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Fair Work Act 2009                                                    





s.156 - 4 yearly review of modern awards


Four yearly review of modern awards


Common Issues – Transitional Provisions - District Allowances




10.12 AM, TUESDAY, 10 APRIL 2018


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Good morning everybody.  Can you hear us clearly in Melbourne first off?


MR TINDLEY:  Yes, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you.  Can I take appearances please, starting here in Sydney, thank you.


MR D SCAIFE:  Thank you, your Honour.  Scaife, initial D, appearing with O'Keefe, initial P, for the SDA.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Welcome, Mr Scaife, Mr O'Keefe.


MS J KNIGHT:  Knight, initial J, appearing for the Australian Services Union.




MS R BHATT:  Bhatt, initial R, appearing for the Australian Industry Group and Hair & Beauty Australia.




MR L IZZO:  Izzo, initial L, seeking permission to appear on behalf of Australian Business Industrial and New South Wales Business Chamber.




MS J LIGHT:  Light, initial J, seeking permission to appear on behalf of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and with me is Mr Harris, initial S.




MS A SOLIVEN:  Soliven, initial A, from the Motor Trades Association of New South Wales appearing on behalf of Motor Trades Association of Western Australia and Motor Trades Association of Queensland.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Welcome, Ms Soliven.  Now in Melbourne, thank you.


MR N TINDLEY:  Tindley, initial N, seeking permission to appear on behalf of the Australian Retailers Association and Master Grocers Australia.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Welcome, Mr Tindley.  Are there any objections to the applications to be represented in the proceedings?


MR SCAIFE:  I should clarify, your Honour, that I am also seeking permission to appear.  I had thought that permission had been dealt with during earlier matters but no objection from our part.




MS KNIGHT:  No objection.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Right.  I'm satisfied that the matters involve a degree of complexity and representation will enable the matters to be dealt with more efficiently, so I'm willing to grant permission to those parties that are seeking permission to be represented in these proceedings.  So we'll proceed on that basis.  Now there are a couple of housekeeping matters that have been foreshadowed.  One relates to the proposed schedule of witnesses and secondly, there is the issue of a number of objections to some of the witness statements that have been provided or filed.  Are there any other housekeeping matters that people wish to foreshadow?


MR SCAIFE:  No, your Honour, I think when we start the SDA's evidence there are just some matters in our submissions that I will just take the Commission through corrections that need to be made but otherwise no housekeeping matters from our perspective.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Shall we deal with the issue of the schedule of witnesses first off?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, thank you, your Honour.  We've provided - the SDA and ASU have provided a proposed schedule of witnesses and we've had an opportunity to confer with the employer parties this morning.  Given the number of witnesses and there are some limitations with their availability because they work shifts et cetera, the directions in this matter had the employer parties providing us with witnesses - notice of witnesses required for cross-examination on Friday.  They very kindly provided us with notice on Thursday.  We have been working furiously over the weekend to make arrangements and that's how this schedule has been produced.


I understand from conferral with the employer parties that they anticipate that the witnesses will be required for about 45 minutes to an hour in some cases, so that's why the schedule is broken down into sort of hour by hour blocks.  Unfortunately, with some of the witnesses as I foreshadowed Ms Giltrap, Ms Cheng is another for today, they're only available at the times that we've listed there in the proposed schedule, so that may cause difficulties in terms of - if say, Ms Brown and Mr Lenton are dealt with quicker than anticipated.  In discussions with Ms Knight what we're proposing to do is to get through Ms Brown and Ms Giltrap this morning, then reassess at the break how we are progressing, and it is possible that Ms Rankin and Mr Carter who are scheduled for Wednesday morning, it is possible that we may be able to reschedule them to some time this afternoon.  But otherwise we would need the early commencement tomorrow to deal with Ms Rankin's evidence as I understand it.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll just make the point that there are some issues from the Bench's perspective in that tomorrow morning is a problem in the sense that one of the members has a matter listed at 9 am, so I'm not sure that we can accommodate a 9 am start tomorrow.  Today - well for the next three days in terms of sitting beyond 4 pm, this particular court room is required by Hatcher VP at 4.30 this afternoon, so there's a time limit there and certainly in respect of tomorrow and Thursday Bissett C and myself on either one of those days or both of those days have matters listed for 4.30.  So there's problems in terms of going too late on either of those days.


MR SCAIFE:  I appreciate that, your Honour.  We will - I think we're in a position to try to move Ms Rankin and Ms Churchill - Ms Rankin may present a problem but I think Ms Knight will need to address that.  But Ms Churchill I am making inquiries with about moving her so that we don't - so that we didn't need to make the request for the early start on Thursday.  I also understand from my friends that the employer parties that Ms Hughes-Gage is unlikely to be required for cross-examination so that will free up some time on Wednesday that we will also use to try to move the witnesses around.  I think that the only way that we can deal with it today from the union's perspective is to move through the witnesses listed for today, see how we progress.  Ms Cheng is available at 4 pm but I understand that the employer parties need her for longer than half an hour, so we may need to do some work there to try and reschedule her.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Might need to have a plan B for that one.


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, but unfortunately given the time that we've had available to us and the limited availability of the witnesses, that's about as far as I can take it this morning in terms of scheduling.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Well, perhaps after the luncheon adjournment we can just do a stocktake on where you might have gotten to and where we might be getting to for the rest of today and where we might sit for tomorrow as well.


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Right.  The other issue was the table of objections that have been filed by Mr Izzo.  Mr Izzo is there anything you wish to say around those?


MR IZZO:  The only thing I wish to say, your Honour, which is consistent with the email I sent is that our clients do intend to take - to not take a strict approach in terms of objections generally.  We do intend to mainly make submissions, so it is only these three issues.  Because there's only three we're really in your hands.  Happy to deal with it at the beginning of each witness or happy to deal with it collectively.  As far as I understand these are the only objections that are identified at this stage by the employer parties, so they're the only three issues we would need to address.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Izzo, in your covering email you foreshadowed that you might be having conversations with the unions in respect of the objections.  Have they occurred?


MR IZZO:  They haven't but perhaps they could take place during the luncheon adjournment because I don't think any of the objections relate to the first two witnesses.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Well, perhaps if that could be the case and then when we do the stocktake after lunch we might just revisit that issue to see where you've gotten to and take it from there.


MR IZZO:  Certainly.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  No other housekeeping matters?


MR SCAIFE:  If I could just raise one matter for the record.  In relation to Leanne Hughes, Ms Leanne Hughes-Gage, the employer parties have indicated that we won't require her for cross-examination.  That is conditional on just some information being provided to us which we believe will readily be able to just be sent to us in an email but there's effectively one or two questions we have for her which are very kind of basic in nature.  So we're going to deal offline with the SDA about that and anticipate that if that information is forthcoming then in that case we won't require her for cross-examination.  So I think it's highly likely she's not required but it is subject to just that one caveat, that's all.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Again if you can just keep the Bench informed on that, that will be helpful, thank you.  Ms Bhatt.


MS BHATT:  Deputy President, if I can just raise a couple of issues.  On the topic of objections to the evidence, we support the objections that have been identified by ABI and the New South Wales Business Chamber.  Beyond that, having regard to the approach that is generally taken in this award review, Ai Group will not raise objections to the evidence when the witness statements are tendered, but I simply say this that we do intend to make submissions about the weight that can be attributed to some of the evidence that is before you, and I will deal with that when we come to making our closing submissions.


The only other matter I wanted to raise is in relation to the schedule.  I think I ought to foreshadow to the extent that this colours any of the unions' discussions with their witnesses regarding scheduling, there is a possibility that some of these witnesses will not be required for an hour, and indeed might be required for much less.  The employer parties have had multiple discussions over the past few days to do our best to coordinate our efforts but there's a degree of complexity that's involved where there are so many employer associations.  So I think it should foreshadow that if the witnesses are left scheduled the way they are we may end up with time in-between the witnesses that is not practically used, but I appreciate the efforts that my union colleagues have gone to, to try and amend the schedule.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Well, it might result in a bit of stop/start and in terms of the timing of the witnesses availability it strikes me as there may not be much that can be done.


MR SCAIFE:  Unfortunately we think that's possibly the case, your Honour, but we will use our best efforts to use all the time productively.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you, Ms Scaife.  Anything else before we actually get down to the tin-tacks?  Mr Scaife, this timetable suggests that we go straight to the evidentiary case, is that - - -


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, if I could just take, as I foreshadowed, Deputy President, if I could just take the Full Bench to our - if I could just hand up that court book for the use of the members of the Bench.  This is just the SDA's materials consolidated into a single volume and copies have been provided to my friends who are here in person in Sydney.  I don't have copies available in Melbourne but I can assure the employer parties that it's just a consolidation of the material that has already been filed in this matter.


If I could just take you to tab 2 of that book which is our outline of submissions that was filed.  I'd just like to, at an early stage, make some - note some corrections that need to be made to those submissions.  The first is on page 7 of the court book, so this is at paragraph 6 of our submissions where we list the witness statements that we rely on.  You'll see that at the bottom, paragraph 6, subparagraph (i) there's a reference to the witness statement of Robert Bassett.  That can be struck out.  Mr Bassett is not available for cross-examination and we no longer seek to rely upon his statement, and it's not included in the volume that's been handed up to the Bench just now.


If I could then take you to page 14 of the court book and you'll see at the top of page 14 there's a list of the NAPSAs that are relevant to the awards under consideration in this matter.  We have omitted one of the NAPSAs which is the Motor Vehicle (Service Station, Sales Establishments, Rust Prevention and Paint Protection) Industry Award 1980, so I will provide that in an email to the Commission this evening but just to note that that's the NAPSA which is relevant to the vehicle award and it was omitted inadvertently on our part there.


Now to page 24 of the court book, paragraph 72 of our submissions.  In that paragraph we describe the remoteness of the SDA regions as defined by the ABS and we've said there that it's defined as very - they are defined as very remote.  That should read as "remote and very remote", because there are some localities within the SDA region such as Broome and Port Hedland that are classified as remote as opposed to very remote.


Then the last thing that I do need to foreshadow which I have had discussions with the employer parties this morning is that at tab 12 of the court book is Ms Churchill's witness statement.  Ms Churchill returned a signed copy of her witness statement to us and somehow in the process of signing the PDF made changes to her statement that weren't marked up when it was sent back to us.  We only became aware of that upon doing a final review of the materials in the court book.  The changes don't change, they're not substantial, they don't change the meaning of what Ms Churchill says but I've been through that with my colleagues this morning.  They're aware of the changes that have been made and obviously if anything arises from that, Ms Churchill isn't scheduled until the next day or two and any prejudice that has been caused to the employer parties will hopefully be able to be remedied in that time.  So those our housekeeping issues, your Honour.


If I could just briefly describe the claims before the Full Bench and then call on our first witness Ms Brown.  These are applications by the SDA and the ASU for the inclusion of district allowances.  Insofar as the SDA's application is concerned, we have set out at paragraph 3 of our submissions the five awards into which the SDA is seeking the insertion of district allowances.  Those are the General Retail Industry Award 2010, the Fast Food Industry Award 2010, the Vehicle Manufacturing Repair Services Retail Award 2010, the Pharmacy Industry Award 2010 and the Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010.


The SDA claim is to the effect of inserting a clause into each of those awards which would have the effect of allowing a weekly allowance of 4.28 per cent of the standard rate in the award to be paid to workers in the Kimberley Pilbara and Gascoyne Regions of Western Australia.  It's essentially on the same basis as the Broken Hill allowance which exists in all of the five awards except for the vehicle award.  Those allowances have historically been justified by reference to the cost of living, the climate and the isolation, the disabilities that are experienced by virtue of those factors in the various regions of Western Australia, and the evidence that we are leading from the lay witnesses goes towards putting a human face on the experiences that the workers in those regions experience on a subjective level, but also particularly in relation to climate and isolation.  Those are particularly subjective qualities and we think that it's important that the lay witnesses - the lay witness evidence we say is important from the perspective of expressing the experiences of isolation and of climate, whereas cost of living is obviously a factor which is more easily quantified.  With that very brief opening I propose to move into calling our first witness which is Makere Brown.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'm told for Mr Tindley and Ms Imbriano in Melbourne to actually call the first witness on the telephone, we actually need to disconnect and then redial the VC connection to Melbourne.  So you'll lose us shortly but you'll come back in a moment, so bear with us.


MR TINDLEY:  Thank you, your Honour.


MS BROWN:  Hello?


THE ASSOCIATE:  Hello, is that Ms Brown?


MS BROWN:  Yes, it is.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Hello, Ms Brown, my name's Grace.  I'm calling from the Fair Work Commission.  I've just dialled you - - -


MS BROWN:  Yes, yes, I've been expecting you.


THE ASSOCIATE:  I've just dialled you directly into the hearing that you're giving evidence in today.


MS BROWN:  Mm-hm.


THE ASSOCIATE:  I'm just going to administer an affirmation to you, could you please state your full name and address?


MS BROWN:  Makere Brown, Manu, I'm known as Manu.  (Address supplied).

<MAKERE BROWN, AFFIRMED                                                    [10.35 AM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE                                 [10.35 AM]


MR SCAIFE:  Ms Brown, this is Mr Scaife, the lawyer for the SDA, we've spoken previously.  Can you hear me all right?‑‑‑Yes, I can.


Ms Brown, I just have just a couple of questions for you.  Did you - have you made a witness statement supporting the SDA's claim for a district allowance?‑‑‑Yes, I have.


Do you have a copy of that statement in front of you?‑‑‑Yes, I do.


Does that statement run to 38 paragraphs?‑‑‑It does, 38, yes.


It's dated 21 January 2018?‑‑‑Dated 21 January 2018, yes, that's correct.


Is that signature on final page, Ms Brown?‑‑‑That is my signature.


Is the contents of that statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes, I've re-read it and yes, it is.


Thank you.  If I could tender the witness statement of Ms Brown which is at tab 6 of the court book, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the witness statement of Ms Makere Brown, which comprises 38 paragraphs and four pages and is dated 21 January 2018 as exhibit 1.


***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                         XN MR SCAIFE


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, your Honour.  That's the examination-in-chief.  Ms Brown, you're just now going to be asked some questions by some of the other parties in the room?‑‑‑Yes.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO                                           [10.38 AM]


MR IZZO:  Hi Ms Brown, how are you?  It's Mr Izzo here.  I represent the New South Wales Business Chamber and an organisation called ABI.  Can you hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes, I can.  Yes, thank you.


