[2018] FWC 3917


Fair Work Act 2009

s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards–Fast Food Industry Award 2010



4 yearly review of modern awards – Fast Food Industry Award 2010 – substantive issues.

[1] This Statement concerns proceedings relating to substantive claims to vary the Fast Food Industry Award 2010.

[2] A programming mention 1 was held on 16 May 2018 at which the Commission was informed that five of Ai Group’s witnesses were required for cross-examination. One of those five witnesses, Mr Flemington, was unavailable on the day listed for the hearing and his cross-examination was scheduled for 29 June 2018.

[3] A hearing was held on 29 June 2018 to allow the Retail and Fast Food Workers Union to cross-examine Mr Flemington. A transcript of those proceedings is available on the 4 yearly review section of the Commission website. The matter is listed for further hearing on Monday, 16 July at 9:30am.

[4] A mention to discuss further programming of the matter will be held on Friday 6 July at 1:00pm, by telephone. Parties are encouraged to engage in discussions between themselves about the scheduling of witnesses and report back at the mention. A Notice of Listing will be issued shortly.

[5] At the hearing on 29 June 2018, Ai Group agreed to file:

1. A document setting out the findings Ai Group is requesting the Commission to make, with appropriate references to the evidence in support of each finding sought; and

2. A comparative table setting out the Ai Group’s claim and the current award provisions and comparative tables setting out Ai Group’s claim and the relevant provisions in the other awards mentioned in Ai Group’s submissions.

3. Material is to be sent to amod@fwc.gov.au by 4:00pm, Friday 6 July 2018.

[6] Parties are also requested to send all submissions and evidence filed in this matter in word format to amod@fwc.gov.au by 4:00pm, Wednesday 11 July 2018.


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 1   Transcript