[2019] FWC 2698


 Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards—Plain Language—Standard Clauses



4 yearly review of modern awards – Plain language – plain language light touch – exposure draft update 2.

[1] A Statement issued on 28 February 2019 1 (the February 2019 Statement) provided an update on the status of the plain language project and outlined that the plain language ‘light touch’ process would include the following:

(i) Changes to the structure of exposure drafts in Groups 1 to 3 in accordance with the plain language structure. This has already been completed for the awards in group 4.

(ii) Definitions will be moved to clause 2 in all exposure drafts.

(iii) Occupational health and safety references. 2

(iv) Annual, weekly and hourly rates in minimum wages tables. 3

(v) Cross-references in coverage clauses.

(vi) Consistency with the Plain Language Guidelines and removal of archaic language.

(vii) Re-drafting some particularly complicated clauses in exposure drafts to ensure that they are simple and easy to understand.

[2] An example of an exposure draft that has been through the light touch process will be published with this statement. The example is based on the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award exposure draft (the Gardening Award example). This has been prepared by staff of the Commission’s Modern Awards Team for the purposes of discussion at the conference on 29 April 2019 and does not represent the concluded view of the Commission on any issue. Amendments are detailed in the table at the beginning of the Gardening Award example.

[3] Items (i) to (iii) at [1] have already been the subject of decisions by the Commission and will form part of the light touch update for each award. A comparison document showing how awards have been restructured is set out at Attachment A. Each of these items has been included in the Gardening Award example.

[4] Item (iv), annual, weekly and hourly rates in minimum wages tables, is currently the subject of a submissions process and a further decision will be issued after reply submissions are received on 19 April 2019. The Gardening Award example includes the proposal set out in the February 2019 Statement at [26].

[5] Item (v), cross references in coverage clauses, is currently the subject of a submissions process and a further decision will be issued after reply submissions are received on 19 April 2019. The Gardening Award example includes the proposal set out in the February 2019 Statement at [32].

[6] Items (vi) and (vii) are considered further below.

Consistency with the Plain Language Guidelines

[7] Chapter 6 of the Plain Language Guidelines sets out principles for the use of language in modern awards. These principles include; avoiding unnecessary jargon; using the active voice instead of the passive voice and removing archaic language.

[8] The August 2017 decision 4 foreshadowed that archaic or overly technical language in modern awards would be replaced in accordance with the Plain Language Guidelines.

[9] An example of how the Guidelines have been applied in the Gardening Award example is set out below:

8. Types of employment

8.1 An employee covered by this award must be one of the following: Employees under this award will be employed in one of the following categories:

(a) a full-time employee; or

(b) a part-time employee; or

(c) a casual employee.

8.2 At the time of engagement, an employer will must inform each the employee of the terms of their engagement and, in particular, whether they are to be full-time, part-time or casual. This decision will then must be recorded in a time and wages record.

Re-drafting some particularly complicated clauses in exposure drafts

[10] Throughout the Gardening Award example amendments have been made to clauses to adopt changes made in plain language exposure drafts where the original award clause was identical. An example of this is the Apprentice provisions at clause 12 of the Gardening Award example.

[11] Due to time and resource constraints other clauses for plain language re-drafting have not been identified; however, interested parties are asked to identify particularly complicated clauses that may benefit from plain language re-drafting in any awards.

Next steps

[12] The Gardening Award example will be published with this Statement. At the conference on 29 April 2019, parties will be asked to comment on the scope of the plain language light touch amendments. Parties will also be asked to identify any individual awards clauses that require plain language re-drafting.

[13] Following the conference, all exposure drafts will go through the light touch process and will be published in accordance with the timetable in the Statement issued on 4 April 2019 5.


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Attachment A

Plain Language Exposure Draft – Table of Contents

The plain language exposure draft table of contents was originally published as Attachment B of the 2016 Plain Language Pilot Report and based on the Pharmacy PLED(1) in April 2016.

The table of contents has been modified since the original publication.

