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AP789529CRV - Metal, Engineering and Associated Industries Award 1998


5.2.1 Following proper consultation in accordance with clause 3.1, which may include the establishment of a training committee, an employer shall develop a training program consistent with:

5.2.2 Where it is agreed that a training committee be established it shall include employer and employee representatives. The role of the training committee shall be clearly set out and shall include:


5.2.3(a) Where as a result of the consultation referred to at sub-clause 5.2.1, including with the employee concerned, it is agreed that additional training should be undertaken by an employee, that training may be undertaken either on or off the job. If the training is undertaken during ordinary working hours, the employee concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay. The employer shall not unreasonably withhold such paid training leave. This shall not prevent the employer and employee(s) agreeing to paid leave for other relevant training.

5.2.3(b) Any costs associated with standard fees for prescribed courses and prescribed textbooks (excluding those textbooks which are available in the employer's technical library) incurred in connection with the undertaking of training shall be reimbursed by the employer upon production of evidence of such expenditure. Provided that reimbursement may be on an annual basis subject to the presentation of reports of satisfactory progress.

5.2.3(c) Travel costs incurred by an employee undertaking training in accordance with this subclause which exceed those normally incurred in travelling to and from work shall be reimbursed by the employer.

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