[2016] FWCFB 1540


Fair Work Act 2009

s.604 - Appeal of decisions

BHP Coal Pty Ltd T/A BMA
Jason Schmidt
Jason Schmidt
BHP Coal Pty Ltd T/A BMA



Appeal against the decisions [2015] FWC 2724 and [2015] FWC 5699 and order PR570978 of Commissioner Booth at Brisbane on 7 May 2015, 18 August 2015 and 19 August 2015 in matter number U2014/10098 – Whether termination of employment harsh, unjust or unreasonable – Whether valid reason for dismissal – Dismissal related to alleged misconduct – Fair Work Act 2009, ss. 604, 394 and 387.


[1] These matters concern an application for permission to appeal and an appeal against decisions and an order of Commissioner Booth handed down on 7 May, 18 August and 19 August 2015. The decisions of the Commissioner concerned an unfair dismissal application made by Jason Schmidt on 17 June 2014 under s.394 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) in relation to the termination of his employment by BHP Coal Pty Ltd T/A BMA (BHP Coal). The Commissioner found that while there was a valid reason to dismiss Mr Schmidt, the termination was harsh and unjust. The Commissioner made an order for compensation amounting to $42,846.90.

[2] Permission to appeal was granted on transcript at the conclusion of the hearing before the Full Bench held on 27 October 2015 and the matters were listed for hearing in relation to the appeal on 14 December 2015. In a decision issued by this Full Bench on 5 January 2016, we granted permission to appeal, allowed the appeal and quashed the decisions and order of the Commissioner. 1

[3] We considered that Mr Schmidt’s application should be determined by this Full Bench based on the evidence adduced before the Commissioner and the matter was listed to hear submissions from the parties on the determination of the matter. The question we need to consider is whether Mr Schmidt’s termination was harsh, unjust or unreasonable having regard to the criteria contained in s.387 of the Act.

[4] At the hearing of the matter on 23 February 2016, Mr B. Rauf of counsel, with Ms E. Mayr, appeared on behalf of BHP Coal and Mr R. Reitano of counsel, with Mr J. Kennedy, appeared on behalf of Mr Schmidt.


[5] We adopt generally Commissioner Booth’s summary of the background to this matter. It is extracted below:

Relevant Legislation

[6] The task of the Commission in this matter is to determine whether the termination is properly described as harsh, unjust or unreasonable. The Commission is required to apply the terms of s.387 of the Act in considering that question. Section 387 states that:

[7] It is well established that the obligation to take into account factors, as far as they are relevant, requires findings of fact and the decision maker to have regard to those facts as matters of significance in the overall decision-making process. 2 Importantly, as the wording of the legislation makes clear, the ultimate question is whether the dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable. As was said by McHugh and Gummow JJ in Byrne and Frew v Australian Airlines Limited.3

[8] The criteria for assessing fairness, although not exhaustive, are clearly intended by the legislature to guide the decision as to the overall finding of fairness of the dismissal and are essential to the notion of ensuring that there is “a fair go all round”. This is particularly important in relation to safety issues because the employer has obligations to ensure the safety of its employees, and commitment and adherence to safety standards is an essential obligation of employees – especially in inherently dangerous workplaces. The notion of a fair go all round in relation to breaches of safety procedures needs to consider the employer’s obligations and the need to enforce safety standards to ensure safe work practices are applied generally at the workplace.

[9] It is also well established that an assessment of whether a dismissal is harsh, unjust or unreasonable does not involve the Commission member putting themselves in the shoes of the employer and determining what he or she would have done in the circumstances 4. Findings of fact need to be made in relation to the specified criteria and other relevant factors. An overall assessment then needs to be made in relation to the statutory test of whether the dismissal is harsh, unjust or unreasonable. The task is not to review specific elements of the employment history to determine whether a discrete element may be unfair or unjustified.

[10] We will consider each of the matters in s.387 in turn.

Valid Reason

[11] Mr Schmidt was dismissed for misconduct comprising the following:

[12] BHP Coal found that this conduct involved the following breaches:

[13] The BHP Coal decision-maker, Glen Fox, gave the following evidence about the significance of these matters:

[14] The nature of Mr Schmidt’s employment in an operating coal mine required close attention to safety issues and strict compliance with safety procedures. The evidence before the Commission establishes on the balance of probabilities that the collision occurred and that Mr Schmidt was responsible for the collision. There was no evidence of a leak prior to the tank being moved. Evidence of the collision suggests that the dozer caused the damage. White paint flecks were on the bumper bar of the wheel dozer matching the height and damage to the fuel tank. There was a structural dent on the header tank. The leak was a fresh leak at the time it was detected and inspected. Mr Schmidt was the only operator of the dozer who moved the fuel tank. In our view, it was highly unlikely that the operator of machinery would have been unaware of this type of contact. If unaware of the contact Mr Schmidt was not applying the necessary level of care and attention.