Current exposure drafts (2)

Proposed exposure drafts

Part 1—Application and Operation

Part 1—Application and Operation of this Award

1. Title and commencement

Title and commencement

Definitions (moved from Schedule G)

2. The National Employment Standards and this award

The National Employment Standards and this award

3. Coverage


Effect of variations made by the Fair Work Commission (moved to clause 1.3)

4. Award flexibility

Individual flexibility arrangements – standard clause

Requests for flexible working arrangements – new model clause

5. Facilitative provisions

Facilitative provisions for flexible working practices

Part 2—Types of Employment and Classifications

Part 2—Types of Employment and Classifications

6. Types of employment

Types of employment

Full-time employment (moved from Types of employment)

Part-time employment (moved from Types of employment)

Casual employment (moved from Types of employment)

Apprentices (if applicable) (moved from Minimum wages)

Junior employees (if applicable)

7. Classifications


Part 3—Hours of Work

Part 3—Hours of Work

8. Ordinary hours of work and rostering

Ordinary hours of work

Rostering arrangements (if applicable) (or award specific heading)

9. Breaks


Part 4—Wages and Allowances

Part 4—Wages and Allowances

10. Minimum wages

Minimum rates includes:
 • School-based apprentices (if applicable)
 •  Higher duties (if applicable)
 •  Supported wage system (if applicable)
 •  National training wage (if applicable)

Payment of wages (moved from Minimum wages)

Annualised salary (if applicable)

11. Allowances


12. Superannuation


Part 5—Penalties and Overtime

Part 5—Overtime and Penalty Rates

13. Overtime


14. Penalties

Penalty rates

Part 6—Leave, Public Holidays and Other NES Entitlements

Part 6—Leave and Public Holidays

15. Annual leave

Annual leave

16. Personal/carer’s leave and compassionate leave

Personal/carer’s leave and compassionate leave

17. Parental leave and related entitlements

Parental leave and related entitlements

Leave to deal with family and domestic violence – new model clause

Community service leave (moved from below Public holidays)

18. Public holidays

Public holidays

19. Community service leave


20. Termination of employment


21. Redundancy


Part X—Industry Specific Provisions (if applicable)

Part 7—Consultation and Dispute Resolution

Part 7—Consultation and Dispute Resolution

22. Consultation

Consultation about major workplace change – standard clause


Consultation about changes to rosters or hours of work – standard clause

23. Dispute resolution

Dispute resolution – standard clause


Part 8—Termination of Employment and Redundancy


Termination of employment – standard clause (moved from Part 6)


Redundancy – standard clause (moved from Part 6)


Transfer to lower paid job on redundancy (merged with Redundancy)


Employee leaving during redundancy notice period (merged with Redundancy)


Job search entitlement (merged with Redundancy)



Schedule A—Classification Definitions

Schedule A—Classification Definitions (or award-specific heading)

Schedule B—Summary of Hourly Rates of Pay

Schedule B—Summary of Hourly Rates of Pay

Schedule C—Summary of Monetary Allowances

Schedule C—Summary of Monetary Allowances


Schedule D—School-based Apprentices (if applicable)

Schedule D—Supported Wage System

Schedule E—Supported Wage System

Schedule E—National Training Wage

Schedule X—National Training Wage (deleted in 113 awards)(3)


Schedule F—Agreement for Time Off Instead of Payment for Overtime (if applicable)


Schedule G—Agreement to Take Leave in Advance (if applicable)


Schedule H—Agreement to Cash Out Annual Leave (if applicable)

Schedule F—2014 Part-day public holidays

Schedule I—Part-day Public Holidays

Schedule G—Definitions

Schedule G—Definitions (moved to clause 2)

(1) See Attachment B of the 2016 Plain Language Pilot Report. This Table of contents was proposed for the plain language exposure draft for the Pharmacy Industry Award 2014.

(2) The current exposure draft Table of contents is taken from the current Group 1 to 3 exposure drafts.

(3) The National Training Wage Schedule in contained in the Miscellaneous Award 2010 and 113 awards refer to that award. The following 8 awards will retain the National Training Wage Schedule until the issue of relating to retention of award-specific schedules has been determined:

  Airline Operations—Ground Staff Award 2010;

  Airport Employees Award 2010;

  Building and Construction General On-site Award 2010;

  Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2010;

  Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010;

  Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010;

  Mobile Crane Hiring Award 2010; and

  Sugar Industry Award 2010.

 1   [2019] FWCFB 1255

 2   [2019] FWCFB 1255 at [41]

 3   Ibid at [28];

 4   [2017] FWCFB 4447

 5   [2019] FWC 2271