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AP801516 - Universities and Post Compulsory Academic Conditions Award 1999


[6.1 varied by R9059 from 04Aug99]

6.1 An institution must not terminate the employment of an academic employee in situations other than redundancy unless the employee is given notice and/or compensation as required by section 170CM of the Act, provided that:

[new 6.1.1 inserted by R9059 from 04Aug99]

6.1.1 Where an institute terminates the employment of an employee found to have engaged in serious misconduct such that it would be unreasonable to require the institution to continue the employment during a period of notice the notice of termination otherwise required shall not apply.

[6.1.1 renumbered as 6.1.2 by R9059 from 04Aug99]

6.1.2 Greater notice and/or compensation specified in an employee’s contract of employment or in this award shall prevail over the terms of section 170CM of the Act.

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