By signing and completing this form, I agree that:
1. I meet the eligibility test and wish to participate in the Workplace Advice Service (Service). I consent to the personal information in my Workplace Advice Service request form and documents relating to my matter that may have been filed with the Fair Work Commission (Commission) being provided to the participating law firm or community legal service (CLS) for the purpose of:
- arranging an appointment with a lawyer: and
- conducting a check of any previous involvement that I may have had with the law firm or CLS
2. I understand that from time to time the Commission may evaluate the Service to ensure a high standard of service is maintained. I understand the evaluation may be undertaken by the Commission itself, or by external providers on behalf of the Commission. I also understand I might be contacted for feedback on the Service and for other related research purposes.
3. I consent to the participating law firm or community legal service providing the Commission with information for the purpose of evaluation and reporting on the Service. I understand this information may include:
- The type of claim or potential claim on which I sought advice; and
- the general nature and outcome of the advice provided to me
4. I have read and understand the Workplace Advice Service Privacy Notice below and I consent to the personal information in the Request form and in documents provided to the Commission in relation to the request being collected, used and disclosed as per the below Workplace Advice Service Privacy Notice: