Find the form you need from the list. If you are not sure which form is the right one, contact us to avoid a delay in your request.
Follow the instructions on each form. The form will explain how to lodge or submit it to us.
Many applications and responses have deadlines. Check the deadline before you send us a form.
You can send your completed form by email or post to your nearest Commission office. If you send your form by email, make sure you use an approved file type for any attachments. In some circumstances you can also apply by phone. Some forms can be submitted online. Click the form name to view details about that form and lodgment methods available.
If no Act is specified, it means the Fair Work Act 2009
RO Act means the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
Transitional Act means the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009
WHS Act means the Work Health Safety Act 2011
Links to the relevant legislation can be found on each form's landing page.