Great.  Ms Brown, I just want to ask you some questions initially just about some of your history.  I noticed that you moved to Hedland from New Zealand about five years ago.  You put that in your statement.  I take it that you were in New Zealand for some time before that.  Is that correct?‑‑‑Well, I'm from New Zealand and I lived there until I moved here.


So whereabouts in New Zealand were you from?‑‑‑I'm from a place called Kennedy Bay in Coromandel on the Coromandel Peninsula.


Can I ask you lived there, did you, for most of your life before moving to Port Hedland or you were in a few various different places?‑‑‑All of - all of my life prior to coming to Hedland.


What is it that caused you to move from New Zealand to Hedland?‑‑‑Well, my husband died and my children are all living in Australia, so they offered me to come and live with them to see how I liked it, if I liked it or not, and I'm still here.


I'm terribly sorry to hear about that circumstance?‑‑‑That's okay.


So you obviously - you moved over about five years ago, so I take it that you do like it here in Australia do you and you're kind of intending on staying at least for the near term.  Is that the case?‑‑‑Yes, I love it here.  I love the heat, it's good for my arthritis.


Do I take it then that at the moment you've got no intention of moving elsewhere.  Is that right?‑‑‑Well, I do have intentions of moving back home eventually, whether that's before I die or you know, I don't know.


When you say home, you mean back to New Zealand?‑‑‑Yes, I do.

***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


Sure, thank you.  I think you mentioned your partner.  Your partner's someone you met in Australia, is that right, or in New Zealand?‑‑‑Yes, yes, that's correct.  No, I met him here after I'd been here for two years, yes.


You mention that your partner works in a casual - sorry, withdraw that.  You mention that your partner has a massive mortgage, is how you describe it.  Are you able to kind of let us know what does that mean?  How much is massive?  Are you able to indicate what the repayments are monthly or something that can give us a bit of an idea what you mean by that?‑‑‑Yes, he pays $500 a week.  I think that's massive.


Yes, thank you.  Do you know how long he's had that property?‑‑‑He's been here for about eight or nine years, maybe 10.  I'm not - yes, I think he's been here for more than 10 years.


Do you have an idea about how much the house is actually worth?  How much it cost to buy?‑‑‑I think he paid around about $250,000 for it when it was, you know, like that long ago.


Yes, and you think that's a number of years ago I take it?‑‑‑That's a number of years ago, yes.


Is it just the two of you in the house, is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


Now if I can ask you, before I move on I think you mentioned in your statement that you're about a 20 kilometre drive away from work.  Is that right?‑‑‑That's correct, yes.


How long's that take usually to get to work?‑‑‑Around about 20 minutes.


So just bear with me one moment.  So on average what, you're going about 60, 65, 70 kilometres an hour in terms of the average speed on the motorways to get there, that's kind of the - - -?‑‑‑Yes, I don't have big flash car, I just have a little Toyota and I don't drive fast so yes, it takes me about 20 minutes.  That's if I don't get stuck - if I get stuck behind a big truck then it'll take me a lot longer.


Are there any tolls that are payable on the roads that you travel?‑‑‑No.


What about parking, is there any parking costs associated?‑‑‑No.

***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


So I think yes, I just want to recall, you said 20 minutes didn't you to get to work.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, about 20 minutes.  Sometimes 15 but mostly 20.


What about in New Zealand, where you worked in New Zealand.  How far were you from work when you were in - sorry, was it Kennedy - if you could actually just, I didn't get the full name of the place down.  Could you just repeat the place that you used to live in New Zealand?‑‑‑Yes, I come from a place called Kennedy Bay, Coromandel in the Coromandel Peninsula, but I lived in Auckland for most of my life.


What was your job before you left - your last job before you left New Zealand?‑‑‑I was a customer service representative for a company called Henkel New Zealand.


Yes.  They make hair care products, don't they?‑‑‑Yes, they do.  Yes, they bought Schwarzkopf, yes.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  That's pretty impressive, Mr Izzo.


MR IZZO:  That's not really relevant to the proceedings but - - -?‑‑‑No.


What was your commute to work there?‑‑‑The same.  I used to live in Papakura and I'd have to go to East Tamaki but that would take sometimes about half an hour to three quarters of an hour because of the traffic.  Traffic congestion.


So it's - if we use, I suppose we've got to be careful using the word remote but it's less remote than where you are now, do you think?  Is that right?‑‑‑This was extremely remote.


Yes.  So I take it - am I correct in assuming that based on what you've mentioned today about where you are and the fact that at the moment you seem to be happy where you are.  I take it you haven't sought jobs in other areas like Perth or Geraldton or Bunbury, places closer to Perth.  I take it you haven't looked for jobs like that?‑‑‑No, that'd be silly.  I'd have to move there because, you know, like South Hedland is like an 18 hour drive to Perth.

***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


Yes, yes, I'm sorry.  I apologise for cutting you off.  I'm not suggesting that you would commute there.  I suppose what I was getting at is that you and your husband haven't  - sorry, you and your partner haven't looked at moving to Perth or any of those places.  You're kind of happy where you are.  That's kind of what I was getting at?‑‑‑Well, we're not happy where we are but we can't move because of his mortgage.  I mean the housing has devalued considerably in South Hedland.  It's not worth - it's only worth, not even half the price of what he - it was valued at like five years ago.


If you'd just bear with me one moment?‑‑‑Hello?


Yes, yes, sorry.  Just one moment, I think I'm almost finished my questions, I was just checking.  If I can just ask a couple more questions.  In terms of your partner, what's the job that he does?‑‑‑He works for Veolia picking up rubbish.  What do you call those big containers of rubbish?  You know, the - skips, yes.  Yes, every day, he works - he works six days of the week, sometimes seven.


I think that's all the questions I had.  Thank you very much for your time, Ms Brown?‑‑‑You're welcome.  Am I still - - -


Yes, I think Ms Bhatt's now going to ask you some questions.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT                                       [10.47 AM]


MS BHATT:  Ms Brown, good morning.  My name is Ms Bhatt.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Very, very slightly.  You've got a very soft voice.


Let's try again, is that better?‑‑‑That's much better.


Very good.  Ms Brown, I appear for the Australian Industry Group in these proceedings, which is an organisation that opposes the SDA's claim and I have just a small number of questions for you regarding your statement.  Now I understand from the evidence that you've just given that you've never lived in Perth.  Is that right?‑‑‑I've never lived in Perth, no.


Can I take you to paragraph 7 of your statement, Ms Brown?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


I'm just going to read that out.  It says:


All of the products in the shops here are more expensive than they are in Perth, including meat, vegetables, toiletries and cleaning products.



***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                        XXN MS BHATT


But you're not saying that you've undertaken a systematic analysis with absolutely every product available in Perth versus the price of the same products in the shops in Hedland, have you?‑‑‑Well, I have been to Perth and I have shopped in Perth, especially for groceries and yes, everything is more expensive in Perth - I mean in South Hedland, you know, like - yes, definitely.


I understand that's your evidence but I'm not sure that you've answered my question so I'll ask it again?‑‑‑Okay.


You're not saying in your evidence that you've undertaken a systematic analysis of the price of absolutely every product available in Perth, versus the price of the same products in Hedland have you?‑‑‑I have not.


Now can I take you to paragraph 21 of your statement and I'll read that out.  It says:


When we have medical problems other than minor problems, we have to go to Perth.




Now obviously I've read your statement and I understand that your partner has recently had heart problems and has suffered some burns, and I also understand that you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, so am I right - - -?‑‑‑You're breaking up, I can't - excuse me, you're just breaking up,  I can't hear every word.


I'm sorry about that, I'll try again.  I understand from your evidence that your partner has recently had some heart problems and suffered from burns, and that you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, so am I - - -?‑‑‑I do.


Yes.  So am I right in assuming that the evidence that you give at paragraph 21 of your statement, which I've just read out, is based on the specific health problems that you and your partner have recently experienced?‑‑‑As recent as October last year.


Yes, so it's based on that experience.  Is that right?‑‑‑It is based on that experience.  Well, you said - you said more than one experience.


Yes, no I understand that - - -?‑‑‑Having to go - yes, yes.

***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                        XXN MS BHATT


Thank you.  I have no further questions for Ms Brown?‑‑‑Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Do any other employer representatives in Sydney have questions?  Mr Tindley, in Melbourne?


MR TINDLEY:  No, thanks, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Scaife, any - sorry.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Ms Brown, it's Bull DP speaking.  You say you work 15 hours a week.  Is that by choice or is that the only hours you can get to work?‑‑‑Well, they're my contract hours.  I can work more if I want to, if they need me they do, I do work something more than 15.  But my contract hours are 15.


But are you looking to work more hours or are you happy with the 15?‑‑‑Not particularly, you know, due to my age I like to have a little bit of a rest, yes.  15's okay for the time being.  I can't get - I do that because I can't get a pension here.  I need to have some kind of income for myself.  So that's why I do it.


Your partner, what income does he earn roughly, do you know?‑‑‑He earns about 1500 - 1300 to 1500 a week depending on how many days he has to work.


Right, so you say he's a casual that works six to seven days a week?‑‑‑Yes.


He's got a mortgage of $250,000 as a casual?‑‑‑Yes, because he - yes, because he used to be on a much, much higher wage, you know, five years ago.


I see, all right.  How long has he been working as a casual for?‑‑‑Coming up to about two and a half years, three years.  Since he lost his job at Laing O'Rourke, which is - I think it's probably about three years ago.  And then he couldn't find another job for about six months and then he got this job at Veolia where he is, so he's a casual - been a casual there.  He's applying for - you know, to become permanent which would give him a little bit of, you know, leeway for time off and stuff like that and sick leave, but he doesn't get any of that at the moment.  He just has to go to work and come home.

***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                        XXN MS BHATT


Did you say that your family live in South Hedland or Port Hedland with you, or in that location?‑‑‑One of my daughters - one of my daughters lives here in South Hedland.


Thank you very much, Ms Brown?‑‑‑You're welcome.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  It's Kovacic DP here, Ms Brown.  Just follow up question to one of the questions that Bull DP just asked you.  In your witness you refer to your granddaughter and that she'd like to attend university.  I take it from what you've just said that she actually lives in Hedland?‑‑‑Yes, she does.


Thank you?‑‑‑You're welcome.

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE                                             [10.54 AM]


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Ms Brown, it's Mr Scaife again, the lawyer for the SDA?‑‑‑Yes.


I just have one follow up question for you.  When you were speaking to Mr Izzo earlier, he asked you whether or not where you live now is less remote than when you lived and worked in Auckland.  You said that where you live now is extremely remote.  What did you mean by that?‑‑‑Well, it's just a long way to drive anywhere, you know, like you just drive for hours and hours before - if you want to go - if you want to go shopping, for instance, the closes next town is Karratha which is two hours away.  The other option is Broome which is six hours away, so yes I call it extremely remote compared to where I come from.


How does that compare to where you come from?‑‑‑Well, where I come from I lived in the city, put it that way.


Sorry, what was that last part, Ms Brown?‑‑‑Where I come from, I lived in the city, so I lived in Auckland city, so in comparison there is no comparison.


Thank you, Deputy President.  Thank you, Ms Brown, those are all the questions?‑‑‑Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you, Ms Brown.  It's the Deputy President here, you're now excused and you're free to go so we'll just hang up on the call, thank you?‑‑‑Okay, thanks a lot, bye.

***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                      RXN MR SCAIFE



<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [10.56 AM]


So I take it we now have an hour to cool our heels, Mr Scaife?


MR SCAIFE:  Unfortunately, yes.  Ms Giltrap doesn't have her break until 10 am Australian Western Standard Time, so perhaps we will - we might make some inquiries in that break and see if we can bring something on earlier and we'll perhaps let your Associates know, if we can do that.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  You might also confer about the objections issue as well.




DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  We might just do that stocktake when we come back.  So can I suggest that we might resume at five to 12 to just revisit those housekeeping issues.




DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  And then go from there.


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, your Honour.

SHORT ADJOURNMENT                                                                  [10.57 AM]

RESUMED                                                                                             [11.57 AM]


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Scaife, any update on those housekeeping issues?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, Deputy President.  In terms of timetabling we'll obviously move to Ms Giltrap shortly and then we're hoping to fit in Mr Carter who was scheduled for Wednesday morning thereafter, before we adjourn for lunch.



***        MAKERE BROWN                                                                                                                      RXN MR SCAIFE


MR SCAIFE:  Then Ms Simons who is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, we're hoping to schedule her in after Ms Nolan this afternoon between Ms Nolan and Mr Lenton.  That will leave the SDA with three witnesses who won't have been dealt with today.  We're making inquiries with Ms Cheng and Ms Churchill about trying to shift them to sometime early tomorrow and Ms Hughes-Gage as my friend indicated, if we can deal with his concerns overnight then she won't be required.  So that's where we're up to in terms of programming today.




MR SCAIFE:  On the objections to the evidence, would you like me to address now, Deputy President?




MR SCAIFE:  The objections that are made in relation to the SDA's witnesses are the first and the third, so the statements of Ms Hughes-Gage and Ms Cheng.  We accept that - we concede that the evidence that is given by - if I can deal with Ms Hughes-Gage first.




MR SCAIFE:  So Ms Hughes-Gage at paragraph 21 is giving evidence about what she was being told by her friends.  We concede that that's hearsay evidence, Deputy President.  We only say that the evidence that the lay witnesses has given is about the subjective experiences that they have of living in those towns, part of that experience is the fact that they belong to a community where fees and charges are much higher than they would be in regional centres or in capital cities.  So we're not seeking - we're not withdrawing that part of the statement but we accept that the Commission will need to consider what weight it gives to that paragraph in view of the concession that we've just made.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Izzo, do you have anything you wish to say around that?


MR IZZO:  Yes, Deputy President.  The issue essentially is the same throughout the three.  We accept that there are a variety of materials that have been filed that wouldn't strictly comply with the rules of evidence and we're happy to make submissions as to weight.  The difficulty that we have with these three particular paragraphs is that not only are they hearsay evidence but they relate to matters that it's going to be very difficult for us to test in cross-examination, because we don't know for instance the nature of the property that's - if we take paragraph 21, the nature of the property that's being rented.


