[2015] FWCFB 5194


Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009
Sch. 6A, Item 4 - Application to make a State reference public sector modern award

State Agencies Grouping
(AM2013/31 and others)

State and Territory government administration



State reference public sector transitional award modernisation – State Agencies Grouping - Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 – Schedule 6A Items 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 – Fair Work Act 2009 ss.134 and 284.

[1] This matter arises from the operation of Schedule 6A to the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Provisions) Act 2009 (the Transitional Act) in relation to awards that fall within the definition of ‘State reference public sector transitional awards’ under the Transitional Act.

[2] The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) and others have made applications under Schedule 6A, Item 4, to make a State reference public sector modern award known as the Victorian State Government Agencies Award 2015. This award will replace all existing instruments applying to employers covered by the award.

[3] The application to make a State reference public sector award is governed by Item 4 of the Schedule 6A to the Transitional Act which provides as follows:

[4] Item 6 of Schedule 6A requires the Commission to make or vary a State reference public sector modern award so that employees covered by State reference public sector transitional awards are covered by a State reference public sector modern award. Item 6 states in full:

[5] Items 7 to 9 of Schedule 6A concern the approach to formulating the terms of a State reference public sector modern award. These provisions state:

[6] The references to the modern awards objective and the minimum wage objective in Item 7 refer to the objectives in ss. 134 and 284 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). Section 134 relevantly states:

[7] Section 284 relevantly states:

[8] A number of conferences were held at the Commission in which discussions were had with interested parties concerning the content of the proposed award.

The parties have reached agreement on the content of the proposed award and filed a draft award with the Commission. The terms of the draft award were settled in consultation with interested parties.

The Full Bench makes the award arising from these matters in the terms now published. We will provide that it shall operate from 6 August 2015.

The Commission is satisfied that the terms of the award are consistent with the modern awards objective and the minimum wages objective. The Victorian State Government Agencies Award 2015 is in substantially similar terms to the State Government Agencies Award 2010. The making of separate awards is mandated by the legislation set out above. Nevertheless it is desirable that the safety net awards are as uniform as possible for equity and efficiency reasons. We commend the parties on their constructive efforts in bringing about this outcome.


Final written submissions:

State of Victoria (with the agreement of interested unions) on 29 July 2015.

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