An organisation can make changes to its rules. Changes to the rules do not apply until they are approved by us.
Follow the process in your rulebook to change the rules of your organisation. Please ask us for a copy of your organisation’s checklist before you start the process.
You can contact us so we can give advice if you are changing your organisation's rules.
We can review your drafts before you give them to your rule altering body. We can check your draft and provide advice on:
- any concerns or inconsistencies,
- potential issues with approval
- solutions or other ways to achieve your goals
- the process you plan to take.
Please email your draft to us at
What we check
For all rule changes we will check if:
- you followed the process in your rulebook, and
- whether the change is contrary to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 or other laws.
Change to name or eligibility rules
This is different to changing any other rule. If you change your name or eligibility rules we will also:
- notify our subscribers that you are changing your name or eligibility rule
- publish your application in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette and on our website
- invite objections
- possibly hold a hearing with you and any objecting parties.
Our website has further information on changing your rules.
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