[2016] FWCFB 2262


Fair Work Act 2009

s.604 - Appeal of decisions

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
Director of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate


SYDNEY, 11 MAY 2016

Appeal against decision of General Manager at Melbourne on 15 January 2016 in matter number R2016/1.

Introduction and factual background

[1] The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has lodged an appeal, for which permission to appeal is required, against a decision of the General Manager of the Commission made on 15 January 2016 to authorise two employees of the Commission to inspect the CFMEU’s membership records pursuant to s.235(1) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (RO Act). Section 235 of the RO Act provides:

[2] The authorisation granted by the General Manager concerned the records which the CFMEU, as a registered organisation, is required to keep under s.230(1)(a) of the RO Act, which provides:

[3] The authorisation arose out of the following circumstances. On 5 January 2016 Mr Damien Cravino, an inspector employed in the Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate (FWBII), wrote to the General Manager requesting, pursuant to s.348 of the RO Act, the issue of certificates in relation to two named individuals confirming their membership as at 28 March 2015. Section 348 of the RO Act provides:

[4] The purpose of the request was stated in Mr Cravino’s letter to be: “The certificate is sought for the purposes of carrying out an investigation in relation to conduct engaged in by building industry participants that may be contrary to a designated building law”.

[5] Telephone contact was made by Mr James Hall, a staff member in the Commission’s Regulatory Compliance Branch with the CFMEU in relation to the FWBII’s request. This prompted the CFMEU to send by email a letter to Mr Hall dated 7 January 2016 which stated, among other things, the following:

[6] The Director of the Commission’s Regulatory Compliance Branch, Mr Chris Enright, replied to the CFMEU’s letter the same day. His letter enclosed a copy of “the instrument authorising Mr James Hall and Ms Carolyn Moloney to inspect, and make copies of or take extracts from the register of members of the CFMEU”. The letter further advised that this authority remained in force until 5.00pm on 14 January 2016, that in exercise of that authority Mr Hall and Ms Moloney intended to attend the CFMEU’s office in Sydney, and that “The reason underlying the proposed exercise of this authority stems from a request made by the Office of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate for a certificate or certificates to be issued pursuant to s.348 of the Act”. The letter ended by requesting that the CFMEU confirm whether it intended to comply with the authorisation.

[7] The CFMEU replied in a letter sent by email and dated 11 January 2016. The letter stated:

[8] Further information was then sought by the Regulatory Compliance Branch from the FWBII concerning its investigation in an email dated 13 January 2016. The email relevantly stated:

[9] The FWBII’s reply dated 14 January 2016 relevantly stated:

[10] On 15 January 2016 the General Manager replied to the CFMEU’s letter of 11 January 2016. Since the contents of this letter, and the attached authorisation, constitute in effect the decision under appeal, we set them out in full. The letter, omitting formal parts, read as follows:

[11] The authorisation attached to the above letter, omitting formal parts, stated:

[12] The CFMEU’s notice of appeal sought a stay of the authorisation pending the hearing and determination of the appeal. A stay was granted on 28 January 2016. 1


[13] The CFMEU made the following submissions about the proper construction of s.235 of the RO Act:

[14] In relation to s.348, the CFMEU submitted again that the power to issue a certificate under that section could only be utilised for the purposes of the RO Act, not for the purpose of an investigation under another Act. Further, it submitted that the text of s.348 disclosed that the proper purpose of the issue of a certificate under the section was the facilitation of proof in an extant court proceeding, not for the purpose of investigating whether there was sufficient evidence for court proceedings to be initiated.

[15] Having regard to these matters, the CFMEU submitted that the General Manager’s decision to authorise inspection of the CFMEU’s membership records was not a valid exercise of the power conferred by s.235 because it was for the purpose of facilitating the issue of a certificate under s.348 to assist the FWBII’s investigation concerning alleged contraventions of an Act other than the RO Act. Provision of assistance for such an investigation was not a purpose or object of the RO Act. Further, the CFMEU submitted that none of the suspected contraventions being investigated by the FWBII required proof of membership of a registered organisation. Permission to appeal should be granted because the issues raised by the appeal were novel and had potential general application to registered organisations.

[16] The Director of the FWBII (Director) appeared through counsel in the appeal and contended that he had the right to make submissions in the matter under s.72 of the BI Act and was in any event entitled to be heard since he had a direct interest in the matter. The Director submitted that the short answer to the appeal was that the grant of the authorisation under s.235 by the General Manager was for the purpose of determining whether a certificate should be issued under s.348, which was patently a legitimate purpose for the exercise of the discretion under s.235. The General Manager had not yet made any decision to grant a certificate under s.348, and so any arguments concerning the circumstances in which the power in s.348 could be exercised were matters for another day and should not be entertained in the current appeal. Permission to appeal should be refused for this reason.

[17] The Director’s longer answer to the appeal, in the event that the alleged ultimate purpose of the grant of a certificate under s.348 properly arose for consideration, was that there was nothing in the subject matter, scope or purpose of the RO Act which would exclude the General Manager from considering compliance actions or investigations against registered organisations and their members in determining whether to grant an authorisation under s.235. There were five reasons why the Director submitted this was the case:

[18] In response to the CFMEU’s submissions, the Director submitted that there was no useful distinction to be made between an investigation and compliance or enforcement by way of an instituted court proceeding, and also submitted that the CFMEU was not in a position to assert what use might be made by the FWBII of a certificate for the purpose of its investigations.


Right of the Director to make submissions

[19] We consider that the Director has a right to make submissions, for two reasons. First, an entitlement arises under s.72 of the BI Act, which provides as follows:

[20] The appeal was lodged pursuant to s.604 of the FW Act, so it is a “matter before the FWC that arises under the FW Act”. The appellant is a “building industry participant” as defined in s.4 of the BI Act (being a “building association” as defined in the same section). The Director gave written notice to the General Manager that he intended to make submissions in this appeal on 27 January 2016. The requirements of s.72 having been satisfied, we consider that the provision thereby confers upon the Director the right to make submissions.

[21] Second, because the decision under appeal was made as a consequence of the Director’s request for a certificate under s.348 to assist in the exercise of the FWBII’s statutory investigatory functions, any decision made in this appeal will necessarily affect the FWBII’s interests. Accordingly we consider that in those circumstances the Director has a legitimate expectation that he would be heard in the appeal.

Permission to appeal

[22] We consider that the CFMEU’s appeal is reasonably arguable and raises issues which are both novel and are likely to have general and ongoing implications for other registered organisations and other matters involving the CFMEU. In the latter respect, we note that the Director’s oral submissions referred to this appeal being, in effect, a test of whether the FWBII could use the s.348 certificate mechanism to assist it in its investigations and preparation of cases or whether it would be required to use other avenues in order to prove union membership. For these reasons we consider it appropriate to grant permission to appeal.

Merits of the appeal

[23] We have earlier set out the correspondence leading up to and including the General Manager’s correspondence of 15 January 2016 in which she explained her reasons for deciding to grant an authorisation under s.235 for the inspection of the CFMEU’s membership records. It is clear from that correspondence that the General Manager’s purpose in granting the authorisation was to accede to the FWBII’s request for a certificate under s.348 should the two named individuals turn out to have been members of the CFMEU at the relevant date. There is no suggestion in that correspondence that, upon the inspection of the CFMEU’s membership register having occurred, the General Manager intended there to be any separate discretionary decision-making process concerning whether a certificate should be issued under s.348 in which the CFMEU would have a right to be heard.

[24] For that reason the Director’s “short answer” to the appeal, although superficially attractive, does not provide a proper basis for the disposition of the appeal. It is based upon a factual mischaracterisation of the basis upon which the authorisation under s.235 was granted. This is not a case of any dichotomy between the direct and ultimate purpose of the grant of the authorisation; here they are one and the same, being to provide the FWBII with a certificate under s.348 if the two named individuals were members of the CFMEU at the relevant time. Therefore the validity of the General Manager’s decision to authorise inspection of the CFMEU’s membership register must be assessed by reference to her intention to act upon the FWBII’s request for a s.348 certificate.

[25] There was no dispute between the parties in the appeal that the discretionary power in s.235, although expressed in unrestricted terms, was not to be construed as entirely unconfined as to the manner or circumstances in which it could be exercised, but was rather limited by the legislative objects and purpose. The relevant principle in this respect was stated by the Federal Court Full Court in Bowling v General Motors - Holden’s Pty Ltd 2 as follows:

[26] The CFMEU’s case on appeal rested essentially on two propositions. The first was that the legislative policy and purpose in pursuance of which the discretion in s.235 was to be exercised were those identifiable in the RO Act alone, so that any exercise of the power based upon the policy and purpose of the separate FW Act (such as to aid enforcement of statutory obligations established by the FW Act) was invalid. The second was that, insofar as the power in s.235 was exercised for the purpose of issuing a certificate under s.348 in order to assist the FWBII in conducting its investigation, that was an invalid action because a certificate could not validly be issued for a mere investigatory purpose. The Director rejected both propositions.

[27] In relation to the first proposition, it is necessary to analyse the legislative history of s.235 and its predecessor provisions in the context of the industrial statutes in which they appeared. As will become apparent, the critical feature of that history was that, until 2009, s.235 and its predecessor provisions were contained in the general statute governing industrial relations at the federal level.

[28] The history up until 1988 was discussed in a decision of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (Moore DP, as he then was) in Australian Federation of Air Pilots v Hamilton Island Enterprises Pty Ltd (No 2). 3 That history up until the enactment of the Industrial Relations Act 1988 (IR Act) as described in that decision may be summarised as follows:

[29] Moore DP drew the following conclusion from this history:

[30] In the IR Act as first enacted, s.268 relevantly provided as follows:

[31] AFAP v Hamilton Island Enterprises 5 concerned an appeal from a decision of the then Industrial Registrar to authorise access to the AFAP’s membership register under s.268(10) of the IR Act. The facts in the matter were summarised in the decision as follows6:

[32] It was elsewhere stated in the decision that the court proceedings referred to in the above factual summary were “civil proceedings directed to obtaining damages and other relief based on actions in tort”. 7 That is, they were not proceedings arising under any provision of the IR Act.

[33] Deputy President Moore determined that the authorisation granted by the Industrial Registrar was for a purpose extraneous to the IR Act and therefore beyond power. The Deputy President stated (underlining added):

[34] The principle enunciated in the above decision, having regard in particular to the underlined passages, was that the power to authorise inspection could validly be utilised to facilitate the exercise of any powers and rights conferred by the IR Act. Unlike the RO Act, the IR Act contained the entire scheme of federal legislation concerning industrial relations, so that inspection could be authorised for any purpose of that scheme. It may also be noted that, in the above passage, Moore DP specifically adverted to the possibility of the authorisation power being issued in relation to the issue of certificates under s.291. As discussed later, s.291 of the IR Act was the predecessor of the current s.348 of the RO Act.

[35] It may be interpolated at this point that an approach similar to that of Moore DP was adopted in the decision of the Supreme Court of Western Australia Full Court in Kierath (Minister for Labour Relations) v Western Australian Builders’ Labourers’, Painters’ and Plasterers’ Union. 9 That matter concerned s.63(7) of the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) which, like the federal provision, required the register of members of organisations registered under that Act to be made available for inspection by such persons authorised by the Registrar of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission. Authorisation had been granted by the Registrar for Mr Kierath, who was a State Government Minister, to access the membership register of the relevant organisation in order to send the members certain information. The organisation sought judicial review of the authorisation from the Supreme Court and obtained relief from a single justice of the Court. The Minister appealed to the Full Court.

[36] The Full Court identified the critical question in the matter as being the purpose for which the power in s.63(7) was conferred. 10 In this respect the Full Court said:

[37] The Full Court then analysed in detail the mainly administrative role of the Registrar and contrasted it with the wide jurisdiction and authority of members of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, 12 and concluded as follows:

[38] Returning to the legislative history, s.268 of the IR Act remained relevantly unchanged after that Act metamorphosed into the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (WR Act) as a result of the amendments effected by the Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996.

[39] In 2002 the Workplace Relations Amendment (Registration and Accountability of Organisations) Act 2002 removed those provisions of the WR Act concerned with the regulation of industrial organisations from the body of the WR Act and placed them in a restructured form in a new schedule to the WR Act, Schedule 1B - Registration and Accountability of Organisations. The requirement for organisations to keep records formerly contained in s.268(1) was now found in section 230(1) of Schedule 1B. The power to authorise access to these records was now contained in s.235(1) of Schedule 1B, which provided:

[40] Section 268(11) became, in effect, s.235(2) of Schedule 1B, and s.268(12) became s.236.

[41] It can be seen that s.235(1) was, in substance and effect, no different from the former s.268(10). There is no reason to think that, by placing these provisions in a schedule to the WR Act, the legislature intended to change their effect by narrowing their scope. The revised explanatory memorandum for the Workplace Relations Amendment (Registration and Accountability of Organisations) Bill 2002 identified the overall purpose in establishing a specific schedule regulating registered organisations in the following terms (underlining added):

[42] The revised explanatory memorandum then set out a list of specific reforms, none of which was relevant to the provision under consideration here. It appears therefore that s.235(1) fell into the category of “replicated” provisions referred to. We consider that the principle of statutory interpretation that whenever legislation is re-enacted after having been judicially interpreted, the legislature is assumed to have approved that interpretation, is relevant in this context. 13 The replication of s.268(10) as s.235(1) of Schedule 1B was a form of re-enactment. Although the decision of Moore DP in AFAP v Hamilton Island Enterprises was not a judicial pronouncement, we consider that the legislature can be taken to have noticed his decision having regard to the legislative attention usually paid to decisions of this Commission and its predecessors which involve interpretation of industrial legislation, the adoption of Moore DP’s approach by the WA Supreme Court in Kierath, and Moore DP’s eminence in industrial law both as a member of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and subsequently as a justice of the Federal Court of Australia. Therefore, consistent with AFAP v Hamilton Island Enterprises, s.235(1) was at that time to be regarded as conferring the power to authorise inspection of a registered organisation’s membership register for the purpose of persons exercising powers or pursuing rights given by or derived from the WR Act as a whole.

[43] The next changes of relevance occurred in 2009, when the FW Act was enacted as a separate piece of legislation establishing the substantive framework for the federal industrial relations system. At about the same time the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 (Transitional Act) was enacted (the FW Act was assented to on 7 April 2009 and the Transitional Act on 25 June 2009). Schedule 1 of the Transitional Act repealed almost the entire body of the WR Act and repealed all the schedules except for Schedule 1 (which Schedule 1B had now become by virtue of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Act 2005) and Schedule 10. Schedule 22 of the Transitional Act retitled the WR Act as the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and made various amendments to the provisions which had been contained in Schedule 1. In short, the RO Act as it currently exists is Schedule 1 of the WR Act in modified form.

[44] The only modification to s.235(1) in this transition was that the reference to “a Registrar” (that is, the Industrial Registrar or a Deputy Industrial Registrar of the former Australian Industrial Registry) was changed to refer to the position of General Manager (of Fair Work Australia, subsequently renamed the Fair Work Commission).

