[2021] FWC 2861


Fair Work Act 2009

s.160—Application to vary a modern award to remove ambiguity or uncertainty or correct error

Variation to the Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020 on the initiative of the Commission

Vehicle repair services and retail industry



s.160 - Application to vary a modern award to remove ambiguity or uncertainty or correct error.

[1] On 11 February 2021 the Commission issued a statement in relation to correspondence received from HR Legal, on behalf of several businesses in the vehicle retail industry, in relation to certain rates of pay in the Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020 (Vehicle Award).

[2] On 5 March 2021 the Commission issued directions in relation to the matters raised. Submissions have subsequently been received from various interested parties with submissions in reply also filed.

[3] The Commission now seeks advice from any interested party if it wishes to be heard in relation to the matter or is content for the Commission to determine the matter on the basis of the submissions filed.

[4] Any party wishing to be heard in relation to the application and/or submissions filed should advise the chambers of Commissioner Bissett at chambers.bissett.c@fwc.gov.au by 4.00pm Friday 28 May 2021.

[5] If no party seeks to be heard the matter will be determined on the basis of the material filed.

al of the Fair Work Commission with member's signtaure.


Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer
