The following cases are historic judgments made by the predecessors of the Fair Work Commission. They reflect important moments in the history of workplace relations in Australia and form an important part of the Sir Richard Kirby Archives.
Note about accessibility
The following documents are historical documents and are not in an accessible format. If you require an accessible version, please contact us at and we can see if it is possible to obtain an accessible version for you.
1951 Contempt of Court Appeal case
1961 Professional Engineers Australia case 1
1961 Professional Engineers Australia case 2
1967 Metal Trades Work Value Inquiry
1983 Social Welfare Union case
1994 Public Holidays test case
1996 Personal Carers case Stage 2 March
1996 Personal Carers case Stage 2 April
1997 Award Simplification case
2001 Parental Leave for Casuals case