[2021] FWC 3594


Fair Work Act 2009

s.160—Application to vary a modern award to remove ambiguity or uncertainty or correct error

Professional Golfers Association of Australia

Amusement, events and recreation industry



Application by Professional Golfers Association of Australia Limited to vary the Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020 and Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2020.

[1] In a decision issued on 27 April 2021 1 (the Decision) I considered an application by the Professional Golfers Association of Australia Limited to vary the Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2020 and the Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020 (the Awards) to remove ambiguity and uncertainty. Draft determinations in relation to each award were published concurrently with the Decision.2

[2] The Decision sets out the background to this issue, a summary of the parties’ submissions, as well as the legislative framework for varying a modern award to remove ambiguity, uncertainty or to correct an error under s.160 of the Fair Work Act 2009. I do not propose to repeat that background here.

[3] In the Decision I confirmed that the Awards contain ambiguity or uncertainty, and I expressed the view that the Awards should be varied in the manner proposed in the draft determinations unless an objection was raised to this course of action.

[4] No submissions were received and accordingly determinations giving effect to the changes will be issued with this decision.


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 1   [2021] FWC 2150.

 2   Draft determination - Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020; draft determination - Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2020.