[45] The interpretation of s.235(1) advanced by the CFMEU effectively requires acceptance of the proposition that the effect of the bifurcation in 2009 of federal industrial relations legislation into two separate Acts, one of which (the RO Act) was concerned specifically with the regulation of registered organisations, was that the scope of the power conferred by s.235(1) was narrowed significantly so that it could only be exercised for the purposes of RO Act rights and functions and not in relation to those arising under the FW Act.

[46] We cannot accept that proposition. There was no express textual amendment to indicate that such a result was intended. Notwithstanding that what had been dealt with in a single Act for more than a century was divided into two separate Acts, it is readily apparent that the provisions of both the FW Act and the RO Act remained inter-related and co-dependent. The RO Act concerns the regulation of organisations which have important rights, privileges and obligations under the FW Act, and the institutions on which the RO Act depends for its operation (in particular, the Fair Work Commission and the office of General Manager) were established under and are obliged to conduct themselves in accordance with the FW Act. For example, the statement of the parliamentary intention contained in s.5 of the RO Act (added as a result of an amendment in the Transitional Act) refers (in s.5(2)) to the need for associations of employers and employees “to meet the standards set out in this Act in order to gain the rights and privileges accorded to associations under this Act and the Fair Work Act”. The statutory note to s.5 adds:

[47] The Explanatory Memorandum for the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009 confirmed the inter-relationship between the two pieces of legislation:

[48] In the circumstances described, the FW Act and the RO Act may properly be characterised as component parts of a scheme of legislation concerning industrial relations and therefore should be interpreted in a co-ordinated way as far as their respective texts permit. They have a substantially common purpose, are inter-connected and operate together. 14 The principle to be applied in interpreting legislation of this nature was described by Kirby P (as he then was) in Commissioner of Stamp Duties v Permanent Trustee Co Ltd15 as follows:

[49] In relation to the legislation under consideration in that matter, Kirby P went on to say:

[50] The lack of any express restriction on the operation of s.235(1) in its text, the legislative history which we have earlier set out, and the need to interpret the provisions of the RO Act in such a way as to give them a co-ordinated operation with the provisions of the cognate FW Act, all lead us to conclude that the power in s.235(1) may be exercised not just for the purposes of the RO Act but also for those of the FW Act. That is, applying the approach taken in AFAP v Hamilton Island Enterprises in a way adapted to the current legislative structure, the General Manager is given the power to authorise inspection of an organisation’s membership register so that she or others can exercise powers or pursue rights given by or derived from the RO Act or the FW Act.

[51] Identification of a person’s membership of an organisation through the exercise of the inspection power in s.235(1) may aid the exercise of a number of powers or rights under the RO Act, as the CFMEU pointed out. For example, membership of the relevant organisation is or may be necessary for standing to make the following applications under the RO Act :

[52] Equally however, establishment of membership of an organisation may also be necessary or relevant for a number of purposes under the FW Act, such as:

[53] It would in our view not be a rational, efficient or just interpretation of s.235(1) for it to be able to be exercised to identify membership of an organisation for the purposes of the RO Act, including the RO Act provisions referred to above, but not for the FW Act including the FW Act provisions referred to above.

[54] The privacy and property considerations raised by the CFMEU as supportive of a narrow construction of s.235(1) are not such as to require the adoption of a contrary approach. Consistent with the decision in Kierath, where the same considerations were given significant weight in the construction of the statutory provisions in the WA industrial relations legislation which the Court ultimately preferred, the approach we prefer does not give s.235(1) a wide or unlimited sphere of operation but confines it to the facilitation of the purposes of the scheme of industrial relations regulation together established by the FW Act and the RO Act. Accordingly we reject the CFMEU’s first proposition that the General Manager’s decision to grant an authorisation in this case was invalid because it was not made in aid of a purpose of the RO Act.

