[2021] FWC 6122


Fair Work Act 2009

s.160—Application to vary a modern award to remove ambiguity or uncertainty or correct error

Variation on the Commission’s Own Motion—Nurses Award 2020

Health and welfare services



Section 160 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) – Commission acting on its own initiative to correct an error – Nurses Award 2020 – confirmed provisional view to vary clause 19.2.

[1] On 30 September 2021, I issued a Statement 1 (the Statement) in relation to what appeared to be an error in clause 19.2(b) of the Nurses Award 2020 (the Award).

[2] In the Statement, I expressed the provisional view that clause 19.2(b) of the Award, which contains a reference to clause 19.1(a), should be amended to refer to clause 19.2(a). A draft determination giving effect to the provisional view was attached to the statement.

[3] Any submissions opposing the provisional view were to be filed by 4pm (AEST) on 8 October 2021. In the Statement, I said that if no submissions were filed opposing the provisional view, a final determination would be issued in the same form as the draft determination.

[4] No submissions were received. Accordingly, I confirm my provisional view.

[5] I intend to deal with this matter as a single Member of the Fair Work Commission pursuant to s.616(3D)(a) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). Under s. 616(3D)(a) of the Act, the President may direct a single Member to perform a function or exercise a power under s.160 of the Act varying a modern award.

[6] A final determination varying the Award will be issued with this decision. The determination will be operative from 14 October 2021.


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