We'd likely need to start asking details about the circumstances of this particular person in order to try and test the nature of that evidence and its relevance to these proceedings.  It's very difficult to that when the person's not actually here to ask them questions about those matters.  That really rings true for the other two matters as well, but if I just stay on paragraph 21.  So that's why we've taken particular objection to that paragraph.  We do press the objection because primarily we think we will be unable to effectively test it in cross-examination and that's not the case with some of the other matters that might otherwise be inadmissible.


I just note that I said 21, the whole paragraph, that's because I assumed the paragraph ended at the end of the page.  There's actually a reference to - overleaf to the witness and their son.  I'm not objecting to that.  It's the evidence about the rental and financial circumstances of other people who aren't here giving evidence, and that's why it's pressed.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Izzo, one option would be for the Bench to not strike out the particular sentence but to ultimately a matter for people to make submissions as to what, if any, weight might be given to the particular offending sentence, paragraph, by the parties.  What's your view in terms of that particular approach?


MR IZZO:  The difficulty we had with that and that's the approach we assume's going to relate to everything else.  It's more that I suppose because of these difficulties and our inability to effectively test it, our client's position is effectively somewhat prejudice if it goes in and is given any weight.  If it's not going to be given weight, then it probably should be struck out, and so that's why we maintain the objection, Deputy President.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Scaife, is there anything you want to say about the other two witness statements before - - -


MR SCAIFE:  The only matter I can address you on is Ms Cheng's statement which is paragraph 13 is the objection which is under tab 8 of our court book.  Ms Cheng is talking generally about being aware that other people are in Port Hedland that she knows receive allowances for various disabilities.  Again we concede that it's hearsay evidence but I won't go so far as to describe the provision of allowances to workers in Port Hedland as a notorious fact, but we don't think that that evidence is particularly controversial when read in light of some of the materials that have otherwise been filed, but we accept that the parties will need to make submissions as to weight and that's a matter for the Commission how much weight it attaches to it.


MR IZZO:  Deputy President, again this is a somewhat different example but tends to illustrate our point.  If we were to effectively test this, and I might note our objection's not to the first part of the paragraph, it's actually just the last six words to "compensate them for living in Hedland".  If we were to test that we'd need to ask things like what's the industrial instrument applicable, what does it say, we might want to understand what that industrial instrument says to understand how that interrelates with the rest of the wages.  There's a whole variety of questions we could ask to try and understand why it is that they're paid this, for instance, to compensate them.


None of those questions can be asked, and that's why we're not going to cavil with the fact that some people receive allowances in Port Hedland.  People receive allowances across the country.  So we don't object to the beginning of the paragraph but if we go to the purpose of that, that may be prejudicial to our case and it's just again something that we really have no ability to test in cross-examination and for that reason we think it should be given no weight and accordingly should be struck out.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Anything in respect of Ms Rankin's statement other than what you - sorry, Ms Knight?


MS KNIGHT:  Thank you, Commission.  I have taken a moment to review the material that I received this morning and Mr Izzo has objected to paragraph 11, the second last and last sentences of Jessica Rankin's statement.  The ASU doesn't object to the objection.  We are actually in a position to say that we can concede those two sentences.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  So you're happy for those to be - that objection - for the deletion to be made?


MS KNIGHT:  The deletion of those two sentences.




MS KNIGHT:  And if you're in a position to listen to some of the other issues around the housekeeping, I've also got some comments for you for Jessica and Malcolm when you're ready.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Well, you may as well address those now and then - - -


MS KNIGHT:  So there were concerns I think that you raised this morning about the time being early and too late, because of the availability of the room.  Unfortunately, Jessica Rankin is actually working today in an Aboriginal community called Yandeyarra.  It literally has no telephone reception and so her availability is based on when she'll be in reception.  So she's there from eight to 2.30 our time - sorry, Western Australian time.  Hence the reason to need to contact her before 10 and after 4.30, so the only other possibility I have, sir, for Ms Rankin is Friday provided I can give her some significant notice.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  If I understood what you said, our time after 10 am she'd be available?


MS KNIGHT:  Sorry, she's not available between 10 and 4.30 our time, simply because she's out of phone reception area and not available all day on Thursday.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Well, I don't think we can - because of the other commitments that one of the members has, that we can accommodate that unfortunately.


MS KNIGHT:  Sir, our only other possibility is Friday.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Friday.  It's a bit awkward in the sense that you're sort of partway through closing submissions by that stage.


MS KNIGHT:  I do understand.  It is the nature of the work in this particular industry.  She's posted to particular areas in WA and this is the area she's posted to this week.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  We'll see what we can do in terms of accommodating doing it tomorrow.  I think that's preferable to shifting Ms Rankin to Friday, perhaps we'll come back to that this afternoon after the luncheon adjournment and just confirm the arrangements.  We might just confer for a few minutes - sorry, did you have other housekeeping issues?


MS KNIGHT:  The only other issue was for Malcolm Charles Parker.  He's unfortunately very uncomfortable about taking calls during work.  There are disability issues around this.  His hours of work are eight to five our time, hence the reasoning for the proposed time there for Malcolm, and Friday is also his day off.  So we ask for him to be scheduled at 5 pm tomorrow, which is also outside the times that you've proposed.


COMMISSIONER BISSETT:  Does he have a lunch break?


MS KNIGHT:  It is a possibility I could persuade him.  I've just got to give him that call after five today.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  If you could that would be helpful.  Otherwise we're going to have potentially a long gap tomorrow afternoon before we get to Mr Parker and I've got something listed at 4.30 and the Deputy President has as well.  We might come back to you on that one as well, but if - it might be helpful if you could explore whether we could do the luncheon.


MS KNIGHT:  I will, Commissioner.  Deputy President.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  That means we're talking his lunch, we're probably talking about - depending what time he takes his lunch but assume it's 12.30, that's 2.30, it might clash wish Ms Simons.


MS KNIGHT:  I think - for Malcolm I think his main concerns are he has a hearing disability which he has mentioned in his statement and being on the road and taking calls on the road is something that is quite distressing for him.  But if we can give him that comfort that that will be understood I can see what I can do and try to persuade him again.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  We might just check in terms of what's possible in terms of - at our end, if we're going to have a considerable break tomorrow afternoon, what I have listed for 4.30, I might be able to bring that forward in a way that still enables the 5 o'clock.  So we might come back to you perhaps after the luncheon adjournment or later this afternoon just to clarify whether that's so, that might save you a phone call on that one.


MS KNIGHT:  I appreciate your patience, Senior Deputy President and I will make those calls.  Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thanks, Ms Knight.  Mr Scaife.


MR SCAIFE:  Sorry, yes, Deputy President, I can just clarify that we are going to try to move Ms Simons over to today so that will free up more space tomorrow afternoon.  And I can also say that I had misread my friend's objection to Ms Cheng's statement.  I thought the objection was to the whole paragraph, so I can just - this is tab 8 of our court book, paragraph 13, I understand the objection is to the last words, "to compensate them for living in Hedland".


MR IZZO:  That's correct.


MR SCAIFE:  We're happy for that to be struck out.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Where it's agreed that the words be struck out, so those words at the tail end of Ms Cheng's, paragraph 13 of her witness statement, and also the sentences in respect of Ms Rankin's witness statement, they'll be struck out.  In respect of Ms Hughes-Gage witness statement we won't strike the words out but we'll anticipate submissions as to the weight that can be attached to those particular words.  So we can now go to the next witness.


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, yes, Deputy President.  So I call Ms Marites Giltrap.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Hello, is that Ms Giltrap?




THE ASSOCIATE:  Hello, Ms Giltrap, my name's - - -


MS GILTRAP:  Yes, good morning.


THE ASSOCIATE:  My name's Grace, I'm calling from the Fair Work Commission.  I've just dialled you directly into the hearing that you're giving evidence in today?




THE ASSOCIATE:  I just need to administer an affirmation.  So could you please state your full name and address?


MS GILTRAP:  Yes, Marites Giltrap, I'm 49 and I'm living in (address supplied).


THE ASSOCIATE:  Unfortunately we can't hear you very well.  Are you able to turn the volume up a little bit on your phone or get a bit closer to the phone, or not have it on speaker if it is on speaker?


MS GILTRAP:  Yes, okay.


THE ASSOCIATE:  I might just ask you to state your full name and address again if you wouldn't mind?






MS GILTRAP:  Can you hear me?  Yes.


THE ASSOCIATE:  I might just ask you to state your full name and address again if you wouldn't mind?


MS GILTRAP:  My name is Marites Giltrap, I am 49 years old and I am living in (address supplied).


THE ASSOCIATE:  Just hold on one moment please.




THE ASSOCIATE:  Ms Giltrap, could you please repeat after me.  I'm sorry, can you hear me?




THE ASSOCIATE:  Ms Giltrap, can you hear me?


MS GILTRAP:  Yes, I can hear you.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Could you please repeat after me?


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  It's not a very good line.  I wonder whether we try calling it again, just to see if can get a better quality of line.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Ms Giltrap, I'm just going to hang up and call you back and just see if we can get a better sound quality.


MS GILTRAP:  Okay, yes.


THE ASSOCIATE:  We'll call you back in a moment.


MS GILTRAP:  Okay, yes.


MR SCAIFE:  It sounds like she's on speakerphone, like she's not talking into the - - -


THE ASSOCIATE:  I might just mention that to her again.  Ms Giltrap, are you there?


MS GILTRAP:  Yes, I'm here.


THE ASSOCIATE:  So it's Grace calling again from the Fair Work Commission.  Can I just check, you're not on a speakerphone are you?




THE ASSOCIATE:  Excellent, thank you.  I just need to administer the affirmation to you.  So, sorry just again for the record could you state your full name and address?


MS GILTRAP:  My name is Marites Giltrap, I am living (address supplied).


THE ASSOCIATE:  Thank you, and could you please repeat after me.

<MARITES GILTRAP, AFFIRMED                                                 [12.17 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE                                 [12.17 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Ms Giltrap.  This is David Scaife, I'm the lawyer for the SDA.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes, I can hear you, sir.


Ms Giltrap, did you give a witness statement in support of the SDA's claim for a district allowance?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you have a copy of that witness statement in front of you?‑‑‑Yes, I have (indistinct).


Is that witness statement three pages long?‑‑‑Yes, it is three, yes, three pages.

***        MARITES GILTRAP                                                                                                                      XN MR SCAIFE


Is it 28 paragraphs?‑‑‑Yes, 28 paragraphs.


Is it signed and dated 4 April 2018?‑‑‑Yes, 4 April 2018.


Is that your signature - - -?‑‑‑I'm sorry?


Is that your signature, Ms Giltrap?‑‑‑Yes.


Is the contents of that witness statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes.


Thank you, I tender that witness statement.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the witness statement of Ms Marites Giltrap, which comprises three pages, 28 paragraphs and is dated 4 April exhibit 2.



MR SCAIFE:  Ms Giltrap, you're just going to be asked some questions by some other people now.  Could you make sure to hold the phone close to your mouth so that we can hear you clearly on this end?‑‑‑Yes.


Thank you.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO                                            [12.19 PM]


MR IZZO:  Hi, Ms Giltrap.  My name's Louis Izzo.  Can you hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes, I can hear you, sir.


Great.  Ms Giltrap, I take it you've been living in South Hedland - you say you've been living in South Hedland since about 2005, is that right?‑‑‑Yes, yes.


Where were you before 2005?‑‑‑I was in the Philippines and I was married 2005, I married an Australian - he's an Australian so I (indistinct) - - -

***        MARITES GILTRAP                                                                                                                        XXN MR IZZO


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Ms Marites, it's Kovacic DP here.  I'm going to have to ask you to speak very clearly into the phone because we're losing what you're saying.  We can't hear you properly?‑‑‑(Indistinct reply)


So if you might just start again, thank you?‑‑‑Okay, thank you.  I was in the Philippines and - - -


MR IZZO:  Sorry, and you said that you married your husband who's an Australian.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, in 2005.


So what, you moved out to South Hedland with your husband in 2005, is that correct?‑‑‑Yes.


So before 2005 you were the whole time in the Philippines?‑‑‑Yes, and I arrived here - yes, August 2005.


August, is that what you said?‑‑‑Yes.


So you moved to South Hedland, was that because of your husband's work?‑‑‑Yes, because of my husband's work.  He was working in gold in Port Hedland.  He's a truck driver, he's a truck driver.


Sorry, he was working where?‑‑‑Before in the company is called - because he was a truck driver, road train truck driver, so he was working in (indistinct) Port Hedland, I forget the - - -


Did you say gold?  Is that what you said?‑‑‑Yes, because I forget the name, the company, because he was working - - -


Was it a mining company, was it?‑‑‑Yes, it's a mining company.  He was driving road train trucks.


Driving road train trucks, is that what you said?‑‑‑Yes. Yes.


So he was doing that in 2005, so you moved there because of his work.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, yes, we live here in South Hedland, yes.


Then you moved to - you talk about moving to a number of other places?‑‑‑Yes.

***        MARITES GILTRAP                                                                                                                        XXN MR IZZO


Such as Mandurah and Alice Springs?‑‑‑Yes.


Why did you move to those places?‑‑‑Because he was working and what's the name of the company, and then (indistinct) I apply a job and (indistinct) from 2006, I think seven months I was working in McDonalds and then I work in Coles  for nearly 10 months and then back to McDonalds again.  And then he was working (indistinct) because he was bringing the fuel.


Sorry, if I can just stop you there.  So you were working Coles and McDonalds and that was at Mandurah was it?‑‑‑No, in South Hedland.


In South Hedland?‑‑‑And then (indistinct) - yes, and then my husband has quit his job and he get a job in Southern Cross in the mining, so we were in Mandurah, so I was working Mandurah (indistinct) for nearly two years.  (Indistinct).


Sorry, I apologise, if I can just ask you, so you moved to Mandurah because he got a job with Southern Cross mining company down there.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, yes, and he was a fly in-fly out.


He chose to - when you say quit his job, was that because the job in Mandurah was better than the job in South Hedland?‑‑‑No, we moved there because of his job and (indistinct) there and you know friends in Mandurah, so we decide to move in Mandurah.


So you went to Mandurah, then you moved to Alice Springs, is that right?‑‑‑No, from 2009, from Mandurah - 2009 we come back here in South Hedland again because he liked to drive the trucks so he apply to Caltex fuel, because he's doing the fuel.  The manager arrange him that he want to work here, back in Port Hedland, so we come back here in 2009 and then I was - I apply again in McDonalds and then in 2011 we going to Alice Springs.