[55] It would follow from our conclusions that the discretionary power conferred on the General Manager could validly be exercised to facilitate the enforcement of obligations under the FW Act, including obligations under the provisions of the FW Act referred to in the FWBII’s correspondence of 14 January 2016. It would also follow that the power could be exercised to facilitate the valid issue of a certificate under s.348 of the RO Act.

[56] That brings us to the CFMEU’s second proposition, namely that in this case the General Manager’s authorisation under s.235(1) was an invalid exercise of power because its purpose was to facilitate the invalid issue of a certificate under s.348. Consideration of this proposition requires identification of the nature and purpose of s.348. We have earlier set out the terms of the section. It is immediately apparent that the provision is not expressed in terms as a conferral of power on the General Manager to issue a certificate concerning the membership of or the holding of an office in an organisation, but rather states what the legal effect of such a certificate is once issued. In effect the section establishes a rule of evidence that the certificate is evidence of membership or the holding of an office, and operates both as an exception to the rule against hearsay and as a provision facilitating proof.

[57] No other provision of the RO Act establishes a specific power to grant the certificate referred to in s.348. However by necessary implication the General Manager must have the power to issue the certificate in order for s.348 to have utility. And, to the extent that s.348 involves the performance of a function by the General Manager, s.657 of the FW Act provides the necessary ancillary power to ensure that the function can be performed effectively. It relevantly provides:

[58] Neither party disputed the conferral of a power to issue a certificate under s.348, but the scope of that power was in contest.

[59] The legislative history of s.348 goes back to 1910, when the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 was amended by, among other things, the addition of s.21A which provided:

[60] In 1928, s.21A was amended so that the Registrar could certify the holding of office as well as membership in relation to an organisation. In 1947 by further amendment the provision (now s.72B) was substantively altered so that the certificate was only prima facie evidence of the facts stated, but the capacity of the President to review it was removed. The provision was renumbered as s.93 in 1956, and remained in substance the same until the repeal of the Conciliation and Arbitration Act.

[61] Section 291 of the IR Act was in identical form as the current provision except that it referred to the certificate being one of a Registrar (that is, the Industrial Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the Australian Industrial Registry). The provision then became s.348 of Schedule 1B of the WR Act as a result of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Registration and Accountability of Organisations) Act 2002, and subsequently took its current form as s.348 of the RO Act as a result of the Transitional Act.

[62] For the same reasons we have earlier stated in relation to s.235, we consider that the legislative history supports the conclusion that the implicit power in s.348 to issue a certificate extends at least to purposes arising from the FW Act and not just the RO Act. The text of s.348 tends to further confirm that conclusion, since the certificate is given evidentiary effect “in all courts and proceedings”, which suggests a wider rather than a narrower scope of operation. However it remains necessary to identify the purpose for which the power to issue a certificate was conferred. It cannot be the case that a certificate of membership of an organisation can be issued by the General Manager for any purpose whatsoever. For example, it is unlikely that a certificate of membership could properly be issued at the request of a proud unionist who wished to have it framed and hung on the wall.

[63] The scope of the implied power to issue a certificate must necessarily be ascertained from the text of the provision considered in its statutory context. That the legal effect of a s.348 certificate is to serve as evidence of membership of an organisation in any court or proceeding is strongly suggestive of what the proper purpose of the necessary power to issue such a certificate is - namely, to aid proof of organisational membership before a court or in a proceeding. The word “proceeding” can, in the context of the section, only reasonably be understood as meaning the whole or part of an action or a matter before a court or a tribunal in which evidence may be adduced or received. Having regard to the historical origin of s.348 earlier described, it may be noted in this connection that in Federated Amalgamated Government Railway and Tramway Service Association v NSW Railway Traffic Employees’ Association 16 Griffith CJ said in relation to the expression “proceeding before the Court” in s.31(2) of the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904:

[64] We have earlier referred to the range of provisions in the RO Act and the FW Act in which membership of an organisation will be a relevant matter. In those provisions generally, and certainly in relation to the examples which we have set out, proof of membership of an organisation is relevant to standing to initiate a proceeding before a court or this Commission, a necessary element for the success of an application before a court or this Commission, and/or an element of a prohibition enforcement of which must occur by way of a court proceeding. That context supports an interpretative approach to s.348 whereby the proper purpose of the issue of a certificate is to facilitate proof of membership in a court or a proceeding.

[65] Does the proper exercise of the power extend to the issue of a certificate to aid an investigation by a regulatory authority such as the FWBII inspectorate? We think not. While it is arguable that a certificate might be able to be issued in respect of a court or tribunal proceeding which is contemplated but has not yet been initiated, an investigation by a regulatory authority is a different matter. At the stage of an investigation, there will have been no decision as to whether to institute proceedings, since the purpose of the investigation will presumably be to assess whether there is a sufficient basis to commence relevant proceedings in the first place. For that reason, an investigation may not lead to any proceedings ever being instituted. The issue of a s.348 certificate in that context would not therefore serve the proper purpose which we have earlier identified because the certificate would be used by the regulatory authority to ascertain the facts as to a person’s membership rather than to prove asserted facts in a court or proceeding.

[66] Subdivision D of Div.3 of Pt.5-2 of the FW Act contains specific provisions concerning the powers of Fair Work Inspectors appointed under s.700 of the Act. Under s.706(1)(a), those powers may be exercised for the purpose of determining whether the FW Act or a fair work instrument is being or has been complied with. Inspectors have the power, subject to identified restrictions, to enter premises and inspect and copy records and documents (s.709(e)), and also have the power to require records or documents to be produced on notice (s.712). Under s.59C of the BI Act, FWBII inspectors have the same functions and powers as a Fair Work Inspector. The Director is himself an inspector by virtue of s.59A of the BI Act. The existence and scope of the powers specifically conferred on inspectors provides them with the appropriate means to investigate any issue of membership of an organisation. Consequently there is no policy reason to read s.348 of the RO Act as if it were an investigatory tool, and indeed the specific powers conferred on inspectors provide a contextual reason not to read s.348 in that way.

[67] Our conclusion therefore is that there is no power under s.348 to issue a certificate concerning membership of an organisation merely as an aid to an investigation by a regulatory authority, and that the power in s.235(1) cannot validly be exercised with the object of issuing a s.348 certificate for that purpose. On the materials before us, the General Manager granted the authorisation the subject of the appeal for such a purpose and in doing so exceeded the powers conferred by the RO Act. It follows that the appeal must be upheld and the decision to grant the authorisation quashed.


[68] We make the following orders:

Seal of the Fair Work Commission with the memeber's signature.



R. Reitano of counsel with T. Roberts and P. Boncardo for the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union.

M. Follett of counsel with F. Baldo for the Director of the Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate.

Hearing details:



25 February.

 1   [2016] FWC 566; PR576510

 2    [1980] FCA 143; (1980) 50 FLR 79 at 91

 3   (1989) 32 IR 46

 4   Ibid at 49

 5   (1989) 32 IR 46

 6   Ibid at 46-47

 7   Ibid at 50

 8   Ibid at 49-51

 9   (1997) 75 IR 124

 10   Ibid at 133

 11   Ibid at 134

 12   Ibid at 136-137

 13   Pearce and Geddes, Statutory Interpretation in Australia, 8th ed. at 3.43-3.44. The relevant passage (from an earlier edition) was cited with approval by the Federal Court Full Court in Shephard v Chiquita Brands South Pacific Limited [2004] FCAFC 76 at [18]-[20]

 14   See Certain Lloyd's Underwriters Subscribing to Contract No IH00AAQS v Cross (2012) 248 CLR 378 at [97] per Kiefel J

 15   (1987) 9 NSWLR 719 at 722-724

 16   (1906) 4 CLR 488 at 494

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