional Provisions Act.

 5   S.165 of the Act.

 6   PR539248

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