[2019] FWCFB 6562


Fair Work Act 2009
s.156 – 4 yearly review of modern awards

4 yearly review of modern awards – award stage



4 yearly review of modern awards – finalisation of exposure drafts

[1] On 2 September 2019 we published a decision 1 setting out the process for finalising the exposure drafts and consequent variation of each modern award. In particular, we decided that exposure drafts would be published one final time for comment (prior to their translation into varied modern awards) and that exposure drafts and draft variation determinations would be published over the coming months, in three tranches.

[2] The first tranche of exposure drafts was published on 2 September 2019. Interested parties were invited to comment on the contents of the exposure drafts by no later than 4pm 20 September 2019 with any submissions in reply being filed by 4pm 2 October 2019. At [33] of our 2 September 2019 decision we expressed the following provisional view:

‘It is our provisional view that the variation of the modern awards in tranche 1 in accordance with the draft variation determinations set out at Attachment D is, in respect of each of these awards, necessary to achieve the modern awards objective. In reaching that conclusion we have adopted the reasons set out in the decisions at Attachment C insofar as they are relevant to each of the awards in tranche 1 and, in particular, to the considerations in s.134(1)(a) to (h),which are addressed in each of those decisions.’

[3] Interested parties were invited to comment on our provisional view in accordance with the timeline set out above.

[4] We have received two recent requests to adjust the timeline for submissions in respect of the first tranche of awards.

[5] Ai Group wrote to the Commission on 18 September 2019 stating that given the extent of its involvement in Review matters ‘we will not be in a position to file a submission in respect of all of the ‘tranche 1’ exposure drafts in which we have an interest.’ Ai Group requested that three of the awards presently in Tranche 1 be deferred until Tranche 2 or 3, namely:

  Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award;

  Telecommunications Services Award; and

  Business Equipment Award.

[6] On 19 September 2019 the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) sought an extension of the time in which to comment on the provisional view exposure drafts and draft variation determinations in respect of the Tranche 1 awards, by one week to 27 September 2019. It was also proposed that the deadline for submissions in reply also be extended by one week, until 9 October 2019.

[7] We have decided to grant Ai Group’s request and the three awards mentioned at [5] above will be transferred to Tranche 3. The indicative timeline for Tranche 3 is set out below:

[8] We have also decided to grant the extension sought by AMWU, with two modifications. First, we will generally extend the time for the filing of submissions commenting on our provisional view, the Tranche 1 exposure drafts and draft variation determinations until 4pm on Friday 27 September 2019.

[9] We will also extend the filing time for filing submissions in reply, though not to the extent proposed by AMWU. We are mindful that a hearing will be held on 11 October 2019 if necessary to determine any issues raised in the submissions. Hence extending the time period for submissions in reply to 9 October 2019 may not provide sufficient time to adequately review those submissions prior to the hearing. Accordingly we will extend the time for filing submissions in reply to 4pm Tuesday 8 October 2019.


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 1   [2019] FWCFB 6077