[2015] FWCFB 7156


Fair Work Act 2009

s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards—Award flexibility



4 yearly review of modern awards – award flexibility – Building and Joinery awards

[1] On 16 July 2015 a decision was issued 1 (the July decision) setting out a provisional model term regarding time off in lieu of payment for overtime (the model TOIL term). The model term was finalised in a further decision on 6 October 20152 (the October decision). Directions3 were issued stating that draft determinations would be published for comment varying the 113 modern awards listed in Attachment F to the July decision and giving parties an opportunity to make submissions on whether a particular modern award should not be varied to include the model TOIL term.

[2] In the July decision the Full Bench stated:

[3] Correspondence has been received from the Housing Industry Association 4 and Master Builders Australia5 seeking to vary the directions of 6 October 2015 to include the Building and Construction General On-Site Award 2010, the Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010 (the Construction awards) in the list of awards in which the model TOIL term was to be inserted. The correspondence makes reference to a discussion during the hearing on 4 September 2015 regarding the construction awards6. We note that the reference in the course of that exchange to directions being issued related to the Group 4 process, not the current process involving the drafting of determinations for comment.

[4] As stated in the July decision, due to their unique arbitral history, draft determinations inserting the model TOIL provision in these awards will not be prepared as part of the current process. The Construction awards are being reviewed in Group 4 and any debate around the insertion of the model TOIL term in these awards will take place during the award stage in AM2014/260 and AM2014/274.

[5] Further, as mentioned in proceedings on 4 September 2015 7 we encourage the parties to discuss this and other issues affecting the construction awards.


 1   [2015] FWCFB 4466 and [2015] FWCFB 6847.

 2   [2015] FWCFB 4466 and [2015] FWCFB 6847.

 3   Directions – 6 October 2015.

 4   HIA correspondence, 8 October 2015.

 5   MBA correspondence, 9 October 2015.

 6   Transcript 4 September 2015 at paragraphs 1524–1525

 7   Transcript 4 September 2015 at paragraph 1527

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