[2017] FWC 874


Fair Work Act 2009

s.739 - Application to deal with a dispute

United Firefighters' Union of Australia
Country Fire Authority




Enterprise agreement – dispute about matters arising under the Country Fire Authority / United Firefighters Union of Australia Operational Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010 - new allowances and variations to existing allowances – s.739 Fair Work Act 2009.

[1] This matter came to the Fair Work Commission by way of an application under s.739 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) by the United Firefighters’ Union (UFU) (the Applicant). The respondent to the application is the Country Fire Authority (CFA) (the Respondent).

[2] The application relates to a dispute between the UFU and the CFA under clause 38.3 of the Country Fire Authority/United Firefighters Union of Australia Operational Staff Enterprise Agreement 2010 (the Agreement) as to increases to allowances and new allowances to be paid to employees who are covered by the Agreement

[3] The Commission chaired a conciliation conference between the parties on 10 February 2017.

[4] The parties sought permission to be represented under s.596 submitting due to the complexity of the matters it would assist the Commission to deal with the matter more efficiently, permission was granted.

[5] Mr Warren Friend QC represented the UFU and Mr Steven Moore QC for the CFA.

Dispute Resolution

[6] It is not in contention that the UFU formally notified the CFA of the dispute on 23 December 2016.

[7] Clause 15 of the Agreement, Dispute Resolution, provides;

[8] On 19 January 2017, the UFU and the CFA held a step four meeting in which the UFU sought to obtain agreement from the CFA for certain new allowances and variations to existing allowances at which time the parties were unable to reach agreement.

[9] On 1 February 2017 the UFU made a s.739 application to the Commission pursuant to clause 15.2.6 of the Agreement requesting the Commission utilise its powers in conciliating the matter, or if requested arbitrate the matter to settle the dispute.

[10] A conciliation conference was held in the Commission on 10 February 2017. The UFU made both written and oral submissions to the Commission. The CFA sought to rely on their oral submissions and written submission by way of consent orders.

[11] The matter was adjourned to enable the Commission to consider the submissions of the parties.

The Submissions

[12] The submissions outlined to the Commission by the UFU and the CFA concerned both increases to existing allowances and new allowances. Allowances are dealt with in clause 38, Allowances and Reimbursements General, of the Agreement.

[13] Clause 38.3 provides:

[14] It is not in contention and the UFU and CFA submit the dispute is the subject of a s.739 application and is one which clause 38.3 of the Agreement explicitly provides may be submitted to the Commission for determination.

[15] The UFU made submissions that the Commission had jurisdiction to deal with the matter. In support of their application they relied on the decision of United Firefighters’ Union of Australia v Country Fire Authority (2015) 228 FCR 497. The operation of clause 38.3 of the Agreement was considered by the Full Court of the Federal Court. After having noted that the trial judge had expressed a view that cl.38.3 was limited to certain reserved matters specified in the Agreement the Court said at;

[16] The UFU’s written submission was that reference to ‘determination’ in the clause is clearly a reference to arbitration, in the sense of a final determination of the merits of the dispute. The dispute is also a dispute under clause 15 of the Agreement. That clause regulates disputes about “matters arising under this Agreement”, including matters for which “express provision” is made under the Agreement: clause 15.1.1. As clause 38.3 makes express provision for disputes about allowances it is clear that clause 15 applies to the dispute.

[17] Under step 5 of clause 15, if the matter is not resolved through the disputes procedure either the UFU or the CFA may refer the dispute to the Commission to “settle” the dispute.

[18] The CFA submits, given the parties have agreed pursuant to clause 15 and clause 38.3 that the Commission should deal with the dispute, s.739 gives the Commission the power to conciliate or arbitrate the dispute.

[19] Section 595 provides;

[20] Section 739 provides;

[21] The manner in which the Commission deals with a dispute under s.739 is in its discretion, subject to the scope of the term conferring the dispute resolution power and the limitations set out in s.739. I am satisfied the Commission has the power to deal with the dispute by way of conciliation.

[22] The UFU and the CFA made further submissions that the parties had reached an in principle agreement regarding the matters in dispute. The CFA’s submission outlined the agreement reached by way of consent orders. The parties made submissions to agreed proposed amendments during the conciliation. The consent position was set out in a document and provided to the Commission as follows:

[23] At the conclusion of the proceedings, the UFU gave the following undertaking to the CFA:


[24] The parties agreed the consent order has effect on and from the date of this Decision and shall cease to have effect when the Agreement ceases operation.

[25] The consent orders of the parties reflect that the UFU and CFA have reached an agreement in relation to the matters in dispute. I therefore determine the dispute before the Commission has been resolved and the Commission’s file will be closed.



Mr W Friend QC with Ms T Sakkas of counsel for the United Firefighters’ Union of Australia (259V).

Mr S Moore QC for the Country Fire Authority.

Conciliation Conference details:



February 10

 1   United Firefighters’ Union of Australia v Country Fire Authority (2015) 228 FCR 497 at [254] – [257]

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