So if I can just stop there.  You went back to South Hedland because your husband likes driving the trucks, so he wanted to go back to the jobs that were in South Hedland.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, because he like truck driving, so he got to - he working here in Caltex.

***        MARITES GILTRAP                                                                                                                        XXN MR IZZO


Was it also because he - does he like South Hedland, is that why?‑‑‑Yes, because the job is here and he likes truck driving, so - because when he was working in Southern Cross he was in underground but he like most truck driving, so we come back here.  We bought a house in Mandurah and we're renting a house.  But at that time 2009, the houses here are very expensive, so we decide to buy a caravan and yes, we live in the caravan here from 2009.


But now you're renting a house, is that right?‑‑‑Yes, we're renting a house because we sold the caravan.  Again we sold our house in 2015, yes.  Alice Springs we come back - it's very confusing because my husband (indistinct) for work and then 2014, from Alice Springs I didn't work McDonalds there, I was working in Hungry Jacks for nearly two years and then we come back here in South Hedland, and then I was working again in McDonalds and he's working Linfox.  We decide - no, (indistinct) other company, Linfox, lost the job of FMG, so yes, and then he transfer to Perth to Linfox, so we decide to move back in Mandurah and we live in the caravan - in the caravan park, yes.


You lived in a caravan in Mandurah, is that right?‑‑‑Yes, because we had a caravan and - and that time I have also operation in Mandurah, (indistinct) operation, so I always - back to McDonalds.


How much does your husband earn in his job, say per week?‑‑‑Because he's the one who control the - I think it's more 40 plus, around 40 plus, which is a truck driver.


Forty plus?‑‑‑Yes, 40 per hour I think.


$40 an hour?‑‑‑Yes.


Is he the main income earner in your family?  Does he earn more than you?‑‑‑Yes, he earn more than me.  Yes, I'm just working McDonalds.


So part of the reason - so is part of the reason you're in South Hedland is because for both of your work, because he's getting more money so it works out for you living in South Hedland at the moment.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


Now you refer to - do you have any - sorry, I'll start again.  Do you have any plans to leave South Hedland at the moment?‑‑‑(Indistinct) now my husband has had an operation (indistinct) of the shoulder, his operation in South Hedland Hospital last (indistinct) 2018, his operation and I'm not sure if he will - if we will stay here.  He cannot work now because he has - he just have an operation (indistinct).


So he's just had an operation so you're not sure whether he's going to still work in South Hedland, is that right?‑‑‑Yes, yes.

***        MARITES GILTRAP                                                                                                                        XXN MR IZZO


So if that's the cases what, you think you might move somewhere else for him to get a different job.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


So it will depend on what happens with his job?‑‑‑Yes, it depends on his - at the moment he's - yes, (indistinct) and he has no (indistinct) pay the compensation, so at the moment he has sick leave only, and then yes, and then I think the union or he's in court now for that pay, but we have a savings for the (indistinct), because at the moment we're not get (indistinct), because he has a rental office from Linfox(?) before, and now that he has operation he's not working; he has no rental report from company.  So (indistinct) for this boat.


Sure.  Can I just you a question about the physiotherapy cost?  You said it cost $70 per session?‑‑‑Yes.


Is that your initial consultation or - how many physiotherapy sessions did you go to?‑‑‑I'm not - because I'm not 100 per cent, but I'm sure they're last year, but this one I do not report to the work but - until now (indistinct).  I don't have any records (indistinct) in my arms, in my shoulders too.  I don't know - - -


Sorry, if I can just interrupt you, because you may not have heard my question.  I'm just interested - you talk in your statement about going to physiotherapy?‑‑‑Yes.


How many times did you go to the physio?  More than once?‑‑‑I went to Sonic Clinic, and I went to - we have a private doctor here, so if it was very bad, my left arm, so I had physiotherapy; I had a (indistinct) doctor; I had muscle therapy, but it helped.  But now I'm going to have appointment and (indistinct) is coming 4 May for my visit (indistinct) last year - (indistinct) problem with my thigh, I don't know, because I still have pain in my back.


Sure.  No further questions.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Do any other employer representatives have any questions?  In Melbourne, Mr Tindley?  Do you have any questions, Mr Tindley?


MR TINDLEY:  Sorry, no, your Honour.



***        MARITES GILTRAP                                                                                                                        XXN MR IZZO


MR SCAIFE:  No questions in re‑examination, your Honour.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you.  Thank you very much, Ms Giltrap.  You are now excused and you are now free to go, so we'll just hang up the phone, and have a good rest of the day.  Thank you.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [12.32 PM]




MR SCAIFE:  Yes, if we could call David Carter.  His statement is at tab 9 of our book.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Could you please state your full name and address?


MR CARTER:  David John Carter, (address supplied).

<DAVID JOHN CARTER, AFFIRMED                                           [12.35 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE                                 [12.36 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Mr Carter, it's David Scaife here, the lawyer for the SDA.  Can you hear me okay?‑‑‑You're a bit quiet.  If you can somehow turn yourself up?


All right, well I will try to at least bring the microphone closer.  Is that any better?‑‑‑Not really, no.  I can hear you, but you are quiet.


Okay, well we'll see how we go?‑‑‑No worries.


If you need anybody to speak louder, just let them know, okay, Mr Carter?‑‑‑Not a problem.


Mr Carter, did you give a witness statement in support of the SDA's claim for district allowances?‑‑‑Yes, I did.


Do you have a copy of that witness statement in front of you?‑‑‑Yes, I do.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                                 XN MR SCAIFE


Is that witness statement - it should run to four pages and 43 paragraphs?‑‑‑It does.


The copy that we have on file here is an unsigned and undated copy.  Is that the same as the copy in front of you?‑‑‑The one I have is unsigned, but I have sent a signed copy to the lawyers.  That's through registered mail.


By registered mail, okay.  We will provide a copy of that signed version to the Commission once we have it, but otherwise, the copy you have in front of you at the moment is four pages, 43 paragraphs, and unsigned and undated, is it?‑‑‑Yes.  The one I have is like the one you have in front of you, but there is a signed and dated one in the mail.


Thank you, Mr Carter?‑‑‑And it should get there today.


Yes.  Is the contents of that statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


I tender that statement.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the witness statement of Mr David Carter, which comprises four pages and 43 paragraphs as exhibit 3.


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT                                        [12.38 PM]


MS BHATT:  Mr Carter, good morning.  My name is Ms Bhatt.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes, but you are a little quiet.


If you can't hear any of my questions just ask me to repeat them?‑‑‑No, that's suddenly got better.


Very good.  I appear in these proceedings for the Australian Industry Group, which is an organisation that opposes the SDA's claim, and I have just a small number of questions for you regarding your witness statement?‑‑‑You're dropping and out.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                                XXN MS BHATT


Sorry, Mr Carter.  Can I take you to paragraph 8 of your witness statement?‑‑‑Paragraph 8.


And I'm looking at the first sentence there.  It says:  "I spend $1200 a month on my landline and internet."  Do you see that?‑‑‑Yes, I can see that.


Mr Carter, who is your phone and internet provider?  For example, is it Telstra?‑‑‑No, I'm with iiNet.


Is it your understand that iiNet gives you the option of different monthly internet plans which give you varying, for example, speeds or download limits?‑‑‑Yes, they do.


And is it your evidence that you have chosen a plan that costs $1200 per month because of the inclusions that it gives you, or the options it gives you?‑‑‑Well I've only just noticed this, but it should actually be $120 a month, not $1200 a month.


All right.  So is it the case then that paragraph 8 of your statement should be amended to say:  I spend $120 a month on my landline and internet?‑‑‑Yes.


Thank you.  Mr Carter, you've lived in Carnarvon for approximately 18 years now, isn't it?‑‑‑Yes.


Where did you live before that?‑‑‑Burringurrah Aboriginal Community.


How long were you there for?‑‑‑Two and a half years.


Have you ever lived in Perth?‑‑‑Yes, I have.


When was that?‑‑‑From '89 till '98.


So you left Perth about 20 years ago?‑‑‑Yes.


If I take you then to paragraph 10 of your witness statement?‑‑‑Yes.


Looking at the first sentence, it says:  "The fresh produce isn't the same quality as it is in Perth?"---Yes, that's right.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                                XXN MS BHATT


Can I take it that that evidence is based on your experience of having lived in Perth some 20 years ago, is that right?‑‑‑No.  It's actually my experience of actually being a fruit and veg manager and having to actually sell produce that's not actually under quality and working in that department as well that - basically what happens is we will get produce in the morning; it'll come off the truck; we'll open the truck, open the chiller unit and the produce.  Some of it will be ruined.  Sometimes things like stone fruit, they'll arrive in the morning and they'll look all right.  By about 12 o'clock in the afternoon they're starting to turn, and by about 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon you're pretty much ready to throw them in the bin.


Mr Carter, in the 18 years that you've lived at Carnarvon, you haven't needed to travel to Perth for an operation, have you?‑‑‑No.


If you have a look at paragraph 41 of your statement?‑‑‑(Indistinct) to, yes.


Sorry, paragraph 41?‑‑‑Paragraph 41 - I'm at paragraph 41.


Very good.  I'm looking at the second sentence.  It says if you needed to have an operation you would need to go to Perth?‑‑‑Yes.


So I take it that there you're talking about a major operation or a surgery of some sort, is that right?‑‑‑Yes, that is right, but it's also, like, sometimes there are minor things that they just don't have the equipment here to actually look after you with.  So that's very situational as well.  I mean, it's like, you know, if you had heart problems or anything like that, you would definitely have to go to Perth, but even things like dialysis and things like that, you know, you can't be treated here - - -


And that's your understanding - - -?‑‑‑ - - - properly.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut your answer off?‑‑‑Sorry, can you repeat that?


And that evidence is based on your understanding because of things that other people have told you, is that right?‑‑‑Oh, it's other people who I know that have had to go to Perth to have things done to them.


Thank you.  I have no further questions for Mr Carter.



***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                                XXN MS BHATT

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO                                            [12.44 PM]


MR IZZO:  Mr Carter, my name is Luis Izzo.  I'm representing the NSW Business Chamber and Australian Business Industrial in these proceedings.  Can you hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes, I can hear you at the moment.


Thanks.  Just let me know if that changes?‑‑‑Not a problem.


You gave some evidence about living in Perth from '89 to '98.  Is that immediately before you moved to Carnarvon?‑‑‑I moved to - I left Perth in '98 and I was out at Burringurrah Community from '98 till - right till the end of 2000, like just before the 2001 New Year's, and then I came into Carnarvon to live.


Sure.  So why did you leave Perth to go to the - and what was the name of that community, the Aboriginal community?‑‑‑Burringurrah.


Burringurrah.  Why did you leave Perth to go there?‑‑‑Well, I was working in Perth as a boilermaker and the opportunity came up because I worked at TAFE, as a TAFE lecturer, and so I took it.  And once that contract finished I moved into Carnarvon because actually we like it up here and also as well, moving back to Perth at the time wasn't an option.


Why wasn't moving back to Perth an option?‑‑‑Well, at that - well, I had like a house full of stuff by that stage and all the rest of it.  I mean basically I came back into Perth - I mean, not Perth, sorry, back into Carnarvon, started boiler making again and then worked my way into working for Woolworths and I've been here ever since.


And at this stage is that kind of where you're happy to stay at the moment or have you been looking to leave, or you're happy staying where you are?‑‑‑No, I'm happy to stay put.  I'm happy to stay here.


Can I just ask you a question about the - you were asked some questions by Ms Bhatt about the medical facility.  Am I correct in understanding there have been some redevelopments, some upgrades to the medical facility at Carnarvon.  Is that right?‑‑‑Yes, there have been upgrades and things like that done over the recent times.  Yes.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                                   XXN MR IZZO


Can you just take us through the upgrades since you've been in Carnarvon?  You've obviously been there a little while.  What kind of upgrades did they make to the medical facilities?‑‑‑Well, I couldn't give you like the full upgrade but they've basically improved the building.  I know they've brought in a bit more equipment and all the rest of it, but I couldn't give you like the full up - what they've fully done there.


Sure, and are you aware of so for instance would it sound about right if kind of there were upgrades to the dental health clinic?  Does that sound like something that you recall seeing?‑‑‑Not for the dental part, no.


Sure, and when was that upgrade completed, do you know?‑‑‑Last year I think.


Right, okay?‑‑‑Unfortunately we don't have a local paper anymore where they used to announce all that kind of stuff.


Sure.  Just bear with me, Mr Carter.  I've no further questions.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Do any of the other employer representatives have any questions?


Mr Tindley?  No?


MR TINDLEY:  Yes, your Honour, if I could.



CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR TINDLEY                                  [12.48 PM]


MR TINDLEY:  Just a couple of questions.


Mr Carter, can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes I can.


My name is Nick Tindley.  I'm appearing on behalf of the Australian Retailers Association and Master Growers of Australia.  I just have a couple of quick questions for you?‑‑‑Yes.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                            XXN MR TINDLEY


You were asked about your statement in relation to fresh produce.  Is your position in relation to fresh produce limited to the produce that's available at Woolworths in Carnarvon?‑‑‑Well, there is another supermarket here in Carnarvon but they - I don't really go there because their produce isn't that flash either and I mean there are growers.  I mean like there are plantations up here but unfortunately what happens with all the stuff that comes from the plantations, they load it up here, they send it to Perth and then it comes back again.  Excuse me, I need to have a cough.  Okay, I'm back.


A number of those plantations sell from the plantation don't they?‑‑‑Yes, some of them do.  Yes.


That's part of what's known as the Gascoyne Fruit Trail?‑‑‑Yes, I believe so.


You've heard of that?‑‑‑Yes.


You would have also heard of the Gascoyne Growers Market?‑‑‑Yes, that only runs for a couple of months per year.


A couple of months, is that your evidence?‑‑‑A couple.  Yes, a few or a couple.  A few months.  Yes, it only runs at certain periods of the year.


Would it be six months?‑‑‑I'm not really sure because it sort of - it changes.


Does May to October sound correct?‑‑‑Probably about - yes, about right.


Thank you.  So there are other options for accessing fresh produce in Carnarvon?‑‑‑You can access produce from other places in Carnarvon but when you go to like say one of these grower, the grower markets, you are limited to what they sell and because they only grow certain produce up this way you're limited to what they have - to what they sell.  And in a lot of times what they do sell is what - is actually like their seconds.  Like the good stuff goes to, say, Woolworths, Coles or to wherever, and basically they sell what they can't sell.


