Consulting on the implementation of recommendations 2 and 3.
Common issues
Unfair dismissal
Sexual harassment
Dispute about an award or agreement
Dismissal under general protections
For pay, leave and other entitlements visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website
Where to find help
Find legal help and advice about workplace issues. You may choose to represent yourself instead of hiring a lawyer or paid agent.
Find out about the Closing Loopholes Acts and what’s changing at the Commission.
Enterprise agreements and awards
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News and updates
Paid agents consultation
Minimum wage increases for aged care employees in the Nurses Award 2020
Aged care employees under the Nurses Award will get a pay rise on 1 March 2025.
First applications to vary ECEC Multi-Employer Agreement Approved
Early Childhood Education and Care Supported Bargaining Agreement varied.
Applications to vary Early Childhood Education & Care supported bargaining agreement received
We have published applications to vary and created a new subscriber list.