[15] We are satisfied on the evidence that Mr Schmidt did not take immediate action to deal with the resultant fuel leak. His explanation that he was not aware of the collision and could not be expected to deal with the situation is inconsistent with the requisite level of care and attention in operating machinery of this type.

[16] Further, the attempts to notify his supervisor were unsuccessful and in our view lacked the necessary level of candour and diligence. Mr Schmidt had opportunities to notify his supervisor directly and honestly and he did not effectively communicate the incident. Proper management of safety requires honest communication to those responsible for the safety of the mining operations.

[17] In our view, there is no doubt that there was a valid reason for termination relating to Mr Schmidt’s conduct – including its effect on the safety and welfare of employees. This is not merely a situation of an insignificant accident. In our view, the management of the situation and communication of the incident are at least as important as the accident itself. In combination, Mr Schmidt’s conduct was entirely inappropriate. The evidence before the Commission establishes that the conduct was a sound, defensible and well-founded reason for dismissal.

Notification of the Reason

[18] BHP Coal met with Mr Schmidt on 15 and 16 May 2014 to discuss the 8 May incident. After the second meeting he was provided with a letter suspending him on pay pending further investigations. After completing further investigations BHP Coal provided Mr Schmidt with a “Show Cause letter” dated 23 May 2014 that set out its findings regarding the 8 May incident, indicated the breaches it considered had occurred and said that disciplinary action including termination of employment was being considered. The letter said that the company will consider Mr Schmidt’s responses, relevant information obtained during the investigation and Mr Schmidt’s employment history including his Step 3 Final Written Warning.

[19] The termination letter dated 6 June 2014 also clearly articulated the conduct, findings and breaches relied upon to base its decision and said as follows:

[20] We find that Mr Schmidt was notified of the reasons for his dismissal.

Opportunity to Respond

[21] The process of issuing a show cause letter that set out the findings and breaches established in its investigation, including the meetings conducted with Mr Schmidt, allowed Mr Schmidt to respond to the prospect that his employment would be terminated as a result of his conduct on 8 May 2014. Mr Schmidt provided a three page response on 29 May 2014. We find that Mr Schmidt was given the opportunity to respond to the dismissal reasons by virtue of the investigation and show cause process.

Unreasonable opportunity to allow a support person

[22] Apart from the first meeting between Mr Fox, Mr Marshall and Mr Schmidt, where a support person had not been organised in advance and an alternative delegate was relieved from work in order to provide Mr Schmidt with support, there was no impediment on Mr Schmidt to arrange a support person of his choice to assist him in the investigation and disciplinary process.

Warnings and employer resources

[23] Mr Schmidt had been warned about his performance on a number of previous occasions and was under a Step 3 Final Written Warning at the time of his dismissal. The relevant incidents were different from the incidents on 8 May 2014, but nevertheless involved compliance with company policies. BHP Coal can be expected to have established fair disciplinary procedures given its size and resources.

Other matters

[24] We have considered whether the action of dismissal was disproportionate to the conduct found to have occurred. We are not persuaded that the conduct is insignificant or of little consequence as contended on behalf of Mr Schmidt. The seriousness of the conduct is amply demonstrated in the findings and breaches established by the company. We have considered the other matters raised by the parties including the impact of termination on Mr Schmidt.


[25] In all of the circumstances we are not of the view that the termination of Mr Schmidt’s employment was harsh, unjust or unreasonable. He was dismissed for a valid reason after a process that gave him an opportunity to respond to the allegations regarding his conduct. Dismissal was not disproportionate to the conduct that occurred in the light of the paramount issue of safety and his employment history. Mr Schmidt’s unfair dismissal application is therefore dismissed.



Mr B. Rauf of counsel, with Ms E. Mayr, on behalf of BHP Coal.

Mr R. Reitano of counsel, with Mr J. Kennedy, on behalf of Mr Schmidt.

Hearing details:


Sydney – Video Link to Brisbane.

23 February.

Final written submissions:

BHP Coal on 2 February 2016 and in reply on 16 February 2016.

Mr Schmidt on 2 February 2016 and in reply on 16 February 2016.

 1   [2016] FWCFB 72.

 2   ALH Group Pty Ltd trading as the Royal Exchange Hotel v Mulhall (2002) 117 IR 357 [51]. See also Smith v Moore Paragon Australia Ltd (PR915674) at [92]; Edwards v Giudice (1999) 94 FCR 561 [6]‒[7].

 3   [1995] HCA 24.

 4   Per Moore J in Walton v Mermaid Dry Cleaners Pty Ltd (1996) 142 ALR 681, at 685: I should, however, make plain - and this has been made plain in many cases decided by this court- that it is not the court's function to stand in the shoes of the employer and determine whether or not the decision made by the employer was a decision that would be made by the court but rather it is for the court to assess whether the employer had a valid reason connected with the employee's capacity or conduct, and in these proceedings I have concluded it did.

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