On what basis are you making that assertion?‑‑‑On the basis that sometimes the quality of it isn't that good and also like you - like I said, you can only buy what they grow.


But you don't have direct knowledge of how they choose to allocate their produce?‑‑‑No, no, not directly.  No.


Thank you?‑‑‑I mean I - - -

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                            XXN MR TINDLEY


And you're aware that 80 per cent of Western Australia's fruit and vegetables are grown in or around Carnarvon?‑‑‑Yes, I am aware of that but like I just said - - -


Thank you?‑‑‑- - - not all of it is sold here.


I'll be very brief with this.  You also talk about the cinema in Carnarvon showing movies but the movies coming out a lot later than they do in Perth.  What do you mean by a lot later?‑‑‑Well, basically when they do have a movie here we - it's not guaranteed that it's going to be like one of the latest releases.  It could be - and a lot of times it's older movies, sort of all arty type movies.  It's basically - it's not like when you're in Perth when you've got - like you'll go to a cinema and you'll have all like the latest ones.  You basically - here it's just crossed fingers and hope for what you can get.


Just so your clear, the question was what do you mean by "a lot later"?‑‑‑Sorry?


Mr Carter, what do you mean by a lot later?  Is there an estimate that you have in terms of the number of weeks, months?  Is it a week, is it a month, is it a year?‑‑‑I couldn't give you like a proper - like a time.  It varies but you - it's sort of like you can't - I can't really put a thing on - like a time on that but it's usually later than what we - yes, sometimes we do get things but we don't get like the A grade blockbusters that you guys see.


So it's not correct then to say that the movies come out a lot later.  You're saying now that it's some of the movies come out a lot later?‑‑‑Well, it all depends on what movies they actually bring up here.  I mean we have no choice on what they bring - they decide to show.  So, yes, it all depends.  I mean you can't sort of like say - it's not, like I said, you can go to like a large cinema block where they have all the movies on in different cinemas, basically because they've got one screen.  They can only show one movie, so.


Thank you?‑‑‑Excuse me again, I have to cough.  Excuse me.  I'm sorry, I'm back.


Mr Carter, you've corrected your statement to say you're spending $120 a month on your internet?‑‑‑Yes.


And landline?‑‑‑Yes.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                            XXN MR TINDLEY


And that that internet service is of a good quality?‑‑‑Well, it's reasonable.  We're about to get the AB - the NBN but the problem with up here, it drops off every now and again.  It drops off, comes back.  The connection slows down.  It's not a very good - we're not - at the moment not getting a very good connection.  Hopefully that will change next month.


So the NBN is coming next month is it?‑‑‑Yes, May 19th apparently.


And that option will be available to you?‑‑‑Yes it will.


Thank you, no further questions.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Mr Carter, it's Deputy President Bull speaking.  Your statement says that you work at Woolworths as a meat manager.  Are you on a salary or an hourly rate?‑‑‑No, I'm not - I am not salary.  I'm wages.


Right, so what does that mean?‑‑‑Well, I only get paid for the hours that I work.  Salary people, they get more money and more options.  They're on a salary.


But what hours do you work?‑‑‑I work 78 hours a week.  I work from Sunday through till Thursday so I get Friday and Saturday off.


Right, and are you covered by some sort of industrial instrument do you know?‑‑‑Sorry?


Are you covered by any industrial instrument?  Do you have an agreement that covers you, do you know?‑‑‑An industrial agreement?  Well, only the award.


You're paid under the award are you?‑‑‑Yes, I'm paid by the award.


So that Woolworths doesn't have an agreement for you as a meat manager?‑‑‑No.


All right.  Thank you.



RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE                                              [12.56 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Deputy President.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                              RXN MR SCAIFE


Mr Carter, just in relation to the last question that Deputy President Bull asked you when you said you were covered by the award?‑‑‑Yes.


What do you understand the award to be?‑‑‑Well, I understand the award to be the terms of the agreement that was still hammered out I think back in 2012 and it's been amended up then - since then, that award.


And would that be the award with Woolworths specifically, and it's an agreement with Woolworths?‑‑‑It's the standard award with - yes, yes, it's designed through - it runs through with Woolworths.  I think that same award runs through every Woolworths store in Australia.


So it's a national enterprise agreement with Woolworths, is that right?‑‑‑I suppose.  I mean I've just always viewed it as the award.


Yes, okay, no further questions, Deputy President.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Perhaps a follow up question.  Mr Carter, it's Deputy President Kovacic here?‑‑‑Hi, how are you going?


What do you understand the terms or the agreement or the instrument that applies to you; what sort of conditions does it provide in addition to the normal wage rate and, you know, leave conditions?  So does it provide anything more specific than that?‑‑‑Sick pay, holiday pay.  If there's, you know, disagreements with management, how things will work out.  Dress standard.  Basically the terms that we work under and that's - I think it's law and we have to - and Woolworths have to keep to that and they can't sort of like drop below those conditions.  I think that's about right.


Does it provide any special conditions to you for living in Carnarvon?‑‑‑Can you repeat that?  You sort of faded out.  Hello?


Does it provide any specific, special conditions to you because you live in Carnarvon?‑‑‑Not because I live in Carnarvon but it does give me like area allowance because I live like above the 26th parallel and all the rest of it.  That's where that bit comes in.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                              RXN MR SCAIFE


And what's that worth to you?‑‑‑Off the top of my head I couldn't actually say.  It's a percentage so it's all part of my overall wages.  It's really hard to tell because I don't get a pay slip (indistinct) and at the moment the computer system is being upgraded so I can't really see what it is.  But it is like leave loading and all that kind of thing.


All right.  Thank you very much for your time today, Mr Carter.  You're now excused and you're free to go.  We'll just hang up the phone at this end.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                          [12.59 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Deputy President, that might be an appropriate time to adjourn for lunch?


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I think so.  We'll resume - - -


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Sorry, let me just go before you.




DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  When you return would you be able to find out what agreement, if that's what it is, Mr Carter is covered by?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, if I could take you to our court book to tab 15.  We did write to the Commission on 4 April to provide these details.




MR SCAIFE:  We made enquiries for all the witnesses but - - -


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Yes, sorry, it's my fault.  You're right.


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, so that should answer your questions there.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Yes.  Thank you.  All right, well do you know what it - does it have a - - -


MR SCAIFE:  Each of those agreements include location allowances of some form and I intend to step the Full Bench through those clauses in submissions.

***        DAVID JOHN CARTER                                                                                                              RXN MR SCAIFE


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  So when the Deputy President - sorry, the question asked by Deputy President Kovacic, the $22 an hour, does that include the location allowance that Mr Carter receives?


MR SCAIFE:  That's unclear.  It seemed to be from what he said that he doesn't know how to break down the location allowance, but perhaps if we can make those enquiries from Mr Carter, Deputy President, and come back to you?


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Because normally it's weekly amounts anyway.




DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  All right.  Thank you.  We'll resume at 2 o'clock.

LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT                                                           [1.01 PM]

RESUMED                                                                                               [2.02 PM]


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I might just return to housekeeping.  We are able to accommodate Mr Parker at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, so no need to re-organise that one.  So that's all hunky dory?


MS KNIGHT:  That's great.  I did actually manage to talk with him, and he can move to 2 pm tomorrow if that would be more convenient.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Like shifting sands through the hour glass.  I think the intention is Ms Simons is this afternoon, is she not?


MR SCAIFE:  Ms Nolan and Ms Simons and, I think, Mr Lenton as well this afternoon.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Yes.  So if we can – so 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon works or is it ‑ ‑ ‑


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, it seems as though ‑ ‑ ‑


MS KNIGHT:  It does work for us unless there are any other responses to that.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Any objections to that?


MR IZZO:  From our perspective, your Honour, it makes sense because there might be an opportunity to move into actual submissions possibly tomorrow afternoon after that.  So if that's the case we'd be supportive of that.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll just put a caveat around that in the sense that I'm trying to accommodate 5 o'clock.  We've re-arranged times to perhaps take advantage of what might have been a lull, but we'll be able to clarify that.  But if circumstances permit, we can start submissions tomorrow afternoon.  I'm more than happy to accommodate that, if that's the case.  And in terms of Ms Rankin at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, that's okay as well.


MS KNIGHT:  Thank you.




MR SCAIFE:  We are also going to see, depending on the Full Bench's availability, whether or not we can – it seems as though we won't get to Ms Cheng this afternoon, and Ms Churchill is currently scheduled for Thursday.  We're going to see if we can move Ms Cheng and Ms Churchill to till tomorrow morning after Ms Rankin.  Is that acceptable to the Full Bench?








MR SCAIFE:  We'll endeavour to make - we've left messages and we will continue doing so overnight, Deputy President.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  It's a bit like a game of chess, isn't it?




DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Yes.  Thank you, Mr Scaife.  So, Ms Nolan, now?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes.  Yes, I would like to call Gillian Nolan to give evidence.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Could you please state your full name and address.


MS NOLAN:  Gillian Nolan, (address supplied).

<GILLIAN NOLAN, AFFIRMED                                                        [2.06 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE                                   [2.07 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Ms Nolan, this is Mr Scaife, a lawyer for the SDA.  Can you hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes, I can.  Should I put you on speaker phone?


Best if you don't, Ms Nolan, just so that we can hear you clearly on this end?‑‑‑Okay.  No worries.


Ms Nolan, have you given a witness statement in support of the SDA's claim for district allowances?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you have a copy of your witness statement in front of you?‑‑‑I do.


Is that witness statement four pages and consisting of 39 paragraphs?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


Is the copy of the witness statement that you have signed and dated?‑‑‑Yes.


Is it dated 13 February 2018?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


Is that your signature at the bottom of the fourth page?‑‑‑Yes.


Is the contents of that witness statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes.


I tender that witness statement, Deputy President.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                           XN MR SCAIFE


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the witness statement of Ms Gillian Nolan, comprising four pages, 39 paragraphs, which is dated 13 February 2018, exhibit 4.



MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Deputy President.  Ms Nolan, you're just now going to be asked some questions?‑‑‑Okay.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT                                          [2.08 PM]


MS BHATT:  Ms Nolan, good afternoon.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes, I can.


Ms Nolan, my name is Ms Bhatt.  I appear in these proceedings on behalf of the Australian Industry Group, which is an organisation that opposes the SDA's claim, and I have just a small number of questions for you.  Ms Nolan, I understand that you live in Karratha; is that correct?‑‑‑Correct.


When did you move there?‑‑‑1998.


And you lived there ever since?‑‑‑Yes.


I understand that your husband is employed by Rio Tinto; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


What is he employed to do?  What's his job?‑‑‑He is a fitter and turner.


How long as he been employed by Rio Tinto?‑‑‑Ten years.  Approximately 10 years.


What was he doing before he was employed by Rio Tinto?‑‑‑He was a – he worked for the contractors that contracted to Rio.


So he was still doing work associated with Rio Tinto, but through a contracting company, a fuel contractor?‑‑‑Yes, just before he was employed by Rio.


Ms Nolan, do you know what your husband's annual salary is?‑‑‑Not really.


You don't have any idea?‑‑‑I think it's around 120,000 but I'm not 100 per cent sure.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                          XXN MS BHATT


That's okay.  Ms Nolan, is your husband's employment with Rio Tinto the reason that you live in Karratha?‑‑‑No.


Is it the reason that you moved to Karratha in 1998?‑‑‑The reason we moved to Karratha in 1998 was because we were in a rut in Victoria, and he could get employment here rather than down there.


So that caused you to move?‑‑‑Yes.


Ms Nolan, can I ask you to have a look at paragraph 7 of your witness statement?‑‑‑Yes.


It says:


We pay approximately $500 per month towards our mobile phone and internet bills.




Just so I'm clear, when you refer to "we" at the start of that paragraph, that's a reference to yourself and your husband, isn't it?‑‑‑Yes.


Ms Nolan, I take it that you have a mobile phone?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you know who your network provider is, so are you connected with Telstra or with Vodafone or ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑Telstra.


Do you know how much you pay for your phone each month?‑‑‑I think because we've paid them off, it used to be about $60 each and ‑ ‑ ‑


When you say ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑Well, we bought them on a plan.


When you say $60 each, do you mean $60 for yourself and $60 for your husband?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you know how much you pay for your internet bill each month?‑‑‑I think it's around 59.95.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                          XXN MS BHATT


Do you know who provides your internet?‑‑‑No, because I ‑ ‑ ‑


Is it Telstra or is it someone else?‑‑‑I think it's Telstra.


Ms Nolan, I take it that you're aware that your provider, in this case it's Telstra, or assume it's Telstra ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑Yes.


‑ ‑ ‑offer different monthly plans for mobile phones and internet that cost varying amounts?  Do you understand that to be the case?‑‑‑Yes.


Okay.  Do you know if the plans that you're on are the cheapest plans available?‑‑‑I'm not sure.  When you talk to them they always confuse you.


I think I can relate to that.  Can I ask you to have a look at paragraph 8 of your witness statement?‑‑‑Yes.


There you say:


From my experience talking to friends most of the big employers in Karratha offer an air conditioning allowance for their employees.




Ms Nolan, who are the big employers that you're referring to?  Can you tell me their names?‑‑‑I know Rio, I know Dampier Salt, I know management at Woollies, and BHP.


I just want to be sure that I've understood this paragraph of your evidence properly.  So you've talked to some friends, and is it the case that those friends are receiving an air conditioning allowance or that other people that your friends know are receiving the allowance?‑‑‑No, my friends.


Can I ask you then to have a look at paragraph 11 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


Which says:

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                          XXN MS BHATT


I know that you can get groceries cheaper in the city at markets than what I pay in Karratha.


And then you give an example about the price of potatoes, and at paragraph 12 you make some reference to the price of meat.  Ms Nolan, that reference to markets in the city, what do you mean by that?‑‑‑Well, like the potato man.


You might have to explain to me what that means?‑‑‑You know, the Spudshed.  That type of thing.


All right.  So what you're not talking about is a large supermarket, for example?‑‑‑I do know that prices are different in the supermarket arena in different areas.


Then if I can take you to paragraph 15 of your statement?‑‑‑Yes.


Which says:


At my store we once had to send milk back to Perth because the truck had driven up at the wrong temperature and the milk went off.




I just want to be sure that I've understood this correctly.  So is it the case that the milk comes up in a refrigerated truck, and on that occasion, for whatever reason, the temperature inside the truck was too high which caused the milk to go off?‑‑‑Yes, the temperature was incorrect.  Yes.  So they couldn't accept it at the back dock.


Thank you.  Ms Nolan, I don't have any further questions for you, but just wait on the line?‑‑‑Okay.  Thank you.

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO                                              [2.16 PM]


MR IZZO:  Hi, Ns Nolan.  My name is Luis Izzo.  I've also just got a few questions.  Are you able to hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                             XXN MR IZZO


You were asked some questions by Ms Bhatt in relation to when you moved up to Karratha, and I understand that effectively your husband's work seems to be the driving factor behind the move?‑‑‑Yes.


Do I take it that your husband is still the primary bread winner, for want of a better phrase, in terms of bringing in more income for the family unit; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


Have you or your husband been looking to move out of Karratha of late?‑‑‑We've thought about it.


But you haven't taken steps to relocate at this stage?‑‑‑No.


If you do relocate will that be likely because your husband obtains employment elsewhere that then you may look to move with him to that alternate location?‑‑‑No, we are near retirement age, so it would be a retirement move if we move.


Right.  So you might retire in a different location?‑‑‑Yes, only because we couldn't afford to live here on a pension.


Can I just ask you – if I could ask you in relation to some of the evidence you've given about the medical facilities.  You talk about at Karratha – I think you talk about the fact that it doesn't presently have an MRI machine, but you understand they might be getting one in the future.  Is that as part of, what I understand to be, an upgrade of the health facilities in Karratha?  Is that currently underway?‑‑‑Royalties for Regions are building a new health campus in Karratha.


Do you know much about what that new health campus is going to provide in terms of new services or new equipment?‑‑‑No.


So there is – what's your understanding of the current stage of development?  Is it in construction right now, is it?‑‑‑It's near completion, I think, by the newspaper articles.  It's not that far away.


What, it's got hospital beds, and a suite of different services, I take it, that they're going to introduce?‑‑‑Well, as far as I know, yes.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                             XXN MR IZZO


Thank you.  In relation to electricity costs, I think you mentioned that there's an allowance that your husband receives from Rio Tinto, and that - if you just bear with me.  I thought I had read, but you'll correct me if I'm wrong, that the allowance usually covers your electricity costs but sometimes you go over; is that right?‑‑‑Yes, we get so much for the summer and then the usage allowance drops down during the winter months.


So you're sometimes not paying for electricity because it's covered by the allowance, but sometimes you go over.  When you say you go over that's when you have to pay out of your own other money to pay for the electricity; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


You talk about taxi fares in Karratha being quite expensive.  Are you aware of the actual taxi rates in Karratha; the flag call or the kilometre rate?‑‑‑No.


If I said to you that the flag call was $4.20, would that surprise you?‑‑‑I would say that would be low.


Well, I should actually clarify that.  When I say $4.20, I mean, the usual day rate, that is, the flag call for the standard day time tariff, $4.20?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


So you're not necessarily convinced that's right though; is that right?‑‑‑Not necessarily, no.


Right.  And the kilometre rate, if I was to say to you that it was about $2.30 in that same period of time, does that ring a bell, or you're not sure?‑‑‑No, it doesn't ring a bell at all.


Do you know what the actual flag call or kilometre rates are for Karratha?‑‑‑No.  But I can tell you that to go from A to B in Karratha you have to go through C and D to get there.


Sure.  Do you know what the taxi rates are in Perth?‑‑‑No idea.  I've only ever used one once in Perth.


Sure.  So you wouldn't know whether the flag call, for instance, in Perth was the same as it is in Karratha?‑‑‑No.


Just bear with me one moment.  I have no further questions.  Thank you, Ms Nolan.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                             XXN MR IZZO


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Any further questions from any of the employer reps here in Sydney?  Mr Tindley in Melbourne, do you have any questions?

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR TINDLEY                                    [2.23 PM]


MR TINDLEY:  Yes.  Thank you, your Honour.  Ms Nolan, my name is Nick Tindley.  I'm appearing on behalf of the Australian Retailers Association and Master Grocers Australia.  I have a small number of questions ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑I'm sorry, I missed your name.


Nick Tindley?‑‑‑Okay.  Thank you.


Thanks, Ms Nolan.  Just a couple of questions.  So you were asked about exceeding, what I will call the, Rio Tinto allowance in terms of electricity.  Am I correct that that's because the amount of the allowance diminishes in winter months?‑‑‑Yes.


It's not because you're rushing to turn on the heaters in winter months because it's gotten cold?‑‑‑No.


Thank you.  So would you use a heater at all in Karratha?‑‑‑No.


No.  Mr Izzo asked you about the medical facilities in Karratha.  I know that paragraph 29 of your statement you say that you know several pregnant ladies who have asked to their baby in Karratha but weren't able to.  Are you aware of any improvements in that area in recent years?‑‑‑Yes.


So you'd be aware that in 2010 estimates were that 35 per cent of women in Karratha were unable to give birth in Karratha due to complications, but that has now reduced to approximately 15 per cent?‑‑‑I am aware there's been a change, yes.


Thank you.  There's also been a number of other changes in Karratha, hasn't there?  The city has progressed significantly; would that be a fair comment?‑‑‑As far as infrastructure, yes.


So there's a Karratha Leisureplex that was constructed and opened in 2013 that's brought another activity to the town or to the city?‑‑‑But it's only replaced what we have already had.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                       XXN MR TINDLEY


It's substantially improved and expanded, isn't it?‑‑‑It's – yes.


There's also a redevelopment within, what we'll call, the centre of Karratha, including a project called The Quarter.  Were you aware of that?‑‑‑Yes.


That's a significant improvement in the infrastructure in Karratha, and the services available; is that correct?‑‑‑It's an eyesore.  Yes.


Sorry?‑‑‑It's an eyesore.


The question was, do you agree that that's extended or expanded the services and activities available within Karratha?‑‑‑It's replaced what we've already had, and overtaken other retail opportunities for small businessmen, yes.


Is this the same answer as with the Leisureplex in which it has replaced but has also expanded; is that correct?‑‑‑Yes.


Thank you.  I have nothing further.



RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE                                                [2.26 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Deputy President.  Ms Nolan, I just have two questions for you in re-examination.  I didn't imagine I'd ever have to ask you this question in front of ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑Sorry, you're fading.


‑ ‑ ‑ the Commission.  Ms Nolan, my question to you is could you explain a little bit more – you talked earlier about prices at a place called Spudshed.  Could you explain a little bit more about what the Spudshed is?‑‑‑Well, it's a vegetable market in Perth, and he has quite a few outlets, and he's nowhere near as big as the major retailers that we have, and his prices are significantly cheaper than what we can get our produce for.


What are the size of the outlets?‑‑‑As far as square feet or ‑ ‑ ‑


In terms of, say, relative to a supermarket?‑‑‑I would say about – I would say a bit smaller than the supermarkets.

***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                         RXN MR SCAIFE


Yes.  You answered a question earlier about to the extent that you wouldn't retire in Karratha, and you mentioned that you couldn't afford to live in Karratha on a pension.  Are there any other reasons why you wouldn't retire in Karratha?‑‑‑Yes, there is.  I would love to retire in Karratha if we could afford it, but in the past year or so the crime that just in my circle of friends and what you hear on social media, has increased dramatically.  In regard to that, in my street alone there's been four break and enters just this year, and where I work the amount of altercations between people in the shopping centre has increased, and it's not a safe place to stay at, at the moment.  You have to virtually lock yourself in ‑ ‑ ‑


Ms, Nolan, when you ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ from society.


Sorry, Ms Nolan.  When you said that you couldn't afford to retire there on a pension, what were you referring to?  What sort of costs were you referring to?‑‑‑Well, I'm one of the lucky ones that will pay our house off, but if you weren't – if you had a mortgage or you paid rent here you wouldn't be able to afford to live here, and the high costs of your electricity, by the time you pay your registration on your cars, all that sort of stuff all adds up to not being able to afford it.


Thank you, Ms Nolan.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you, Ms Nolan.  It's the Deputy President Kovacic here.  That's the end of your evidence.  You're now excused and you're free to go, so we'll just hang up the phone.  Thank you for your evidence this afternoon?‑‑‑Thank you very much.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [2.59 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  I understand - I've just been informed by the employer parties here in Sydney that Ms Simons may not be required for cross-examination, but I'm not sure if that's the case for Mr Tindley.


MR TINDLEY:  Sorry, Mr Scaife, I can't quite hear you?


MR SCAIFE:  Sorry, we've just been informed that Ms Simons, who was next on our list, may not be required for cross-examination from the parties here in Sydney.  Do you require Ms Simons?



***        GILLIAN NOLAN                                                                                                                         RXN MR SCAIFE


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Shall we deal with tendering her witness statement?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes.  So this is at tab 11 of our Court book, Deputy President, and this is a witness statement running to four pages, 34 paragraphs.  If I could tender that witness statement, please?


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the witness statement of Shania Simons, which is dated 3 April 2018, as exhibit 5.



MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Deputy President.  I will leave that.  That's our evidence for today pending further inquiries, and then it will be Ms Knight.


MS KNIGHT:  I'll just attempt to contact Mark Lenton and see if he can come on earlier if that's ‑ ‑ ‑


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  We might just take a five minute adjournment while you do that, if that's okay, Ms Knight?


MS KNIGHT:  Appreciate it.  Thank you.

SHORT ADJOURNMENT                                                                    [2.31 PM]

RESUMED                                                                                               [2.39 PM]


MS KNIGHT:  The ASU would like to call Mr Mark Lenton.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Could you please state your full name and address?


MR LENTON:  My name is Mark Raymond Lenton, (address supplied).

<MARK RAYMOND LENTON, AFFIRMED                                   [2.40 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MS KNIGHT                                  [2.41 PM]

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                        XN MS KNIGHT


MS KNIGHT:  Good afternoon, Mark.  It's Joanne Knight here, appearing as national industrial officer for the Australian Services Union.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes, I can hear you, Joanne.


Thank you, Mark.  Mark, did you give a statement in support of the ASU district allowances matter?‑‑‑Yes, I did, and I have it before me.


You have a copy to hand.  Thank you.  Is that statement you have to hand two pages long?‑‑‑That's correct.


And is that statement 15 paragraphs in content?‑‑‑Yes, that's correct also.


If I can take you to page 2 Mark?‑‑‑Yes.


Is that statement signed and dated?‑‑‑It is and it's dated the 23rd of the 2nd, 2018.


Thank you very much, Mark.  Is this statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


I tender the statement of Mark Lenton.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the statement of Mr Mark Lenton, which comprises 15 paragraphs, two pages, and is dated 23 February 2018, exhibit 6.




CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO                                              [2.42 PM]


MR IZZO:  Hi, Mr Lenton.  My name is Luis Izzo.  I'm just going to ask you a few questions about your statement, if that's okay?‑‑‑That'd be fine.


Thank you.  I notice that you've lived in Broken Hill for the past 57 years.  Is that, if I can ask this in the most respectful way, is that the duration of your whole life or part of it?‑‑‑Yes, it is.

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


It is?‑‑‑It's the whole life.  Whole 57 years, yes.


How did you start out in the workforce?  When did you start working?‑‑‑I completed year 12 at high school, and then went straight to the mines.  I was diamond drilling for eight years underground, and then from there I moved to the Broken Hill City Council.  So, I got employment there as a labourer, and then moved on to a – there was an electrical linesman's job that come up and I took that, and I completed the course over a four year course.  I had about five years' experience out in the field, went to the management and asked if I could do an adult apprenticeship for electrical technician, which they accepted, and I completed that in a four year course through TAFE, and then completed another five years as a technician.  Then moved on to electrical inspecting for the Broken Hill region, and now I'm an electrical designer for Essential Energy.


Thank you.  That was very thorough.  Thank you?‑‑‑Yes.


So, I mean, you obviously had a variety of jobs that you've just mentioned through the course of your career, and you're now at Essential Energy as you mentioned.  Did you ever look for employment in other locations as opposed to staying in Broken Hill?‑‑‑No, I've sort of – with those jobs it was all in the Broken Hill City Council, so it was – I've got 33 years' service with Essential Energy.  We've had different names during that timeframe, but because it just continued on I've had 33 continuous years, so – and during my timeframe, as in looking for work, I sort of landed a job straight out of school and the path that I took just opened doors that when I wanted to leave sort of thing, so, yes, I was very lucky as in work.


So there was just no desire to leave essentially; is that the case?‑‑‑Yes, well, straight from school going to a mining position, the money was too good, so I followed that path just to follow the money, but then eight years down the track I decided that working underground wasn't for me.  I needed to get out.  And just so happened there was a position at the Broken Hill City Council and I applied for it and I got that job straight away.  So during my life going for positions for work I've found it lucky that every time I've applied I've actually got the position, so no need to look elsewhere.  The jobs were there so I stayed where I was.


Do I take it there's no intention to move on from Broken Hill?‑‑‑I've been 57 years and 37 years' service for the company.  Probably fairly silly to move on to another area unless, yes, I was told to move on.  But, at the moment, I'm going to probably see the Essential Energy through – with my job.

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


Sure.  So can I take it then broadly speaking, I mean, you're content where you are.  There hasn't been a driving need to – you're essentially content with both the career path that came up.  The opportunities that came up, and your other life outside of that, you were sufficiently content to not want to leave and change things up?‑‑‑Yes.  Well, that's probably based on what - the living style as in just getting to work to and from, but as an – where I'm coming from with the statement, as a financial thing, I think it's sort of bias, as in we sort of have a dismissal pocket sort of thrown at me, but, yes, I just seem to think it's a bit unfair because I'm sort of located in a remote area that I've sort of got to cover the costs of living in that area, and that's my decision to live in that area, so I just can't see why we should be penalised.


Sure.  I suppose when we talk about – so I appreciate that.  You're saying the cost is high.  Can I just ask a few questions about that.  Do you own or rent the property that you live in?‑‑‑I own the property at the moment, yes.


Has that got a mortgage on it?‑‑‑No, it hasn't.


So I take it you've paid off the mortgage, have you?‑‑‑Yes.  That's correct.


When did you buy the property?‑‑‑When I was married.  Probably 35 years ago.


Right.  Dare I ask how much it was 35 years ago?‑‑‑Yes.  You'd be astounded.  It's probably $55,000 I paid for the house.


Sure.  You talk about phone costs, telephone costs.  Do you know what your monthly mobile phone bill is?‑‑‑Probably not off hand.  In my statement I sort of said we've sort of – we've only got Telstra as a network to go back to.  The reason being because there's no other network in our area.  I've come across breaking down in a car, just heading towards Mildura and we didn't have any network, so we couldn't call anyone, so we were relying on people to drive past and pass the messages on.  So as in we're sort of restricted to which provider we can go to, and the only provider we can go to basically there is Telstra.


Telstra?‑‑‑So, our hands are tied sort of thing.  But to answer your question, no, I don't have a rough idea what it would cost.


That's fine.  What about internet?  Is that through Telstra as well?‑‑‑Yes.  That's correct.  Everything through Telstra.  We find if you bundle everything up it's a bit of a bartering tool and it gets you a bit of a discount now and again.


I take it, do you know what your internet cost is?‑‑‑Not off hand.  I'd ‑ ‑ ‑

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO




That's all right.  I take it – have you got the national broadband network in Broken Hill?‑‑‑No, not as yet.


But is it on its way?‑‑‑Yes, it is.


Do you know when that's due to land so to speak?‑‑‑I think roughly that could be 12 months away, I think, in Broken Hill.


Sure.  Okay.  Sorry, just bear with me a moment, Mr Lenton?‑‑‑That's okay.


I take it you're covered by the Essential Energy Far West Enterprise Agreement.  That's what you've put in your statement; yes?‑‑‑That's correct.


Do you know whether there is any remote working allowance that is paid to you under that instrument, or are you on a salary such that you don't get any extra allowance?‑‑‑Well, there's a bit of an issue there, because Essential Energy do have a remote area allowance, but Broken Hill doesn't get it.  They have taken upon a graph that was taken in 2011 by the Adelaide University which showed the population of Broken Hill was over 80,000, so Essential Energy has said anything that was 80,000 in a remote area doesn't get any allowance at all.  So we have towns 80 kays away from us that are getting a remote area allowance but we don't get anything.  And then if you have a look at the map in New South Wales where the people from Essential Energy are getting this allowance, probably the most remote town in that map would be Broken Hill but we don't get it.  And there was a census taken last year where our population has dropped because everyone seems to be leaving to the city, so it's under 80,000 now, sitting at 77,860.  So once the Adelaide University completes their survey and sends it through, I've been told, at the start of this year where hopefully we may get it, but there's no certainty with that either.  Yes, so at the moment, to answer your question people in Broken Hill, no, they don't get a remote area allowance at all.


Sure.  I envisage if you stay with Essential Energy you will continue to be subject to the enterprise agreement for the foreseeable future, that is, even if it's not this enterprise agreement, it'll be the next iteration.  As far as you can tell, the instrument governing your employment from now probably to a time it will be an EA; is that correct?‑‑‑That is correct.  Yes.

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


Yes.  That's all the questions I had for you, Mr Lenton.  We'll just see if anyone else has any questions.  Thank you?‑‑‑Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Do any of the other employer representatives in Sydney have any questions?  Mr Tindley in Melbourne?


MR TINDLEY:  No thanks.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Mr Scaife, any questions in reply?


MR IZZO:  Sir, I apologise, I did have one last question.  I apologise.  Thank you.  Sorry, Mr Lenton, there's one thing I forgot to ask you?‑‑‑Yes.


Your commute to work, the commute to work, how long does it usually take to get to your place of work in Broken Hill?‑‑‑Probably 15 minutes roughly.


Sure.  You talk in your statement about the fact that sometimes you may be required to drive eight hours to a different work site.  Am I correct in assuming that if you're required to go to a different work site that's quite a distance away like that, there's some form of payment that you're entitled to under the enterprise agreement?‑‑‑Yes.  To give you an update, I'm at Dubbo at the moment, so I've travelled from Broken Hill to Dubbo yesterday, and I started at – my work started at 7.30 in the morning and I was at Broken Hill around about 8.30.  And I had to do other stuff – other work commitments too, and I reached Dubbo last night at 7 o'clock.  Like, this is just an example of – and this is for a training course which is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, so to travel from Monday to Friday it will take me all day to get there as well, plus there's additional work to be done as well.  And, yes, I do get payment for coming away, but the other thing is my wife is left home alone sort of thing, and there's other issues at home that we need to tend to, and while I'm here there's none of that gets done at all.  So – yes, I do get paid, but, yes – and I do travel fair distances.  Some work sites could take me, like I said in my statement, eight hours.  So, yes, it could take me just a full day just to get to a work site.


The payment, is that under some kind of kilometre reimbursement or is there also ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑No.


‑ ‑ ‑a component for your time?‑‑‑No, it's – well, there's a timeframe that I work.  Say, I work from 7.30 to 4 o'clock, so if there's additional hours after that it is overtime, but ‑ ‑ ‑


But you'll be paid for that time as work time?‑‑‑Yes.  That is correct.  I do get paid for that.

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                           XXN MR IZZO


Okay?‑‑‑And there is a living away allowance as well, so I do get paid to go over, yes.  It's just the hours.  You've got to be driving all the time, as in, for an example, like I said, as in yesterday it was about nine – 10 hours.


Thank you, Mr Lenton?‑‑‑Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT BULL:  Mr Lenton, Deputy President Bull speaking?‑‑‑Yes.


You maybe some while away from retiring, but when you do retire, are you remaining in Broken Hill?‑‑‑That's a good question.  I would love to.  That's where all my friends are.  I've sort of – from feedback from other people when they've moved away and gone to other towns in bigger cities they find it hard to have friends and go out at night-time on their own.  They're sort of stuck by themselves sort of thing.  And after a short timeframe they end up coming back home because that's where all their friends are.  That's where they've grown up and that's where they're most comfortable, so, yes, I sort of haven't really – I have thought about it.  I wouldn't want to go away.  I'm quite happy where I am, but, yes, I'm not too sure at this stage.


Yes.  Is the cost of living an issue to consider when you retire, where you live?‑‑‑Yes, it is.  And – yes, just in some of my statements I've got twin girls at the moment and they're 22 years old and they're going through university, and it's just the additional costings at the moment with them being away, travelling costs, living costs, and all the (indistinct) costs that come with it.  It's fairly hard on just to keep us going and rather than trying to keep the – like, the other part of the family going as well.


Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you very much, Mr Lenton.  It's Deputy President here – Ms Knight, did you have any questions, sorry?

RE-EXAMINATION BY MS KNIGHT                                               [2.57 PM]


MS KNIGHT:  Mr Lenton, it's Joanne Knight again?‑‑‑Yes, Joanne.


I just have a couple of questions to take you to?‑‑‑Yes.

***        MARK RAYMOND LENTON                                                                                                      RXN MS KNIGHT


Mr Lenton, you said during the examination that you're currently in Dubbo for training purposes; is that correct?‑‑‑That is correct, yes.


Is this course a requirement of your job?‑‑‑It is, yes.  There's other (indistinct) here from Orange and around there who are paid as well.


As far as you're aware is Dubbo the only location where you could do the course?‑‑‑It is.  Yes, well, for everyone to travel to Broken Hill the cost factor for them to get them to, like, a remote area as in petrol, accommodation, to get everyone to there to the furthest part of New South Wales, yes, you wouldn't look at it.  Whereas Dubbo is more central.


Thank you, Mr Lenton.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Thank you, Mr Lenton.  You are now excused and free to go.  So we'll just hang up the phone.  Thank you for your evidence this afternoon?‑‑‑Thank you very much.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [2.58 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Deputy President, I can advise that we've managed to make contact with Ms Cheng, and she is available now if the Full Bench has time to hear her evidence.




MR SCAIFE:  In that case I call Foon Meng Cheng to give evidence.  Her witness statement is at tab 8 of our Court book.


THE ASSOCIATE:  Could you please state your full name and address.


MS CHENG:  Foon Meng Cheng, (address supplied).

<FOON MENG CHENG, AFFIRMED                                                [3.00 PM]

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MS SCAIFE                                    [3.00 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Thank you, Ms Cheng.  It's David Scaife, the lawyer for the SDA here.  Can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                  XN MS SCAIFE


Ms Cheng, did you give a witness statement supporting the SDA's claim for a district allowance?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you have a copy of that witness statement in front of you?‑‑‑Yes.


Is that witness statement four pages and 43 paragraphs long?‑‑‑Yes.


On the fourth page is the copy that you have signed and dated, 6 April 2018?‑‑‑Yes.


Is that your signature at the bottom of the fourth page?‑‑‑Yes.


Is the contents of that statement true and correct to the best of your knowledge?‑‑‑Yes.


I tender that statement.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I'll mark the witness statement of Ms Foon Meng Cheng, comprising four pages and 43 paragraphs, and dated 6 April 2018, exhibit 7.



MR SCAIFE:  Ms Cheng, just two questions from me.  Do you know if you currently receive an allowance from your employer for working in South Hedland?‑‑‑Yes.


How much is that allowance?‑‑‑That allowance will be $23.45 per week.


What would be the effect on you of losing that allowance?‑‑‑First, I live with my retired husband.  I'm the only one who works, so we are very tight on – because that's the only income that I have in here.  So if we lose that allowance, so we are very tight on the – we have to be very careful of the budgeting.  Yes.


Thank you, Ms Cheng. You're now going to be asked some questions by some of the other parties in the room?‑‑‑Okay.  Yes.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                  XN MS SCAIFE

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT                                          [3.03 PM]


MS BHATT:  Ms Cheng, can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes.


My name is Ms Bhatt.  I appear in these proceedings on behalf of the Australian Industry Group ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


‑ ‑ ‑which is an organisation that opposes the SDA's claim, and I have just a few questions for you about your statement.  Ms Cheng, can you turn to paragraph 8 of your statement for me, please?‑‑‑Eight, yes.


I'm just going to read that out.  It says:


I go to Perth about three times a year and I can always tell that the groceries in Hedland are more expensive.


Do you see that?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.


So, Ms Cheng, is it the case that when you've been to Perth you've noticed how much some grocery items cost, and then you've compared that to how much you think similar grocery items cost in Hedland?‑‑‑You mean, the difference or the – can you repeat your question, because I can't hear very clear what you are saying?


Of course I can.  So is it the case that when you've been in Perth you've noticed how much grocery items cost and you've compared that to how much you think similar grocery items cost in Hedland?‑‑‑You mean, what the difference of Perth and Hedland, is it?


That's right.  That's how you've come to that evidence in paragraph 8, isn't it?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


Yes?‑‑‑But the thing is because Hedland is expensive and maybe about a dollar expensive and the food is not fresh.  Sometimes you can see – tell that it's (indistinct) and then I'm saying that, yes, the fruit is expensive and not fresh at all.


Ms Cheng, I understand that you're employed by Kmart, aren't you?‑‑‑Mm-hm.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                 XXN MS BHATT


Am I correct in understanding that Kmart is the biggest shop that sells clothes in Hedland?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


When you're rostered to work at Kmart do you know how many other people are rostered to work at the same time as you?‑‑‑Can you repeat the questions again?  I can't hear properly.


When you're rostered to work at Kmart?‑‑‑I work in Kmart, yes.


Yes.  Do you know how many other people are rostered to work at the same time as you?‑‑‑How many people – like, how many people who live in Hedland who work in Kmart, is it?  Is that your question?


No.  So I want you to think about when you're rostered to work at Kmart.  So when you're working on the shop floor?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


And can you tell me how many other people are working with you at Kmart at the same time?‑‑‑At the same time.  Maybe – say, about 10.


If you have a look at paragraph 38 of your witness statement?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


I'm reading the first sentence:


For clothes shopping we really only have Kmart except for a few small stores.




Do you see that?‑‑‑That is number ‑ ‑ ‑


Thirty-eight?‑‑‑Question eight, is it?


Thirty-eight?‑‑‑Question eight.


3-8?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.  Yes, I got 38.  Yes.


All right.  So just have a look at the first sentence:

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                 XXN MS BHATT


For clothes shopping we really only have Kmart except for a few small stores.




Do you see that now?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


When you say "a few small stores" are you able to give me a number?  About roughly how many that might be?‑‑‑How many of, is it, you are saying?


That's right.  So ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑Is it shop – or how many ‑ ‑ ‑


You're referring to a few small stores in Hedland that sell clothes?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you know roughly how many there are?‑‑‑There's only Kmart.  There's only Kmart.  One Kmart of a clothing store.  Unless you're going to Karratha and other places, but in Hedland there's only one Kmart, clothing shop.  Yes.


So what are these other few small stores that you're referring to?‑‑‑Pardon?  Can you repeat again?


I can.  So I'm looking at paragraph 38, and I'm looking at the first sentence?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


You say – just let me read that out to you, Ms Cheng?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


The first sentence says:


For clothes shopping we really only have Kmart except for a few small stores.




Do you see that?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes, I see that.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                 XXN MS BHATT


How many small stores are there that sell clothes except for Kmart in Hedland?‑‑‑The clothes shop – because the business here is hard to deal with.  I think when I'm having this statement at the time, that is maybe I – that is not even – only one in Kmart.  The rest already have been closed.  Yes, the only one is Kmart.  Yes, hasn't got other – unless Ed Harrys is a men's shop.  Ed Harrys is a men shop.  That's it, we've got.


So you think there might be one, but you're not sure?‑‑‑Yes.  I think there's Ed Harrys.  There's a men shop.  If you are saying that, like, Kmart; that we've got clothes, women's clothes, and that is Kmart has that.




No further questions.



CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO                                              [3.10 PM]


MR IZZO:  Hi, Ms Cheng, my name is Luis Izzo.  I've just got a few questions as well.  Can you hear me okay?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.  Yes.


Great.  I might just ask, did you end up getting sent by the SDA a document that we wanted to show to you?  Have you seen that?  A link to a Bureau of Meteorology document, have you seen that, that was sent through to you?‑‑‑Just one second.  I just – yes, hold on a second.  I'm just turning the page.  The climate one, is it?


The climate – it talks about tropical cyclones?‑‑‑That's one, yes.


Have you got that?‑‑‑Yes.  The climate – yes.  Yes.


Just check that we're talking about the same document.  Does this start off talking about tropical cyclones in Port Hedland?‑‑‑Yes.


It talks there about there being about one cyclone every two years.  Do you see that?  The second line:


On average ‑ ‑ ‑

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                    XXN MR IZZO


?‑‑‑The second line.


‑ ‑ ‑this equates to about one every two years.


?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.


So I just wanted to ask you, in your statement, you talk about there being about three cyclones each season.  In terms of cyclones hitting Port Hedland, do you agree that perhaps the ones that would actually be near Port Hedland, the town, might be more like once every two years?‑‑‑There is a cyclone every year, but that it really hits on Hedland, and then that – like, usually when they start, the cyclone, they're just around Hedland.  You know, sometimes maybe they turn into Karratha or some other way, but when they hit on Hedland they're really on – that means Hedland will be on red alert.


So you're not saying that all of them hit Hedland each year?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


There might be three in the season, but they don't necessarily all hit Hedland; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.  I mean, I think that is, like, the cyclones – when the cyclones come, when they hit on Hedland there's red alert that is everything has to be shut.  But when they come into around Hedland they just bring a lot of rain and flood everywhere.  That is the point I want to say.




But you don't say there's three cyclones that actually come through Port Hedland each year.  You'd accept it would be less frequent than that?‑‑‑Actually that is – it depends on the cyclone, sir.  But I think I've been seeing a few cyclones that get hit on Hedland, because I've been living here for a while; maybe about 30 years, so I've been seeing a few cyclones that really hit on Hedland.  But usually – sometimes we are lucky that we don't get hit, but just pass by, but they still bring a lot of rain.


Lot of rain.  Yes, okay?‑‑‑Yes, a lot of rain.  Yes.


The next thing I just wanted to ask you is you say you moved to Hedland in 1987.  You came from Singapore?‑‑‑Yes.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                    XXN MR IZZO


Is that where you lived before moving to Australia?  Is it that you were in Singapore permanently before then?‑‑‑Yes.  I'm in Singapore and used to be.  When – in 1987 then I come into Australia, yes.  Yes, I ‑ ‑ ‑


Why did you come to Australia?‑‑‑Because my brother-in-law is here and my parents-in-law is here, so they say Australia is a good place, so we're coming over.  Yes.


Right.  Were they in Hedland too, or they were somewhere else?‑‑‑Now, they are in Perth.  They're all in Perth now.


They're in Perth.  So ‑ ‑ ‑?‑‑‑But they are – at first they are living in Hedland, so they all  moved down to Perth, but we like Hedland, so we're staying in Hedland, yes.


So they were in Hedland.  You moved to Hedland.  Your family moved down to Perth, but you like it in Hedlands so you've stayed there?‑‑‑Yes.


Can I ask you, did you have a job when you came over in 1987?‑‑‑1987?  No.  No, my husband hasn't got a job when he come to Hedland.  Then he started to work in here.


Right.  Your husband was your husband in Singapore; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.  We have – we did – our whole family come from Singapore.


Okay?‑‑‑And then when – yes.


You talk about owning your house outright.  Do you know how much you paid for the house?‑‑‑The house where we're living now?


Yes?‑‑‑This house, yes.  At the time is about maybe 40,000, 45,000.  There's the 2000 – the year of 2000.


You bought that in 2000, did you?‑‑‑Yes.  I think 46,000, yes.


Right, okay?‑‑‑Yes.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                    XXN MR IZZO


Do remember what the mortgage repayments were or not really?‑‑‑The mortgage?  No.


You talk about the phone and internet costs.  You talk about it being - on the second page of your document, you talk about $840 a year on phone and internet?‑‑‑Yes.


Do you know how much that – do you know what the breakdown is?  How much of that is the phone?‑‑‑How much is for the phone?  Actually I have no idea.  Just pay off the thing – the whole thing that – and then we – sometimes we just pay the recharge.  That's why we just roughly to – calculate the figure.


So you're not sure.  I take it you're not sure about the internet either?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.


Am I correct that – do you have any – sorry, I'll withdraw that.  Do you intend to stay in Port Hedland?‑‑‑Am I planning to stay in Port Hedland, is it?  You ask the question?


Yes, that was my question?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes, we are planning to stay in Port Hedland.  Yes.


So you haven't looked to move to Perth or Mandurah or anywhere further south; no?‑‑‑I'm not sure, but we might be moving when we really totally retire.  We totally retire.  Because now I'm still working.  Only my husband retired so I'm not sure when we are retired and we're going down to Perth, yes.


Sure.  Where the rest of your family is?‑‑‑Yes.


Sorry, if you just give me a moment, Ms Cheng?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.


You talk about your husband, he was diagnosed with an eye condition in 2016?‑‑‑Yes.


I take it you then had some increased level of trips down to Perth because of that; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


So I take it there was some extra cost there.  When he was diagnosed that when they were dealing with his eye condition you had extra expenses to travel down to Perth; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                                    XXN MR IZZO


But now it seems to have improved; is that right?‑‑‑Yes.


So you mentioned that you're only going down to Perth once a year?‑‑‑Yes.


So do I take it that that period of 2015 to 2016 that was kind of quite exceptional?  You had a high amount of costs at that time, but it's different to – it's higher than the costs you usually have for medical conditions the rest of the time you've been in Hedland?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


When you say "Mm-hm" I take it that's a yes?  Okay.  They're all the questions I had.  Thank you very much for your time, Ms Cheng?‑‑‑All right.  Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Do any of the other employer representatives in Sydney have any questions?  Mr Tindley in Melbourne, do you have any questions?


MR TINDLEY:  No, thank you, your Honour.



RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE                                                [3.20 PM]


MR SCAIFE:  Just briefly.  Ms Cheng, it's Mr Scaife here for the SDA again.  Can you hear me?  Ms Cheng, can you hear me?‑‑‑Yes.  Yes.


Ms Cheng, it's David Scaife for the SDA here?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


I just have a couple of questions for you?‑‑‑Okay.


The first question is you were just asked a question about retiring and you said that you would think about retiring down to Perth?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


Can you explain why you would want to retire to Perth rather than to Hedlands?‑‑‑You asked me that is why I – when I'm retiring I want to go down to Perth, is it?

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                               RXN MR SCAIFE


Yes?‑‑‑Is that your question?  Yes.  Because in Hedland it's so hot in here and then we thought we are retired, so could have a better life in Perth, and then because a lot of medication problems as well, medical problems as well, that we might be close by to the hospital and make our life a bit easier.


So that takes me to my next questions, Ms Cheng.  You were just asked some questions about the period when you had to travel to Perth for your husband's eye condition?‑‑‑Mm-hm.


Your answer to one of the questions wasn't clear, Ms Cheng, so I just want to clarify it with you.  The question that was put to you was whether the expenses you incurred during that time were unusual.  Based on what you've just said, can I just – I think that question needs to be put to you again for clarification.  Do you anticipate what sort of medical attention you would need in future?  Ms Cheng?‑‑‑Hello, yes.


Yes.  So you said that one of the reason that you would move to Perth is because you would want to be closer to the hospitals?‑‑‑Yes.


So the question is what reason would you have in the future for being closer to the hospitals?‑‑‑What is my – why I want to live close to the hospital?  Do you ask this question?


Yes?‑‑‑Because, you know, Australia is so big that - the country is very big that if we are living close by – like, Hedlands we are living so far away.  When you really want to go down to the hospital you need to fly down, and then you need to go to a hotel, get all right, and then it's so much of expenses and things.  If you are really – when you retire, when we are getting older, so we live by - close to the hospital and then it makes things easier.


Have you ever had to travel to Perth, or your husband had to travel to Perth in the past for medical attention other than the period in 2015/2016?‑‑‑Your question is, do I travel with him, is it?


Have you had to travel to Perth for medical attention other than when you travelled to Perth in 2015/2016?‑‑‑Do I have to travel with him or what is your question again?  I didn't get you.


That's okay, Ms Cheng.  The question is you spoke before about traveling to Perth in 2015/2016 for your husband's eye problem; yes?‑‑‑Mm-hm.

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                               RXN MR SCAIFE


My question is, are there any other times or any other reasons that you have had to travel to Perth for medical attention?‑‑‑No.  No, I had only that time that we had to fly down to Perth, yes.  Only that time.


And for your husband?‑‑‑Yes, for my husband.


Thank you, Ms Cheng.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Ms Cheng, it's the Deputy President here.  Thank you for your evidence this afternoon.  You're now excused and you're free to go.  So what we'll do we'll just hang up the phone here at this end.  Thank you again?‑‑‑Okay.  Thank you.

<THE WITNESS WITHDREW                                                            [3.25 PM]


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  So that's the end of the witnesses for today?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, it would seem that way, Deputy President.  We are still – I think the SDA now only has one witness left, Ms Churchill.  Provided that we can address my friend's concerns overnight in relation to Ms Hughes-Gage's evidence and so we will continue to see if we can schedule Ms Churchill after Ms Rankin tomorrow morning, and that will bring our witnesses to an end.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Then we've got Mr Parker at 2 pm?


MS KNIGHT:  That's correct.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Okay, great.  So it's looks as though we might be able to start submissions tomorrow afternoon?


MR SCAIFE:  Yes, that would be the position we would want to be in.  We'd be prepared to.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Just given that we are ahead of schedule at this stage, if I can describe it that way, do people think we will need Friday?

***        FOON MENG CHENG                                                                                                               RXN MR SCAIFE


MR SCAIFE:  I think, from our perspective, I intend to finish the SDA's submissions tomorrow, and then there may be a need for us to reply on Thursday, but I certainly wouldn't see – that would only take perhaps an hour, an hour and a half for the submissions, and then perhaps half an hour in reply, depending on what arises.


MS BHATT:  I haven't had an opportunity to discuss this with any of the other employer representatives.  From my part, I expect that our closing submissions would take roughly half an hour to 40 minutes.  Nothing longer.


Can I raise one other issue?




MS BHATT:  I might have misunderstood this, but based on the Deputy President's comments earlier, I understood that it may or may not be the case that tomorrow afternoon we can proceed to hear the unions' closing submissions on account of whether or not some alternative arrangements need to be made on the Bench's part.  Perhaps I'm inappropriately seeking an indulgence here, but if I can just raise one issue.  When the unions put their closing submissions, that will be the first time that the employers will hear the unions' response to the case that we have put in opposition.  In some ways we're in a unique position in this review, because it has often been the case or generally been the case in this review that once the employers filed their material there's a third round, if you will, where the unions put their response in writing.  We haven't heard that before.


From my part, at least, if the unions' submissions were made tomorrow, or at least part made, it would give us an opportunity to consider anything new they raised for the first time overnight and do my best to deal with it on my feet on Thursday.  If that doesn't occur, and if I'm to deal with it on Thursday, after having heard it on Thursday morning for the first time, it may be that I'm left in the position where I need to seek, or make an application to seek a further opportunity to put something in writing.  I'm sure everyone's just as keen as I am to see this case wrapped up.  So I just put that to the extent that it might colour how the matter proceeds.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  We might just – I mean, I hear what you're saying, and one way perhaps considering if we get to union closing submissions tomorrow afternoon ‑ ‑ ‑




DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  ‑ ‑ ‑you might have some sense if there's any new territory there.




DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  To the extent that there are factors there which you may feel as though you need to reflect on them to respond, and we might consider how we might deal with it then.


MS BHATT:  Thank you.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Ms Knight, just a question for you.  Do you think that if everything goes as might be planned for tomorrow that you might be in a position to do your submissions tomorrow afternoon, or alternatively on first thing Thursday morning?


MS KNIGHT:  I believe I would be.  I was just not clear about whether or not we're speaking to our written submission first, then hearing from the employers and then doing our submissions in reply, or if we're doing our written submissions and our submissions in reply tomorrow and Thursday.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  I thought the batting order was the applicant unions would go first, then the employer respondents, and then unions in reply in terms of matters arising.  So that would be the way I'd envisage it.  I'm happy to be corrected.


MR SCAIFE:  Our intention for the SDA is to essentially deal with the issues of controversy that have arisen out of the written submissions filed by the employer parties.  I'm quite comfortable if they – you know, I expect to have that wrapped up tomorrow afternoon, you know, touch wood.  Then they will have an opportunity, I think, overnight to consider those submissions and then a reply thereafter in relation to anything that they raise.




MR IZZO:  For our part, we'd be very hopeful of finishing by Thursday, which means that Friday, whilst we might want to just keep it scheduled for now, I don't envisage us requiring Friday to be honest, if that assists.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  Yes.  That's fine.  Some of us may need to make travel arrangements.  That's all I'm suggesting.


MR SCAIFE:  I appreciate the consideration, Deputy President.


DEPUTY PRESIDENT KOVACIC:  We'll adjourn until 9 am tomorrow morning.

ADJOURNED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, 11 APRIL 2018                   [3.30 PM]



MAKERE BROWN, AFFIRMED........................................................................ PN63

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE................................................... PN63


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO............................................................. PN73

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT....................................................... PN107

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE.............................................................. PN139

THE WITNESS WITHDREW............................................................................ PN146

MARITES GILTRAP, AFFIRMED................................................................... PN240

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE................................................. PN240


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO........................................................... PN253

THE WITNESS WITHDREW............................................................................ PN299

DAVID JOHN CARTER, AFFIRMED............................................................. PN303

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE................................................. PN303

EXHIBIT #3 WITNESS STATEMENT OF DAVID CARTER COMPRISING FOUR PAGES AND 43 PARAGRAPHS...................................................................................... PN316

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT....................................................... PN316

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO........................................................... PN344

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR TINDLEY.................................................. PN361

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE.............................................................. PN398

THE WITNESS WITHDREW............................................................................ PN410

GILLIAN NOLAN, AFFIRMED........................................................................ PN450

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MR SCAIFE................................................. PN450


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT....................................................... PN462

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO........................................................... PN510

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR TINDLEY.................................................. PN533

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE.............................................................. PN550

THE WITNESS WITHDREW............................................................................ PN559


MARK RAYMOND LENTON, AFFIRMED................................................... PN573

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MS KNIGHT................................................ PN573

EXHIBIT #6 WITNESS STATEMENT OF MARK RAYMOND LENTON DATED 23/02/2018................................................................................................................................. PN582

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO........................................................... PN583

RE-EXAMINATION BY MS KNIGHT............................................................. PN626

THE WITNESS WITHDREW............................................................................ PN633

FOON MENG CHENG, AFFIRMED................................................................ PN638

EXAMINATION-IN-CHIEF BY MS SCAIFE.................................................. PN638


CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MS BHATT....................................................... PN651

CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR IZZO........................................................... PN696

RE-EXAMINATION BY MR SCAIFE.............................................................. PN744

THE WITNESS WITHDREW............................................................................ PN762