In this episode we provide updated contact details and talk about changes in the compliance landscape, particularly whistleblower disclosures.
Episode 45: Compliance update with the Executive Director
Episode highlights
02:19 Our new contact details
07:32 Independent consultation with registered organisations
10:06 The transfer of inquiries and investigations to the Commission
10:48 An update in the compliance space on whistleblower disclosures
RO pod is the official podcast of the Fair Work Commission. It is copyright to the Commonwealth of Australia. The opinions expressed in RO pod are the opinions of the particular speaker and not necessarily the opinions of the Commission.
This information is general and is not intended to be comprehensive. It is designed to assist in gaining an understanding of the relevant provisions of the legislation, the Commission and its work. The Commission is not able to provide legal or accounting advice.
For further information please see the registered organisations materials on our website or contact us at